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Senior Full Stack Web Developer

McKinney, TX
120k - 150k
December 21, 2017

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Andrew K issel

Senior F ull S tack

Web D eveloper



Summary Senior w eb d eveloper w ith 1 8 y ears o f e xperience i n w eb d esign a nd development, d igital s trategy, a nd s ysadmin. Proficient i n project and client communication.

Skill H ighlights

Fluent in front-end web development technologies including HTML,CSS, and Javascript/ES6 and the React framework,as well as back-end PHP development in LAMP or LEMP, building both procedural-based web services and framework-driven web applications in Laravel or Codeigniter.Experience in API integration,build tools, team VCS/ Git. Strong team management and communication experience. ᅳ


WaveHost / F ounder, h ttps://

2016 - P RESENT

Manage w ebsite h osting a nd s erver i nfrastructure f or s mall a nd m edium businesses, L inux s erver O S a dministration a nd r esource m onitoring, proactive s ecurity o versight, a nd s ervice t roubleshooting. Freelance / S enior F ull S tack W eb D eveloper 2006 - P RESENT

Serve c orporate c lients a nd c reative a gencies a s a s enior w eb d eveloper a nd digital s trategy c onsultant f ocusing o n c omplex w ebsites a nd w eb a pplications; Collaborate w ith c reative t eams t o b uild r esponsive / a daptive w ebsites u sing standards-based f ront-end a nd b ack-end c oding p ractices. C an o perate w ithin agile p roject m anagement p rocesses i ncluding S CRUM, w hile o ffering c lear peer a nd c lient c ommunication t hroughout c oncept, e xecution, q uality assurance a nd l aunch/post.

SCAD/City o f D allas / S enior/GIS A nalyst 2002 - 2 006,

Served a s a G IS a nalyst a nd t hen S enior G IS a nalyst a t a c ounty a ppraisal o ffice and t he C ity o f D allas, r espectively. O versaw a c ity-wide G IS i ntegration between t hree g overnmental a gencies; D eveloped e arly w eb-based interactive G IS m apping s ites.

Cryptologic T echnician / U nited S tates N avy 1999 - 2 002,

Maintained c ryptologic h ardware a nd s oftware f or l and, a ir, a nd m aritime communications a nd s atellite s ystems; H eld a T S/SCI s ecurity c learance. ᅳ

Education/Certifications Naval T echnical T raining C enter 1999 - 2 000, N TTC C orry S tation

1 y ear, $ 1 m illion t echnical t raining i n C ryptology, E lectronic W arfare a nd G lobal Networking s ystems; A chieved a T op S ecret/SCI s ecurity c learance; G raduated w ith Honors.



Achieved t he C isco C ertified N etwork A ssociate c ertification. ᅳ

Notable M entions VoyageDallas M agazine

September 2 017

Published i nterview d iscussing m y c areer a chievements a nd e xperience a s o ne o f Dallas’ p remier s enior w eb d evelopers.

Notable P rojects Dallas A rts D istrict / h ttp:// 2015

A b eautiful r edesign f or t he n ation's l argest c ontiguous a rts d istrict e legantly contains a s ophisticated t echnology p latform t hat I p roudly c onstructed. T his 6 m onth d uration p roject r uns o n a W ordpress b ack-end t hat s eamlessly integrates w ith t hird-party s ervices i ncluding K ERA’s A rt&Seek n ews f eed. Loft O rbital / h ttps://


A f ast-growing s tartup i n t he e merging c ommercial s pace t echnology i ndustry, this s imple w ebsite f or L oft O rbital i s a m arketing t ool f or p rospective s atellite data s ystems c ustomers a nd v enture c apital i nterest. CrayPay / h ttps://


As a d isruptor i n t he m obile p ayments p latform s pace, t his r esponsive / adaptive m arketing w ebsite f or C rayPay a ssists b oth c onsumers a nd i nvestors in d efining t he a dvantage o f t his r evolutionary g ift c ard a nd r etail a pp. Joseph N oble / h ttp://


Beautifully w oven t extiles d eserve a d igital p resence o f n o l ess b rilliance. That's w hat I 've a chieved w ith t he J oseph N oble w ebsite, a d istinctive b rand built o n d iscerning t echnology t hat i ncludes a C RM a nd i nventory s ystem.

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