JENNIFER M ILLS – **** Holly S prings Rd., Rockmart, GA 30153 ( Ph.) 706-***-****(e) **********@*****.***
Ms. Jennifer Mills has p rofessional b ehavior a nd q ualified e xperience a dministering s ecretarial/reception d uties, e xcellent c ommunication a nd customer s ervice s kills. S he h as t he a bility t o c oordinate c onference r oom m eetings, H uman R esources A dmin s upport a nd a bility t o m ult-task with m inimum s upervision a nd p roactively s eek a dditional w ork p erformed a t t he d esk. 4/2016 – 1 2/2017
Great O aks A ssisted L iving, M onroe, G A - C NA, ( 3rd s hift)(11-7)(7-7:30) Perform e ssential C NA, C aregiver d uties a s a ssigned d uring 3 rd s hift p osition. A ttend a nd m onitor r esponses t o p agers, bathroom a nd r oom b utton c alls a sking f or r esidence w ith A lzheimer's d ementia w ho n eed a ssistance. C lear a ll p ager calls. M onitor C are A ssist o nline c omputer c heck i n, c heck o ut h ourly r estroom a nd d iaper c hanges, c heck o ff i n s ystem. Ask f or M edTech a ssistance w hen p otential r esident f alls o ccur, f ill o ut i ncident r eport a nd r ed f lag i n C are A ssist, g ive report t o M edTech t o k eep o n f ile. D ocument m orning t eam m eetings o f a ny e mergencies t hat m ay h ave b een c alled b y the M edTech f rom n ight s hift. G et u p 8 -12 r esidents i n t he 5 am - 7 am m orning s hift f or b reakfast. C hange d iapers, b ed clothes a nd s oiled l inens, p lace i n a b ag, g ive t o h ousekeeping. C lean r ooms, b athrooms & c losets a s n eeded, h elp w ith housekeeping & t rash d uties. M onitor f or r esident s afety, s lips, f alls a nd o ther i njuries, d ocument a nd m ake n otes, r eport to S hift d uty S upervisor. O btained 2 y ear C PR C ertification a nd F irst A id T raining f rom A live a nd W ell, I nc. S afety Training c ourse o n-site a t R esCare H ome C are ( 1/29/16-1/29/18) A ttended F ire D rill E mergency F acility T raining a nd 911 E MT/Fire D ept. R esponse T raining.
1/2016 – 1 2/2017
ResCare H ome C are, W atkinsville, G A, D CS - D irect C are S upport P rofessional A IDE
Provide q uality o f c are t o h ome h ealth e lderly c are. A ssist w ith r outine s cheduled d uties w ith t he c lient f rom h is/her home. D ocument t imes s lips, c lock i n a nd c lock o ut a t t ime o f v isit u sing P OC C lient R escare A pp. P erform s ervice schedule d uties a s o utlined i n t he P atient C are P lan. E ngage i n h ousekeeping d uties, b athing, c hanging b ed l inens, laundry, c leaning b athrooms a nd k itchen. P repare m eals, f ood a nd g ood n utrition. H andle p ersonal c are s uch a s o ral a nd hair c are, t oileting, d ressing, s having, T ake c lient V ital s igns, c heck b lood s ugar a nd b lood p ressure l evels, d ocument i n daily l og. T ransfer c lient f rom b ed t o w /c, w alker, p ower c hair, b edside c ommode o r c rutches a nd c anes. E scort c lients t o doctors a nd p harmacy a ppointments. M onitor p atient a nd h ome a rea f or s afety. O btain 2 y ear C PR a nd F irst A ide Training C ertification f rom A live a nd W ell, I nc. ( 1/29/16 - 1 /29/18). T raining i n C odes o f C onduct f or H uman R esources Policies a nd S tandard P ractices w ith h andling T imesheet s ignatures, S ubmitting h ours w orked, o vertime a nd d riving mileage f or r eimbursement. 2 -Hour I n-Service T raining a t O conee C ounty C hamber o f C ommerce f or n ew m anagement an c ompliance a uditing f or S tate o f G eorgia. 2/2016 - 3 /2017
