- Nationality: Yemeni.
- Place of Birth: Taiz.
- Date of Birth: 1984.
- Marital Status: Married.
- Address: Riyadh Umm Alhamam District.
- Ht$bies: Reading and Writing.
- Languages: Arabic, Engiish.
- Mobile: +966-560003 879-********* 8.
-Email : ahm e d::if4 4 @yahoo. c om
Work Experiences:
Basic Skills and
Computer and Affice
- Bachelor of languages, English language, faculty of arts - with the overall grade ofgood.
- working for Tadhamon Intemational Islamic Bank in western union.
- Working for alqadri for fabrics and embroideries as a shipping coordinator
- Working as a faflslator for Yasser Center for Computer Services
- workiag as us visa coordinator for Embassies service cer$er - Riyadh De
- working as us visa coordinator for Embassies services office-Jeddah- Opposite to US Consulate general Jeddah.
Having acomputer diploma in secretary.
Havrng a diploma in accounting systems.
Having a Course in discovery of a suspect currency from Tadhamon Bank.
Havrng a Course in management of Customers Service from Institute of Banking studies.
Attend a toaining course in US Consulate General Jeddah in Visa Section.
- Excellent journalism skills.
- High translation skills in English and Arabic Languages.
- Master over commercial terms.
- Excellent writing and communications skills coupled with sound business judgment.
- Good skills in producing drafts and clear concise reports, containing findings and recommendations.
- Condusting search on Internet.
- Performing other duties typically expected of the position.
- A very good knowledge of clerical and administrative works.
- Capability to work within atearn.
- Ability to work under pressure.
- Readiaess to work over time.
- Williagness to work on weekends and holidays.
- Excellent computer skills.
-Ms-Windows, Ms-Word Ms-Excel, Ms-Access, Ms-Power point.
-Very good familiarity with Internet.
-Fair speed and accuracy in English and Arabic typmg.