Sarai M aldonado **** N . H unt L n. A pt * ****
San A ntonio, T X 7 8251
IDEA P ublic S chools, P harr,TX K indergarten T eacher June 2 014 - M ay 2 015
● Led k indergarten c lassroom a s t he p rimary t eacher i n Reading
● Tracked a nd a nalyzed s tudent d ata t hroughout t he y ear t o assess p rogress t owards t argeted e nd-of-year g oals. IDEA P ublic S chools, S an A ntonio, T X K indergarten Teacher, C oach L evel A
August 2 015 - M ay 2 016
● Elected b y c o-workers a s a m ember o f t he T eacher A dvisory Council ( 2 p er c ampus)
● Promoted b y m anager a s C oach L evel A ( a nalyzed d ata a nd gave n ext a ction s teps t o t eachers o n a w eekly b asis)
● Facilitated t eacher p ractice s essions t o i ncrease t eacher confidence a nd a ccuracy i n t heir l esson d elivery. IDEA P ublic S chools, S an A ntonio,TX 1 st G rade T eacher, 1st G rade T eam L eader, C oach L evel B
August 2 016 - M ay 2 017
● Responsible f or m anaging 1 st g rade t eachers a nd e nsuring they h ad t he t ools a nd s upport t o m eet t heir i ndividual goals.
● Performed c ritical a nalysis a nd p rovided g uidance t o management o n s olutions t o h elp t he s chool c orrect inefficiencies t o e nsure s tudents m eet t heir e nd-of-year goals.
● Served o n t he T eacher A dvisory C ouncil t o a ct a s t he v oice of t he c ampus i n d istrict w ide m eetings a nd p olicy-making.
( 2 y ears i n a r ow)
IDEA P ublic S chools, S an A ntonio,TX F ounding A ssistant Principal o f I nstruction a t I DEA B rackenridge A cademy June 2 017 - S eptember 2 017
● Served a s d irect s upervisor o ver P re-K a nd K indergarten grade l evels
● Assisted i n b udgeting f or a f ounding c harter s chool
● Provided o n-the-spot c oaching a nd w eekly c onversations with b ite-sized n ext a ction s teps t o d irect r eports SKILLS
● Event C oordinating
● Decision M aking
● Scheduling
● Microsoft O ffice
● Presenting
● Organizing
● Goal-Oriented
● Conflict M anagement
● Data A nalysis
● Adaptability
● Team P layer
IDEA E astside A cademy 2 017
Teacher o f t he Y ear
2017 A dvanced H igh
Performing T eacher- I DEA
Eastside A cademy
● English
● S panish
● Analyzed c urrent d ata t o p roject t he c ampus’s t rack towards r eaching e nd o f y ear g oals
● Created p rofessional d evelopment t rainings b ased o n t rends targeting p riority t eachers
● Participated o n w eekly c alls w ith b usiness p artners t o summarize w eekly r eports
● Addressed p arent c oncerns o n d aily b asis EDUCATION
South T exas T ransition t o T eaching, E dinburg, T X Alternative T eaching C ertification- B ilingual G eneralist E C-6 June 2 014 - A ugust 2 014
Texas A &M U niversity, C ollege S tation, T X B achelor’s o f Arts i n I nternational S tudies w ith a C oncentration i n P olitics a nd Diplomacy
August 2 011 - M ay 2 014