Rugged W earhouse, A thens, G a. C ashier ( part-time) Part-time C ashier r etail c lerk, c ash h andling, c redit c ard p urchases a nd p rocessing p ersonal c hecks a t t he r egister w hen providing c ustomer s ervice t o m erchandise b uying c ustomers. O pen n ew c ustomer C lub H appy S tore m embership c lub cards u sing c ustomer e mail a ddresses f or o n-site d iscounts a nd $ 5 d ollar c oupons. S tock h andling i n b ack o f s tore, o pen inventory a nd a ssemble c lothing o n r acks t o h ang p roduct o n s ales f loor. A ssist c ustomers w ith d ressing r oom f ittings, opening d oors, o rganize a nd r ehang m erchandise a ppropriately. W ork v arious s hifts, m ostly n ight s hift t o c lose o n Saturdays. S trong a nd d ependable w ork e thic, t eamwork a ttitude. W ork w ell w ith S tore M anagement d uring s hift. Attend h oliday, c ompany p arties & m eetings. 8/2015 – 1 0/2015
Express P rofessional E mployment, A thens, G a. A dmin A ssistant ( temp) Responsibilities:
Professionally a ssist c lients w ith p roject a ssignment, d uties i ncluding a dmin a ssistant, c lerical o ffice f iling w ork o rders, creating a nd o rganizing l abels a nd f ile f olders, s ome c ustomer s ervice a nd o ther d uties a s n eeded. 02/2014 – 1 2/2014
Digicon C orporation, M cLean, V A. R eceptionist C oordinator ( full-time) Professionally a dminister a ll i ncoming c alls a nd e nsure p hone c alls a re r edirected a ccordingly. C heck f or v oice m ail m essages i n the G eneral V oice m ail B ox a nd f orward o n c alls. R eceive, s ort, f orward a nd d ate s tamp i ncoming m ail f rom p ostal s ervice. Coordinate p ick-up a nd d elivery o f e xpress m ail s ervices ( Fed-EX, U PS & O vernight) s hipments a nd s igned f orms. A ssist H R with d istributing b i-monthly p ayroll. C reate n ew h ire f olders, a dd a nd d elete n ew h ire t erms f rom B izLibrary e -learning c enter. Update t ransfer o f e mployee a ctions a nd r un r eports. C ompile H R n ew h ire p aperwork, u pload m odified r esumes i n D igicon a nd update e mployee c ertification s preadsheet. C reate c ube t ags f or n ew h ires. A dd a nd d elete n ew h ires/terms f rom 3 60 R ecognition site. A ssist i n o rdering, r eceiving, s tocking a nd d istributing o ffice s upplies. O pen o ffice s upply p ackages u pon r eceipt a nd p ut away i tems i n s torage r oom a nd r eception a rea. G reet v isitors i n a p rofessional, f riendly, h ospitable m anner w hile f ollowing t he security f acility r equirements f or v isitor l ogging a nd a ssigning b adges. S chedule c onference r ooms/conference c all m eetings o n Shared C alendar a nd r espond v ia e mail a ccepting m eetings a nd r esponding t o a ny r oom c hanges t hat n eed t o b e r eserved o r updated. P rovide c allers w ith i nformation s uch a s c ompany a ddress, d irections t o t he c ompany, c ompany f ax n umbers, c ompany website, o r o ther r elated i nformation. A ssist w ith o ther c lerical d uties - w ater p lants 3 d ays a w eek. U pdate s eating c hart, s pace report a nd p hone l ist d irectory a s n eeded. A ttended c ompany h oliday p arties a nd t raining m eetings t ech w ork a ssistance. 04/2013 – 1 2/2013
