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User Advocacy Content Reviewer

San Jose, CA
December 28, 2017

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Michael D avid S onsini


**** * ********* * ****

San J ose, C A 9 5118

Phone: 4-08-373-****

Professional W ork H istory

BCforward/Accenture/Google P alo A lto, C A A ugust 2 015 t o A ugust 2 017 Trust a nd S afety V endor L abs

User A dvocacy C ontent R eviewer a t G oogle I w as p art o f a n e xperimental p roject t hat h elps b etter t he u ser e xperience when u sing o nline p roducts. T opics c overed a nd a nalyzed: A ccount S ecurity; Malware & P hishing; R isky D ownloads & U nwanted S oftware; S pam & A buse; O nline Scams & F raud, O nline R eputation & P resence; C hild S afety; C hild S exual A buse; Human T rafficking; H ealthcare & D rugs; A dult C ontent; H arassment & B ullying; Violence & T errorism.

Researched a nd a nalyzed u ser a nd i ndustry t rends t o s urface p otential improvements; C onducted u ser e xperiences t esting p roducts t o i dentify b ugs, poor u ser e xperiences a nd m ajor r isks; a dvocate f or p roduct, p olicy, p rocess, and u ser e ngagement i mprovements t hat r esulted i n m easurable i mpact o n u ser safety a nd e xperience

-Tested a nd d ocumented r esults f or G oogle H ome s mart s peaker d evice

-Created t axonomies t o e nable a utomated f iltering o f u ser f eedback f or t he client.

-In c harge o f d ocumenting w orkflow i nefficiencies a nd d iscrepancies t o i mprove project’s f uture t raining p rocesses a nd m aterials

-Implemented p roductivity m etrics t o h elp s et t eam’s v arious p roject expectations w ith c lient p roject m anagers.

-Ensured a ctive c ommunication b etween m y t eam a nd t he c lient t hrough identifying a nd d ocumenting p rocess b reakdowns a nd s treamlining t he w orkflow

-Responsible f or h elping t rain n ew t eam m embers

-Made s ure S EO a nd U X a re t he n umber o ne p riority w ith a ll p rojects

-Active i n t he Q A p rocess a t t he e nd o f e very p roject

-Created t est a ccounts f or f uture r esearch s tudies Milestone T echnologies P alo A lto, C A M arch 2 015 t o A ugust 2 015 User A dvocacy C ontent R eviewer a t G oogle P roduct Q uality O perations I w as p art o f a n e xperimental p roject t hat h elps b etter t he u ser e xperience when u sing o nline p roducts. T opics c overed a nd a nalyzed: A ccount S ecurity; Malware & P hishing; R isky D ownloads & U nwanted S oftware; S pam & A buse; O nline Scams & F raud, O nline R eputation & P resence; C hild S afety; C hild S exual A buse; Human T rafficking; H ealthcare & D rugs; A dult C ontent; H arassment & B ullying; Violence & T errorism.

-Created t axonomies t o e nable a utomated f iltering o f u ser f eedback f or t he client.

-In c harge o f d ocumenting w orkflow i nefficiencies a nd d iscrepancies t o i mprove project’s f uture t raining p rocesses a nd m aterials

-Implemented p roductivity m etrics t o h elp s et t eam’s v arious p roject expectations w ith c lient p roject m anagers.

-Ensured a ctive c ommunication b etween m y t eam a nd t he c lient t hrough identifying a nd d ocumenting p rocess b reakdowns a nd s treamlining t he w orkflow

-Responsible f or h elping t rain n ew t eam m embers

-Made s ure S EO a nd U X a re t he n umber o ne p riority w ith a ll p rojects

-Active i n t he Q A p rocess a t t he e nd o f e very p roject

-Created t est a ccounts f or f uture r esearch s tudies

-Trained i n o ther w orkflows w ithin t he T SVL d epartment t o a ssist w hen n eeded Milestone T echnologies M ountain V iew, C A A ugust 2 014 t o M arch 2 015 Tech S upport T ier 2 o nsite a t G oogle

Provided t op-tier I T s upport f or a ll d igital c ontent i n t he G oogle P lay S tore, assisted w ith a m ultitude o f d evices a nd u sers f rom a round t he w orld t hrough both e -mail a nd t elephone c ommunications.

