Duty m anager ( Admin M anager G SE)
Phone ( +27) 8 2 2 64 6 346
E-mail j ******.******@*****.***
Jacques C loete
Personal I nformation
Marital s tatus: M arried
Nationality: S outh A frican
Age: 4 0
Place o f B irth: G ermiston
I.D N umber: 7-611**-*-***-*-**
Passport N o: A 05770377
Driver L icence: c ode 1 0 ( C1)
Contact n umber: 0-71-6-82-6-255
Dates A ttended: 0 1/01/1990 – 2 8/11/1994
Middelburg T echnical H igh s chool
Matriculated 1 994
Optima B usiness S ervices 0 6 J anuary 1 998 – 1 3 J une 2 003 Position: F loor M anager a nd p ublic r elations o fficer 1 999 – 2 001 Operations M anager R amp & B aggage 2 001 – 2 003
Experience a nd a reas o f r esponsibilities: 1. Control o f e xcess b aggage a t S outh A frican A irways
I nternational d epartures.
2. Responsible for rostering staff as well as the control of money concerning e xcess b aggage.
3. Ramp co – ordination (baggage) for South African Airways at International departures / arrivals, domestic arrivals and domestic standby.
4. Controlling o perational d uties a t t he c all c enter. 5. Ramp c o-ordination f or T AAG A ngolan A irlines. ( Arrival a nd d eparture) 6. Cargo controller (TAAG) at the aircraft, concerning the correct distribution of containers and pallets with regard to weight and balance of the a ircraft.
P acific A rchitects E ngineers ( PAE) 1 5 J une 2 003 – 3 0
S eptember 2 006
P osition: R amp / I nfo C ontroller
Experience a nd a reas o f r esponsibilities: Info C ontroller:
1. Gathered and distributed all information to appropriate terminal functions a nd m anaged a ll a vailable r esources. 2. Receive a ll d ocumentation a nd m oved: p assengers, c argo a nd m ail. 3. Prepared a nd s ubmitted l oad d istribution m essages a nd a ircraft
m ovement m essages w ithin 3 0 m inutes o f d epartures. 4. Reported d etailed i nformation t o A ir t erminal o fficer o f s cheduled
d eparture, e ntailing p otential d elay, a borts. A ircraft i ncidents a nd / o r
a ccidents. A lso t he r eport o f a ll c hocks o n, c hocks o ff a nd a ctual
d eparture t ime.
Ramp C ontroller:
1. Coordinated all space on the tarmac / ramp and the management of the d ocumentation d atabase.
2. Served as the focal point for all information relating to the airlift traffic flow.
3. Met all aircraft and collected traffic documentation, and the physical check of all arrival, departure and transit cargo by pallet position, weight, d estination a nd p allet I .D.
4. Also delivered mission documentation packets, and provided a complete and accurate load brief to outbound aircraft commander or representative.
5. Maintained u p t o d ate d atabase o f a ll a ircraft w ithin m ission a rea. 6. Maintained the cargo processing database reporting all cargo movements.
Menzies Aviation 01 March 2008 till 31
December 2 016:
P osition: O perations C ontroller t ill 3 1 D ecember 2 009 Duty manager Freighter Operations 1 Jan 2010 to 31 December 2 016
Experience a nd a reas o f r esponsibilities: 1. Ensure a ll s taff o bey c ompany r ules a nd r egulations. 2. Oversee a ll f unctions d uring f light o perations. 3. Ensure t hat a ll s taff r eport f or d uty a ccording t o t he p ublished roster.
4. Ensure t hat a ll s taff c ompletes t heir d aily t ask b efore t he u se o f any e quipment o r v ehicles.
5. Ensure t hat o nly q ualified s taff a re r ostered o n f lights. 6. Ensure t hat a ll s taff w ear t heir f ull u niform a nd P PE w hen o n d uty. 7. Ensure t hat t he s upervisors p repare t he p arking b ay f or a rrival a nd departure o f t he f lights.
8. Ensure t hat a ll t he s taff a dhere t o A CSA s afety r ules a nd regulations.
9. Ensure t hat a ll t he s taff a dhere t o t he r ules a nd r egulations o f t he clients.
10. Control t ime a nd a ttendance.
11. Log a ll i ncidents a nd a ccidents.
12. Ensure t hat a ll s taff a re t rained i n t he p osition t hey a re w orking. 13. Monitor a nd d o q uality c ontrol o n t he l oading a nd o ffloading o f t he aircraft.
14. Ensure t hat a ll s taff a ttend c ourses a nd a llocate l eave a ccording t o the b udget.
15. Assist w ith a udits.
16. Ensure t hat a ll p aperwork i s r equested a nd d elivered t o t he c rew. 17. Ensure t hat c rew t ransport i s a rranged a nd d one. 18. Ensure t hat a ll a dmin i s u p t o d ate a nd c omplete. 19. All e quipment u sed a t t he a ircraft m ust b e s erviceable a nd i n operational c ondition.
20. Ensuring t hat o n-time p erformance a s p er r ostered t imes a nd airline r equirements.
professional a ctivities
Part time check – in at International and domestic departures as well as boarding for S outh A frican A irways.
Languages A frikaans a nd E nglish References N ad M oodley – S outh A frican A irways. ( 083-*-**-*-***)
R upert G reyling – T aag A ngola A irlines. ( 083-*-**-*-***)
W .H A ckerman – P acific A rchitects E ngineers ( +243-*-*-*-**-*-***)
M erriam M otlengoa – M enzies A viation + 27 8 3 7 26 1 518