Michael G . D owling
*** * ******** * **** (m) 7-03-401-****
Palmyra, V A 2 2963 ****.*********@*****.***
Accomplished p rofessional w ith 1 0+ y ears o f s ales a nd m anagement e xperience. P roven r evenue g enerator independent o f m arket c onditions, a dept a t b uilding r elationships w ith c lients a nd d riving s ales. E xperienced practitioner o f t he c ustomer c entric " consultative s ales" a pproach. C ore c ompetencies i nclude: Customer R elationship M anagement • S ales P lanning • N egotiation • F orecasting
C onsultative s elling • E xceptional c ustomer s ervice s kills WORK E XPERIENCE
Professional H ome I nspector: V irginia L icensed & I nterNACHI C ertified NEXTDAY I NSPECT L LC - S terling, V A - J uly 2 016 t o P resent Perform f ull e nergy a udits i ncluding i nfiltrometer a nalysis, a nalyze d uctwork, e valuate i nsulation r equirements a nd HVAC e quipment. P repare a nd p resent i nspection r eport. R adon T esting, h ome e nergy a uditor, D OE H ome S core Certified. B usiness d evelopment, n egotiate c ontracts, p rospecting. Sales C onsultant & C ertified E nergy S pecialist COMFENRERGY L LC, P OWERED B Y D R. E NERGY S AVER / M ID-ATLANTIC W ATERPROOFING - Washington, D C - M ay 2 013 t o J une 2 016
•Inspect f oundation f or s tructural a nd w ater/moisture i ssues, m old.
•Perform e nergy a udits o f c ommercial a nd r esidential p roperties f inding s olutions r educing e nergy c onsumption
a nd i mproving c omfort.
•Present f indings, o ffer s olutions, n egotiate & c lose c ontracts. C lose r atio 3 0%.
•Products: w indows, i nsulation ( spray f oam, f iberglass, c ellulose) a nd w ater m anagement s olutions Project S ales C onsultant
SEARS H OME I MPROVEMENT D IVISION - W ashington, D C - S eptember 2 011 t o A pril 2 013 Provide e stimates, n egotiate a nd c lose c ontractual a greements, L icensed i n M D/DC/VA
• P roducts: R oofing, W indows, S iding, D oors ( Garage a nd E ntry), H VAC, K itchen a nd B ath ( Remodeling) Area M anager
FAMILY F INANCIAL C ENTERS - B altimore, M D - A ugust 2 006 t o S eptember 2 011 Provides r etail f inancial s ervices o utside t he p urview o f t raditional b anks.
• S uccessfully i mplemented b usiness p lan o pening & o perating t hree r etail l ocations ( 9+ e mployees).
• C ompliance O fficer m onitoring f or f raudulent t ransactions, m oney l aundering a nd s uspicious a ctivity
• T rained & c oached s taff i n C RM s ystems o peration, f inancial t racking s ystems, c ustomer s ervice a nd s ales. Director o f B usiness D evelopment
NETWORK A UDIT S ERVICES - B oca R aton, F L - D ecember 2 003 t o A ugust 2 006 Implemented s trategic a nd t actical d irection f avorably p ositioning c ompany i n c ommunications a sset a uditing utilizing N AS c ustomizable a sset m anagement s oftware, A uditCom. D efined s ales a nd m arketing p lans, reviewed s ales p erformance, n egotiated c ontracts, a nd m aintained c ustomer r elationships.
• E xpanded r evenue b y 4 0% w ith s trategic c ustomer b y u p s elling l ocal d ivision's c ustomized s olution.
• C ommunicated w ith c ompany p resident o n a d aily b asis t o c oordinate a nd o ptimize r esources. Michael G . D owling
520 J efferson D rive (m) 7-03-401-****
Palmyra, V A 2 2963 ****.*********@*****.***
Regional S ales M anager
WILTEL ( WILLIAMS) C OMMUNICATIONS - J anuary 2 003 t o O ctober 2 003 Directed a nd m otivated a g eographically d ispersed t eam o f s ales r epresentatives i n s ecuring a nd s ervicing major T elecom i ndustry c lients. C oordinated n umerous i nternal d epartments a nd r esources t o m eet, a nd exceed, c ustomer r equirements. M aintained c onstant c ommunication w ith c ustomer b ase.
• S uccessfully p reserved a nd, i n m any i nstances, g enerated n ew s ales o pportunities i nto s trategic a ccounts,
P TT's a nd I nternational C ustomers, d uring t he c ompany's b ankruptcy p roceedings.
• A chieved m onthly d ata s ales t argets o f $ 30,000 g ross r ecurring r evenue a nd e xceeded c lient-specific v oice
r evenue t argets b y 1 5% b y e xpanding c urrent b usiness a nd r eviving s ales f rom " stale" a ccounts. Director o f S ales - E urope, t he A mericas a nd A lliance A ccounts WILTEL ( WILLIAMS) C OMMUNICATIONS - T ulsa, O K - A pril 2 001 t o J anuary 2 003 April 2 001 - J anuary 2 003
Hand-picked t o d rive t he e xpansion o f n ew a nd e xisting I nternational C arrier r elationships. B uilt a nd m anaged top p erforming t eam o f 7 s ales m anagers a nd o ne s ales a dministrator. C onducted E xecutive l evel m eetings to e nsure a pproval a nd c losure o f t eam d eals.
• E xceeded s ales g oals w hile d elivering t he p roper m ix o f p roducts a s m andated b y u pper m anagement.
• H onored w ith P resident's C lub r ecognition i n 2 001.
• P ropelled s ales t o 1 14% o f 2 001 q uota a nd 1 37% o f $ 35.2 m illion q uota i n 2 002. Senior C arrier S ales M anager - N ortheast R egion WILTEL ( WILLIAMS) C OMMUNICATIONS - T ulsa, O K - M arch 2 000 t o A pril 2 001 March 2 000 - A pril 2 001
Exceeded e xpectations t hrough t ireless e fforts t o s tructure a nd o btain a pproval f or b ig t icket s ales t o b oth s tartup and e stablished c arriers i n t he N ortheastern U S. T racked s tatus o f a pprovals, i nstallations a nd m aintained a f ull p ipeline o f o pportunities.
• R ecognized w ith C ircle o f E xcellence A ward i n 2 000 b y p lacing s econd i n s ales o ut o f 4 5 p eers b y a chieving 532% o f q uota.
• G enerated 9 0% o f n ew r evenue b y p ersonally s ecuring n ew a ccounts r epresenting c ombined t otal r evenue in e xcess o f $ 13.6 m illion.
Licensed H ome I nspector L icense # 338*******, J uly 1 , 2 017 Certified P rofessional H ome I nspector - I nterNACHI # 16092125,Sept 2 016 Certificate i n E nergy A uditing & B uilding E nvelope S cience - D r E nergy S aver - S eymour, C T, 2 014 Certificate i n L andman F undamentals. L andman A cademy - H ouston, T X, 2 012 t o 2 013 M.S. i n E conomics, W EST V IRGINIA U NIVERSITY - M organtown, W V B.S. i n G eology, W EST V IRGINIA U NIVERSITY - M organtown, W V Certificate i n C onsultative S ales-Techniques & S trategic S elling- W ST S ales P RO - T ulsa, O K ADDITIONAL I NFORMATION
Computer s kills: M S O ffice S uite; M S P roject M anagement; S iebel; M icrosoft C RM; S alesforce.com; ClientRunner C RM; G reenPro E stimating S oftware; I nspector P ro 4 ; A dobe P rofessional, I nspect I T; Q uickbooks