ZeroChaos/Google M ountain V iew, C A J une 2 013 t o J une 2 014 Ads Q uality R ater ( Spanish/English)

Evaluated t he a ccuracy o f G oogle w eb a dvertising i n b oth E nglish a nd S panish. Communicated e ffectiveness o f w eb l ayouts a nd i nformation v ia o nline t ools. Responsible f or r eporting a nd t racking t he v isual q uality a nd c ontent a ccuracy of G oogle a ds, q ueries a nd l anding p ages. P rojects w orked o n i nvolved examining a nd a nalyzing t ext, w eb p ages, i mages, u ser i ntent a nd a lgorithm monitoring. I p ossess a n i n d epth, u p-to-date f amiliarity c oncerning S panish culture, w eb u sage, p olitics, c onsumer b ehavior, r egional l anguages, t elcom, banking, g overnment, m edia a nd p ast o r p resent p olitical s ituations. One t o O ne S chool o f L anguages M adrid, S pain N ovember 2 003 t o J uly 2 011 Teacher

Prepared, c oordinated, s cheduled, l evel t ested a nd t aught E nglish t o t he Spanish M inistry o f D efence ( EMID), C anal I sabel I I, S panish M inistries, C NIC, Evolnetmedia, R EPSOL, C arlson W agonlit, N ational G eographic a nd t he C ommunidad de M adrid. C lass d iscussions, e xercises a nd t opics w ere f ocused o n g overnment, logistics, I T, m ilitary t raining, c ommunications, p ublic p olicies, h ealthcare, economics, l aw, p olitics, p ublic u tilities i ssues, i nterviewing t echniques, civil e ngineering a nd a ccounting.

Sun M icrosystems M enlo P ark, C A O ctober 2 001 – A ugust 2 003 Film a nd V ideo P roject M anager

Coordinated t he a ctivities o f w riters, d irectors, m anagers, a nd o ther personnel t hroughout t he p roduction p rocess. M onitored p ost-production processes i n o rder t o e nsure a ccurate c ompletion o f a ll p rojects. P erformed management a ctivities s uch a s b udgeting, s cheduling, p lanning, a nd m arketing. Directed a nd p roduced s hows f or c orporate e vents a nd t estimonials. Fat B ox I nc. S an M ateo, C A September 1 997 – S epTember 2 001 Film a nd V ideo P roject M anager

Conducted m eetings w ith s taff t o d iscuss p roduction p rogress a nd t o e nsure production o bjectives w ere a ttained. M onitored p ost-production p rocesses i n order t o e nsure a ccurate c ompletion o f a ll f inished p roject d etails. R esolved personnel p roblems t hat a rose d uring t he p roduction p rocess b y a cting a s a liaison b etween d issenting p arties w hen n ecessary. P erformed a dministrative duties s uch a s p reparing o perational r eports, d istributing r ehearsal c all sheets a nd s cript c opies, a nd a rranging f or r ehearsals. Henry S chein I nc R eno/Sparks J une 1 995-July 1 997 Territory S ales M anager

Responsible f or s ales o f m edical a nd p harmaceutical p roducts t o d octors i n private p ractice i n t he L os A ngeles a rea. D etailed a nd s old a n a rray o f pharmaceuticals a nd m edical s upply p roducts t o b oth p hysicians a nd t heir staff.

Education B ackground

San J ose S tate U niversity S an J ose, C A Bachelor o f A rts: A dvertising; M inor: M arketing ITC M adrid, S pain

TEFL C ertificate

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