HealthSouth R ehabilitation H ospital, S andy, U T P BX O perator/Receptionist ( part-time) Part-time j ob t asks a nd d uties i nclude a nswering i ncoming c alls a nd r outes t o a ppropriate a rea. G reet a ll v isitors; a ssists t hem i n signing i n a nd w earing v endor b adges t o s pecific d epartment. C oordinates s ervices s uch a s s cheduling o utpatient a ppts., registration, a dmits & d ischarges. A ssists w ith d ata e ntry o f i nfo. r elated t o a dmits, d ischarges, n urses a nd p hysician c harges i n ACEIT. R uns & d istributes h ospital c ensus r eport, P atcom r eport & a udit r eport d aily a nd a t t he e nd o f d ay. C hecks a ll t herapy charges a nd a ttaches c ensus t o b ack o f e ach i npatient & o utpatient b atches. R eceives p atients d eductible c opay p ayments, e nters
& s cans d eposits, c harges & a djustments. R eceptionist b ack-up f or e xtra d uty s hifts, w ork 1 0 h r. d ays, w eekends, h olidays a nd in-service i nstruction t raining. K eep u pdated e xcel s preadsheets o f A dministrative m aster d ocuments i n m anual a nd e lectronic formats, w ord, e xcel, P DF a nd P owerPoint s oftware. C reated n ew O rientation m anuals f or n ew h ire s ign i n's w ith o rganized paperwork. O pen a nd c lose h ospital a t b eginning a nd e nd o f s hift d uty. L ock u p d oors t o f ront e ntrance s liding d oors, s ide a nd back d oors t o t he h ospital f acility b eing a ware o f s ecurity a nd s afety c oncerns f or p atients a nd s taff. T urn r eception p hones o ff, turn o ff D ept. l ights, v acuum f ront e ntry a nd w aiting r oom r ugs, l ight h ousekeeping d uties. R eport d irectly t o H uman R esources Director, l ocally. H eadQuarters l ocated i n B irmingham. A L. f or w ork n umber r eferences. H ospital A dministrator o r c urrent attending S r. P hysician M anagement.
04/2012 – 0 7/2012
Amtec S taffing/Orange C ounty S ocial S ervices A gency, S anta A na, C a. D ata E ntry Specialist
Full-time D ata e ntry f unctions, e mail c ommunications a nd t ech s upport a ssistance. E ntered C lient a pplications w hen a pplying f or county a ssistance p rogram – C ash a id, F ood S tamps, M C. O pened n ew c lient i nformation i n C ALWIN s ystem S earched l egal information i n O racle D B, I maged a nd Q .C. d ocuments f or r ecord k eeping/archiving. C ompleted t ransactions f or C ase C learance and B ar C ode c ompliance. R esearched c ase d ata f or d enial/discontinued a nd i nter c ounty t ransfer r equests A ttended b iweekly DET H UB M eetings w ith S upervisors.
04/2011 - 0 2/2012
Crown C ove S r. L iving, C orona d el M ar, C a. C aregiver Full-time d uties w orking 3 rd S hift/NOC s chedule, A ssisted L iving a nd A lzheimer’s D ementia F acility. A ssisted w ith h ygiene duties, c hanging d iapers e very 3 h ours, c hecking o n e lderly s leep p atterns. K eeping w ritten l ogs o f b ehavioral c hanges o f residence, m edication l ogs a nd j anitorial/laundry. A ssisted w ith c are o f g etting u p r esidence d uring A M s hift, c hanged b ed l inens, dressing/showering. O ther d uties t o c ommunicate v ia r adio w ith L VN n urse a nd s taff. A ttended O rientation a nd V ita's H ospice Training o n-site a t C rown C ove F acility. S tudied, t ested a nd p assed m onthly h ealthcare c ertification e lderly/dementia c ourses on-site a t F acility. E xperience w ith E mergency/911 c alls a nd r esponse t eam i ntervention f or p atient c all o uts t o t he n earest Emergency r oom a nd l ocal h ospital. R N n urse c ontacted f amily f or f urther 9 11 i nstruction. 03/2008 - 1 2/2012
