Marc H orton
Digital M arketing & S ocial M edia S trategist S ales/CRM G rowth H acker
Transamerica, C orona, C A I ndependent A gent August 2 015 - P RESENT
Licensed L ife & H ealth i nsurance a gent ( CA, C T, M E, N H, V A- CoveredCA C ertified) w ith W orld F inancial G roup ( WFG), a d ivision o f Transamerica F inancial S ervices. O ffering c omprehensive f inancial planning s ervices i ncluding r etirement p lanning, e state p lanning, a nd pension p lans f or b usinesses.
Avid T echnology, L os A ngeles, C A A vid C ertified O perator December 2 008 - P resent
Freelance P ro T ools S ound E ngineer ( Editor / M ixer) ( IMDb) - P erform quality a nalysis o f s ound m edia, i dentifying a udio e rrors s uch a s d igital artifacts, h igh n oise f loor, t runcated a udio f iles, a nd s onic inconsistencies a nd d igitally r estoring o ld o r d amaged a udio. Anthem B lue C ross, W oodland H ills, C A H ealth P lan Advisor / I ndividual R etention ( Contract)
October 2 016 - F ebruary 2 017
Responsible f or b rand p romotion a nd s ales t o i ncrease m ember retention ( decrease i n l apse r ates) b y w orking w ith a t-risk m embers, providing h igh-touch d ifferentiated, e ngaging c ustomer s ervice a nd CRM s upport f or A nthem B lue C ross i n a n i nbound c all-center environment.
Theatre o f A rts, L os A ngeles, C A D irector o f S trategic Marketing
November 2 013 - O ctober 2 015
Developed t he s trategic a nd c reative m arketing d irection t o i ncrease s ite traffic, o rganic p age r ank a nd v isitor/ c ustomer r etention u tilizing SEO/SEM t echniques a nd p aid a dvertising c ampaigns o n s earch a nd social m edia n etworks. D eveloped C RM s trategies t o d rive r evenue a nd deliver o n k ey b rand a ttributes o f e ducation, p ersonalization a nd h uman touch, p roviding c reative d irection i n t he d esign a nd f ront-end development o f o nline/offline c ommunication t o e nsure c onsistent messaging.
Account M anagement
Social M edia M arketing
Search E ngine O ptimization
Search E ngine M arketing
Mobile M arketing
Lead G eneration
Social M edia A dvertising
Content M arketing
Content M anagement ( CMS)
Google A nalytics
MS E xcel ( Pivot T ables)
MS P owerPoint
Data V isualization
Google A dWords
Customer R elationship
Management ( CRM )
Consultative S elling
Customer S ervice/Call C enter
Content d evelopment
Internet M arketing, M .S.,
Full S ail U niversity - W inter
Park, F L
Communications, B .A.,
Hampton U niversity -
Hampton, V A
The R ecording A cademy, S anta M onica, C A E vent Coordination S pecialist ( Contract)
Jan 2 010 - F ebruary 2 013
Assisted i n c ustomer s ervice, c onsultative s ales, l ogistic d istribution, and e vent c oordination f or T he N ational A cademy o f R ecording A rts a nd Sciences’ a nnual ' Grammy A wards' t elecast. M anaged m embership accounts i n t he d istribution o f a ll a ssociated e vent c ollateral i n A rchtics
/ T icketmaster C RM d atabase, p rocessing c ontractual a greements, t icket release a uthorization f orms, a ccount r econciliations a nd r eporting. Argosy U niversity, E l S egundo, C A A ssistant D irector O f Admissions
June 2 010 - M arch 2 011
Evaluating, d eveloping, a nd r ecommending o ptimal r ecruitment campaign s trategies f or m ultiple l ines o f b usiness. F ulfilled e nd-to-end consultative s ales c ycle ( Inbound/Outbound c all c enter) a nd m arketing strategies t o g enerate n ew b usiness o pportunities i n o rder t o a chieve EDMC e nrollment g oals. M anaged m ultiple C RM d atabases i n t he execution o f h igh v olume p rospect p hone c alls a nd e -mail m arketing campaigns t o s ecure a ppointments f ollow-up a ctivity ( face-to-face interviews, t elephone i nterviews) .
Universal M usic G roup, E l S egundo, C A A ssistant Marketing S trategist
January 2 009 - D ecember 2 009
Supported c ompany a nd a rtist-owned s ocial m edia p roperties – including m oderation, b rand-to-consumer e ngagement, s trategic campaign r ecommendations, a nd C RM d atabase m anagement f or Hidden B each R ecordings ( a d ivision o f U niversal M usic G roup). A ssisted Marketing D irector i n t he p lanning a nd e xecution o f e mail m arketing calendar. C urated, a nalyzed a nd d elivered m onthly p erformance r eports to a rtist, c apturing l abels i mpact o n s ocial/digital r eputation. The R ecording A cademy, S anta M onica, C A M embership Marketing S pecialist
August 2 008 - D ecember 2 009
Coordinated w ith O utreach D irector i n c reating C RM a nd r etention programs ( i ncluding e mail, s ubscription a nd l oyalty) f or t he ‘ Grammy U.’ s tudent m embership p rogram. G enerated l eads f or n ew m embership enrollment a nd c onducted m arket r esearch t hrough i nterviews, f ocus groups, a nd s urveys t o e valuate t he e ffectiveness o f p rograms a nd promotions. C oordinated o ffline e vents a nd d eveloped o nline m arketing strategies w ith C RM i nitiatives ( i ncluding e mail, s ubscription a nd loyalty) t o p rovide a s eamless c ustomer e xperience i n s upport o f customer r etention/enrollment g oals.