Personnel Information
A. Proposed position (Tick the relevant box)
Prime Candidate
Key Personnel
Prime Candidate
Alternative Candidate
B. Personal Data
Mustafa Muhsin Shahid
Date of Birth
31st December 1982
Years overall experience
National ID No.
411********** IBA no.( If has)
Years of Employment with the Tenderer
Professional Qualifications: Diploma In Civil Engineer Year of Passing: 2004
From: Civil Engineering From Dhaka Polytechnic Institute, Bangladesh.
C. Present Employment [to be completed only if not employed by the Tenderer] N/A
Name of Procuring Entity:
Address of Procuring Entity:
Present Job Title:
Years with present Procuring Entity:
Tel No.
Contact [manager/personnel officer
D. Professional Experience
Summarize professional experience over the last more than thirteen years, in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project
Company/Project/Position/Relevant technical and management experience
December 2016
Till Date
Position : Project In charge/ Site Engineer
Responsible for quality assurance of materials, procurement materials according requirement quantities of individual items.
Responsible for “Mixed Design “of different class concrete and road materials of individual layer.
Responsible for checking of Routine Test of field laboratory such as Cylinder, Cube, Gradation of materials, Unite weight Aggregate, Water Absorption, Flakiness and Elongation, 10% fine value and field compaction test by sand replacement method, Atterberge limit for sub-grade & Binder & Wearing Course materials and Sample test of Bricks and M.S. Bars.
Responsible for overall Management, Planning, Quality control of Steel and R.C.C. Structural Works.
Responsible for checking and recommendation of quality adjustment as like as variation orders.
Responsible for checking “As Built Drawings” for various packages.
February 2008
November 2016
Company : AJ GROUP
Position : Project Engineer
Responsibilities :
Responsible for checking of whole work before hand over to the authority.
Prepared summary report procurement & inventory of individual project.
Estimation of various projects like commercial & Residential building.
Supervision of all needed in the construction of various renovation work and 10-14 storied building of Industrial starting with pilling and end with finishing work.
Responsible for checking of Routine Test of field Laboratory such as Cylinder, Cube Gradation of materials, Unite Weight of Aggregate, Water Absorption, Flakiness and Elongation, 10% fine Value and field Compaction Test by sand replacement method, Atterberge limit for Sub-grade & Binder & Wearing course materials and Sample test of Bricks and M.S. bars.
December 2004
January 2008
Company: Ambon Properties Ltd.
Position : Field Engineer ( from Dec, 2004 to Nov. 2006 )
Asst. Engineer ( from Dec, 2006 to Jan. 2008 )
Responsibilities :
Site Supervision.
Responsible for coordination with different agencies such as Architects/design section/consultants/clients/sub-contractors.
Responsible for checking of field lay-out with comparison of approved estimated lay-out drawings etc.
Responsible for activities performing various field tests as per guideline and standard.