C layton Maxwell Henley (Maxie)
Kilmichael,Mississippi 39747
H 6 62- 262- 7356 C 6 62-5 82- 3384
Career Summary
Heavy equipment operator and associated equipment with 30+ years experience. Honesty,Integrity,Self respect and respect others. Ability to multi task without reduction of judgement. Ability to perform documented daily integrity checks/inspections, always with a positive attitude when faced with work adversity and other challenges. Safety is in the forefront of decisions.
08/2016 current
Building Crafts Inc. 2 Rosewood Drive Wilder,Kentucky 41076 Crane Operator
Constructing & Developing Collector Wells Alliant Energy Beloit,Wisconsin Daily documentation and inspection of crane - Terex RT 230 - checking all rigging on each pick to ensure safety.
Lowering,lifting man basket with personal in collector wells, lowering and lifting casing,pipe,pumps,supplies,machines,sand basket. 50 picks a day. All picks made by radio signal person.
04/2016 06/2016
Sunland Construction
Class A CDL Driver / tanker endorsement
2016 Kenworth - 40 ft. & 80 ft. stringing trailers - 48ft. drop deck -pre & post trip inspections, haul and deliver 24 inch steel pipe on 22 miles of right of way. Haul mats & river weights to right of way.
01/28/2015 10/15/2015
Primary Crane Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator
PAE Pacific Architects and Engineers
NSF - National Science Foundation - McMurdo Station, Antarctica Erebus Volcano Ross Ice Shelf
Perform daily integrity inspections and document results. Capable and knowledgeable of equipment trouble shooting. Ability to make repairs of most heavy equipment. Operate Grove RT 875C crane,Cat D9N/ripper,Cat D7E/ripper, Cat 966G loader,Cat 950E loader, bucket,forks, RTD Blade,snow blast, Cat 416 backhoe, Cat Challenger 95E, Case QuadTrac 535, International Loadstar Dump Truck, Set Zodiac boats from shore into McMurdo Bay for National Science Foundation. Attach rigging to safely lift all equipment. Steel Pipe on edge of mountain, Mill Vans,Reefer Units, Boiler Stacks,Bailey Bridge, Maintain Pegasus White Ice Runway 200 ft. x 10,000 ft. Pull weight carts with Case QuadTrac 535 to compact snow. Groom runway. Perform RCR test on runway to evaluate compaction for planes landing. Maintain 20 miles of road on Ross Ice Shelf.Haul fines from ice pier, Load and haul snow in McMurdo Station . Push rocks down mountain and screen fines. Cut ice roller down at edge of shelf. 06/2014 - 09/2014
Sunland Construction Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35450 Heavy Equipment Operator Operate Cat D6T LGP,Cat D6N LGP dozers, Cat 329E, Hitachi 200 trackhoes Clear right of way,topsoil,2t one,pile brush,excavate trenches,slope trenches,dig bell holes,winch equipment up and down mountain,maintain level road for equipment and trucks, bed pipe,backfill trench, return right of way to original condition,load and unload equipment off lowboys,maintain daily logs on equipment operated
08/2013 - 0 6/2014
Ritter Construction Big Spring,Texas 79720
Crane Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator
Operate John Deere 650,750K,Cat D6T,D5 dozers, John Deere 200,Hitachi 200 trackhoes, Grove RT 530 E2,Galion 150FA Cranes, John Deere 310SK backhoe Construct new tank batteries,build platforms,excavate trenches for piping and byp asses,set pipes,valves and equipment with crane, clear right of way,topsoil,excavate trench and cross hot lines from well to tank batteries,lay poly pipe in trench,bed pipe,backfill trenches. 01/20051 2/2011
Faith Construction Kilmichael,Mississippi 39747
Heavy Equipment Operator
Operate New Holland 555D,555E,LB75.B backhoe,John Deere 750 C,Cat D4C XL/ripper,D5C lll dozer, Kubota M9000,John Deere 4630, International 806,Massey Ferguson 150, tractors Build ponds,roads,clear land,house sites,install individual ons ite wastewater treatment plants,haul and spread gravel,sand and dirt,excavate drainage ditches,install storm drains.Install fire hydrants,manholes,wet wells,sewer pipe and water lines. Install new driveways,culverts and waterbars.
05/19801 0/2004
Poplar Creek Water Association Kilmichael,Mississippi 39747 Certified Water and Wastewater Operator
Heavy Equipment Operator
Operate,Maintain and Inspect wells,pipes,chemicals,read meters, Accounts receivable/payable,troubleshoot,draft grants,maintain records.Install pipe and repairs using backhoe,dozer and trenchers.Install manholes,fire hydrants and storm drains. Collect all water and sewer samples as required by Mississippi State Department Health. Attend all CEU classes to maintain certification for 23 years.Complete daily reports and checklist on equipment. Extensive background in locating,unearthing,repairing and backfilling water,sewer,phone cables and fiber optic.
Served on Peer Review Committee 1 year Mississippi State Department Health Education
1964 1976
Kilmichael High School Kilmichael,Ms.
Holmes Jr College Goodman,Ms.
1976 1977
welding and blueprint reading
certified welder
1986 - 2005
Mississippi State Department Health and DEQ
water and wastewater operator
Ms. State Fire Academy Jackson,Ms.
Fire Chief 1987 2005 Poplar Creek Assist Forestry in suppression of wildland fires. Certified on Scott SCBA CPR certification
supervise crews at listed calls:Structural firefighting,automobile extrication,emergency calls for 911 response
Heartsaver CPR AED - Infant CPR eCode 152********* - 07/28/2015 - 07/28/2017 Portland Community College - Training Center ID OR15166 North American Crane Bureau 2013
NCCER Telescopic Boom Crane Certification Lic# 10539095 Rough Terrain / All Terrain Crane (Single Control Station, Rotating Controls ) Industrial / All Purpose Crane Mobile Crane Operations Level Two Mobile Crane Operations Level Three
TWIC E xpires 2 3FEB2018
Class A CDL Tanker Endorsement
High Angle Rescue Training