Mohamed Salah Fawzy Mohamed
Contact Information
Name: Mohamed Salah Fawzy Mohamed
Address: Shoubra, Cairo,Egypt
Mobile: 010********
Personal Information
Date of birth: 14/03/1994
Nationality: Egyptian
Marital Status: single
Military status :Final Exception
Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Power Department - 2017
Faculty: shoubra Faculty of Engineering
University: Benha University
Graduation Grade : Pass (62.5% )
Graduation year grade: Good
Graduation Project : Hvac
Graduation project grade: Excellent
English: Good
Training experience
The engineering training in Arab Contractors
The engineering training in Shubra el kheima Power station.
The engineering training in Cairo Petroleum Company.
The engineering training in zmzm Solar Energy.
The engineering training in Alemad for hvac construction.
Work Experience
Maintenance Engineer at Maxim Ready Mix (Heavy equipments ) .
Projects :
Hvac design of Airport .
Hvac design of call center .
Courses :
Revit MEP
Fire fighting
Microsoft office program ( word, Excel, PowerPoint)