SOS S taffing, S alt L ake C ity, U t. C lerical O ffice S taffing Assigned t o w ork f or v arious c lients i n a n o ffice, c lerical w ork e nvironment P erformed f ull-time d ata e ntry f unctions Accounting, A ccounts P ayable, C ollections, B ank R econciliations, I nvoicing. O ffice f iling, s canning, f axing, c opying & m ailing. Updating c lient d ata i n p roprietary s ystems, a ttention t o d etail a nd c ustomer s ervice. 10/2007 - 1 2/2007
Mrs. F ields G ifts, S alt L ake C ity, U T S easonal S ales A ssociate Full-time a ssistant C orp. S ales R eps. D ata e ntry f or e ntering c ustomer s ales o rders f or h oliday p urchases. U ploaded b ulk o rders for s hipment f rom e xcel t emplates i nto p roprietary d ata s ystem. P rovide c ustomers w ith a ssistance w ith t heir o rders o ver t he phone a nd t ransferred t o d epts. p repared b ulk s hipment o rders a nd p rinted U PS m ailing l abels f or w arehouse. A ssisted S ales Director w ith s pecialized m ailing o rders a nd c ustomized h oliday c ard p rojects. 8/2006 – 1 2/2006
Frontier A irlines, I nc., D enver, C o. R evenue A uditing S pecialist Full-time d uties i ncluded a uditing m onthly r evenue a ccounting f or a irline t ickets. A udited o nline p ricing t ickets, a utomated a nd manual p aper t ickets. O nline s earch l ook u ps f or p ricing, v ariable o f t icket o ver s horts a nd t axes. E ntered A ccounting B atch Headers i n e xcel & T racked t axes, p ricing a nd o ver s horts f or b ad b atch b alances. A uditing d iscrepancies & a dded v arious p rices, taxes a nd o ver s horts f or i ssuing t icket m emos f or i rregularities. E nsured t hat a ll a udits w ere i n c ompliance w ith c ompany policies, g uidelines a nd p rocedures P articipated i n c ompany g roup m eetings, a ssisted w ith O perations D ept. a nd o r d uties assigned b y M anager.
08/2005 – 0 6/2006
St. G eorge & C arnegie, C orporate L aw F irm, I rvine, C a. I ndependent C ontractor/Admin. Part-time B illing a nd d ata e ntry o f a ccounting & i nvoicing f or A ccounts P ayable C alculated c urrency c onversions t o f igure t ime and b illable h ours f or c lient a ccounts A udited T ime S lips – L egal A id s oftware p rogram. C lient p rojects L og a nd u pdate e xcel expense r eports f or c redit c ard b ills, t raveling e xpenses & m isc. e xpenses. M aintained f iling, l abeling a nd a ccordion f ile r ecords Engaged i n p atent r esearch u sing U SPTO d atabase E dit a nd p roofread l egal d ocuments, s end a nd r eceive c orrespondence a nd confidential i nformation. A dministrative l aw, D ocumenting L egal i nfo, O rganizing l egal i nfo, r esearch s kills P atent l aw r esearch of c lient d ata o nline a nd i nternet f ilings. EDUCATION
PROFESSIONAL M ODELING D IPLOMA – B ARBIZON S CHOOL O F M ODELING, 1 0/94 ( San B ernardino, C A) AA D EGREE, P SYCHOLOGY – O RANGE C OAST C OLLEGE, 0 9/1999 ( Costa M esa, C A) ACCOUNTING C ERTIFIED W ITH H ONORS, A CCOUNTING – S TRATFORD C AREER I NSTITUTE, 0 9/2006 ( Washington, D C) ACCREDIDATION C ERTIFICATION, S TAFFING ( ICE 1 & I CE 2 – M AXIM H EALTHCARE S ERVICES, 0 9/2012 ( Pittsburg, P A) Alive a nd W ell S afety T raining, I nc. - ( 2hr.) F irst A id T raining C ourse C ompleted & A pproved b y t he D HR, O RS a nd A live a nd W ell S afety Training, I nc. - ( 1/29/16 - 1 /29/18, o n f ile w ith I nstructor) - W atkinsville, G A Alive a nd W ell S afety T raining, I nc.- C ardiopulmonary R esuscitation a nd E mergency C ardiac C are P rovider. C ompleted a nd A pproved f or current N ational S tandards f or A dult C ardiopulmonary R esuscitation. - ( 1/29/16 - 1 /29/18, o n f ile w ith I nstructor) - W atkinsville, G A