Shari J ayne S ebern
su **********@*****.***
IBEX G lobal
May 1, 2 017
Agent/ C SR
O nce U pon a C hild
***** * ** * **** A ve.
San A ntonio, T x 7 8232
October 2 015 t o A ugust 2 016
Keyholder/ F loor S upervisor
o pen a nd c lose s tores o pen a nd c lose r egister.
i n c harge o f h anging a nd t agging c lothing s hifting b oys a nd g irls c lothes a nd p utting o ut n ew demonstrations o f c lothing
07/05/2011 t o 1 1/2013
Live O ak M edical C enter ( C.N.A.)
Provided f ull p atient c are; w hich i ncludes p ersonal h ygiene c are, t aking v ital s igns, f eeding a nd transferring p atients.
Sophie J ohnson 8-30-833-****
Little A corn
B lanco, T exas
May 2 013 - N ovember 2 013
Manage d ay-to-day a ctivities a t a p reschool.Create i nstructional resources f or u se i n t he c lassroom.Develop a cademic p rograms.Monitor students a nd t eachers f or p rogress.Train, e ncourage, a nd m entor teachers a nd o ther s taff.Manage c areer c ounseling.Administer r ecord keeping.Supervise t eachers, c ounselors, l ibrarians, a nd o ther s upport staff.Maintain r apport w ith p arents.Handle t ours a nd m arketing.Prepare budgets a nd a nnual r eports.Work a ctively w ith t eachers t o m aintain h igh curriculum s tandards.Formulate m ission s tatements.Establish performance g oals a nd o bjectives.Explain o r a nswer p rocedural questions.Hire, t rain, a nd e valuate t eachers.Visit c lassrooms a nd observe t eaching m ethods.Examine l earning m aterials.Review instructional o bjectives a nd a djust a ccordingly.Meet w ith o ther administrators, p arents, a nd c ommunity o rganizations. 05/09/2011- 0 6/27/2011
Educare ( C.N.A)
Provided f ull p atient c are; w hich i ncludes p ersonal h ygiene c are, t aking v ital s igns, f eeding a nd transferring p atients. P repared m eals, a ssisted p atients w ith t heir m edication, a nd t ransported patients t o A dult C enter.
H uman R esources: 9-56-428-****
Atm a nd D ebit C ard F raud d epartment
B ank o f A merica
Harlingen, T X 7 8550
Take c all, r eview a ccounts, a nd d etect f raud o r n on f raud, c lose a ccount t hat h ave m ass c omps or f raud, d ata e ntry a nd c ustomer s ervice. Andrea 9-563******
Valley R egional H ospital ( Monitor T ech/U.S./C.N.A) 100 A lton G loor B lvd.
Brownsville, T exas 7 8526
My d uties w ere w atching o ver 1 00 E KG r hythms a nd t o t ranslate t he s trips. O ther d uties i nvolve interring d octor's o rders, a nswering p hones, i nvolve f illing l ab r eports, x -rays, a nd o ther r eports that c ame i nto o ur u nit a nd p lace t hem i nto t heir c hart. P rovided f ull p atient c are w hich including a ll h ygiene n eeds, f eeding a nd v ital s igns. Contact: P atty B arrera 9-56-350-****
Samaritan C are H ospice ( HHA/C.N.A)
9535 F orest L ane
Dallas, T exas 7 5243
Personal c are a nd r elated s ervices i n p atient’s h ome o r i n n ursing h omes f or p atient a dmitted to h ospice p rogram. R equires m oderately t o h eavy p hysical e xertion o n a r egular r ecurring basis, o n s uch a s e xtensive d riving, a ssisting p atients i n t ransfer a ctivities ( wheelchair t o b ed, showers, t ub, t o c ommode) a nd p roviding s ubstantial s upport t o i ndividuals i n a mbulation therapy.
Contact: P at J enkins 9-72-690-****
Reference: R uby L ee 2-14-535-**** o r 9-72-424-**** 12-01-08-03
Lexington P lace A ssisted L iving ( C.N.A/ M anager) 7125 M erriman P kwy
Dallas, T exas 7 5243
C N A d uties w ould c onsist o f p roviding f ull p atient c are w hich i ncludes a ll h ygiene n eeds, G-tube f eeding, v ital s igns, d ispensing, d iabetic t esting, a nd i nsulin i njections. M anger d uties consist o f s cheduling a ctivities f or t he p atients. S upervising t he r esident’s, s taff, h iring, l etting staff g o, c ommunication a mong s taff, r esidents a nd f amilies, r esident’s a dmissions, p ayroll, scheduling o f e mployees, m eetings a nd i n s ervices a nd o rientations. Contact: C hristine T obias 2-14-361-****
09-2001 - 06-2001
Caruth H aven C ourt A ssisted L iving ( C.N.A.-M.A) Dallas, T exas
Patient s ervices w hich i ncluded; d ispensing m edication, d iabetic t esting, h ygiene c are, t aking vital s igns, f eeding, a nd t ransferring p atients. 06-200*-**-****
Briarcliff N ursing H ome ( C.N.A)* T yler, T exas
P atient s ervices w hich i ncluded; d ispensing m edication, d iabetic t esting, h ygiene c are, t aking vital s igns, f eeding, a nd t ransferring p atients. A ssisted w ith c atheter i nsertion a nd c are, recorded a ll p atients i ntake a nd o utput. 1999-2001
Manpower T emporary A gency * Phoenix, A Z
Insurance P rovider R epresentative
Provided M ember s ervices w ith U nitedhealthcare, v erified e ligibility s tatus o f m embers w ith physicians a nd w orked d irectly w ith c lients r eviewing r equests a nd a nswering q uestions. Utilized; C sc, P DS, Q -STAR, a nd U NET c omputer s ystems. 1997-1999
Manpower * San A ntonio, T X
Medical A ssistant/ F ront o ffice
Provided f ront a nd b ack o ffice w ork f or; T he D iagnostic C enter o f S an A ntonio, T X. Front o ffice d uties i ncluded c lerical w ork, d ata e ntry, c omputer f iling, a nd o peration o f P BX system, c oordinating a ppointments a nd a cquiring c onfirmation o f i nsurance s tatus. Back o ffice d uties i ncluded t aking V .S., o btaining B lood w ork, g iving i njections, a dministering EKG’s e xams, p reparing p atients f or p hysicians a nd t aking p rogress n otes. Related S kills
● Bilingual i n c onversational S panish.
● Strong o rganizational a nd d etail-oriented s kills.
● Effectively h andles m ultiple t asks.
● Independent; w orks w ith m inimal s upervision a nd c ontributes t o a t eam. Education
James P ace H igh S chool
Texas C areers M edical S chool
1997 M edical A ssistant
Tyler J unior C ollege
2001 N ursing A ssistant
Certified N ursing A ssistant
Nifa S ipan
Xavier G arcia
Josh O labarrieta
Samantha R aumaker
Alice S eal
Ruby L ee