Kirk R. Barrett, Ph. D., P. E., P. W. S.
*** ***** ****** **. ***** Orange, NJ 07079
Phone 973-***-**** Email ************@*****.***
-Experience preparing and conducting sampling and monitoring plans for soil, sediment and water including EPA-approved QAPPs
-Excellent skills in statistical data analysis/interpretation and technical communication (writing, graphics, and presentations),
-Experience in project and budget management, staff supervision, proposal and report preparation
-Environmental permitting and compliance, including federal NEPA, CERCLA/Superfund, RCRA, CWA s404, SDWA, plus NJ and NY state regulations for land development and environmental assessment and remediation
-Environmental engineering for land and groundwater remediation, and drinking water and wastewater treatment
-Expertise with various software including ESRI ArcGIS, AutoCAD, MATLAB, Microsoft Office including programming in VBA in Excel
-Established relationships with regulatory agencies and environmental advocacy community
-PhD, Civil/Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1996
-MS, Computer Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1985
-BS, Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS,1982
-Professional Engineer, New Jersey (#24GE0538900) and Wisc. (#30189-6). (New York application submitted)
-Professional Wetland Scientist, Society of Wetland Scientists
-Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, Manhattan College, NY 2011-
-Director, Passaic River Institute, Montclair State University, NJ, 2004-2011
-Research Director, Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute, Rutgers Univ/NJ Meadowlands Commission, 1999 – 2004
-Water resources engineer, The Bioengineering Group, Inc., Salem, MA, 1997-1999
-Hydrologic and water quality engineer, Hey and Associates, Inc., Chicago, 1988-1992.
-Environmental software engineer, RJN Group, Wheaton, IL, 1987-1988
1.Development of a new, effective and low-cost media for sustainable management of polluted road stormwater in highly urbanized areas. University Transportation Research Center. 2015-2017
2.A green technology for nutrient and metals reduction in NJ coastal waters. NJ Sea Grant. 2014-2017
3.Gowanus Canal Sponge Park for Stormwater Management. USEPA. 2011-2017
4.Availability and Bioaccumulation of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Lower Passaic River. Hudson River Foundation. 2011-2014
5.Principal Investigator. Phosphorus and Sediment Investigations of Speedwell Lake, Morris County, NJ. Whippany River Watershed Action Committee, through the NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection. 2006-2007.
6.Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management: Demonstration Project in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. NYC Department of Environmental Protection and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
7.Invasive Plant Species in wetlands along the Passaic River. USEPA. 2006-2009.
1.Barrett, KR and M Diallo. 2016. Long-term infiltration capacity of different types of permeable pavements. University Transportation Research Center, Region 2.
2.Barrett, KR. 2007. Sediment and nutrient loading to Speedwell Lake, Morristown, NJ. Submitted to the Whippany River Watershed Action Committee.
3.Bragin, AB, J Misuik, CA Woolcot, KR Barrett, R Jusino-Atrensino. 2005. A Fishery Resource Inventory of the Lower Hackensack River within the Hackensack Meadowlands District: A Comparative Study, 2001-2003 vs. 1987-1988. New Jersey Meadowlands Commission. 200 pp.
4.Barrett, KR. 1997. Dry-weather pollution from storm drains into the Charles River, Milford, Massachusetts. The Bioengineering Group, Salem, MA.
5.Barrett, KR and the Friends of Lake Quannapowitt. 1996. Lake and watershed management plan for Lake Quannapowitt. Friends of Lake Quannapowitt, Wakefield, MA.
6.Multiple authors including KR Barrett. 1997. Master plan for stormwater and wastewater management for Gaza City, Gaza. Metcalf and Eddy Inc.
1.Attinti R, KR Barrett, R Datta, D Sarkar. 2017. Ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) enhances phytoextraction of lead by vetiver grass from contaminated residential soils in a panel study in the field. Environmental Pollution (Elsevier).
2.Barrett, KR and W Salis. 2016. Prevalence and Magnitude of Trends in Peak Annual Flow and 5-, 10-, and 20-Year Flows in the Northeastern United States. ASCE J. Hydrologic Engineering., 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001474, 04016059.
3.Khairy, M, KR Barrett, R Lohmann. 2015. The changing sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans in sediments and the ecological risk for nekton in the lower Passaic River and Newark Bay, New Jersey, USA. Environ Toxicol Chem. doi:10.1002/etc.3223
4.Attinti R, D Sarkar, KR Barrett, R Datta. 2015. Adsorption of arsenic (V) from aqueous solutions by goethite/silica nanocomposite. International J. of Environ. Sci. and Tech., V12, pp 3905-3914.
5.Barrett, KR and MA McBrien. 2007. A Chemical and biotic assessment of a degraded brackish marsh in the Meadowlands of northeastern NJ. Env. Monitoring and Assessment. v 124, pp 63-88.
6.Barrett, KR, W Goldsmith and M Silva. 2006. Integrated Geotechnical and Bioengineering Treatments for Streambank Stabilization along a Landfill. J. Soil Water Conserv. v61, pp144-152
7.Weis, P, Barrett, KR, T Proctor, and R Bopp. 2005. Studies of a contaminated brackish marsh in the Hackensack Meadowlands of northeastern New Jersey: An assessment of natural recovery. Marine Pollution Bulletin. v50, p 1405–1415.
8.Barrett, KR 1999. Ecological engineering in water resources: The benefits of collaborating with nature. Water International, Journal of the International Water Resources Association. v 24, p182-188.
9.Hey, DL, KR Barrett and C Biegan. 1994. The hydrology of four experimental constructed marshes. Ecological Engineering. v 3, pp 319-343.
10.Hey, DL, A Kenimer and KR Barrett. 1994. Water quality improvement by four experimental wetlands. Ecological Engineering. v 3, pp 381-397.
1.Barrett, KR, D Caponigro and T Ward. 2017. Relationship between Curve Number and rainfall depth: Case study in New Jersey. Proceedings, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2017, CN Dunn and B Van Weele, editors. ASCE/EWRI.
2.Feng, H, JC Galster, J Lopes, NM Bujalski, KR Barrett and KK Olsen. 2012. Radionuclides (7Be, 210Pb and 137Cs) as Tracers for Soil and Sediment Erosion in New Jersey Stream Watersheds. In: Radionuclides: Sources, Properties and Hazards (Javier Guillen Gerada, ed.). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 23-34
3.Artigas, FJ, KR Barrett and R Holowczak. 2001. Digital Meadowlands: A Web-Based Decision Support System for an Urban, Estuarine Watershed. Proceedings of the Integrated Decision-Making for Watershed Management Symposium: Processes and Tools. Virginia Tech Publishing. pp 1-8.
4.Barrett, KR. 2000. Urban stormwater management and nonpoint source pollution control. Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Technology (J. Lehr, ed.) McGraw-Hill. pp 9.42-76.
5.McBrien, MA and KR Barrett. 2000. Wetlands. Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Technology, J. Lehr, editor. McGraw-Hill. pp 19.20-19.47.
6.Barrett, KR. 1998. Two-Dimensional Flow and Transport Modeling for Hydraulic Design and Analysis of Treatment Wetlands. Water Resources Engineering 98: Proceedings of the 1998 International Water Resources Engineering Conference (S. Abt, et al, editors), American Society of Civil Engineers. pp 520-525.
7.Barrett, KR and W Goldsmith. 1998. Bioengineered wetlands and ponds in an existing stream channel for stormwater management and ecological enhancement. Engineering Approaches To Ecosystem Restoration: Proceedings of the 1998 Wetlands Engineering & River Restoration Conference (Donald F. Hayes, ed). ASCE. CD-ROM publication.
8.Goldsmith, W, KR Barrett, M Larson and W Lattrell. 1998. Stabilization and restoration of an urban incised channel: Design, construction and monitoring. Engineering Approaches To Ecosystem Restoration: Proceedings of the 1998 Wetlands Engineering & River Restoration Conference (Donald F. Hayes, ed). ASCE. CD-ROM publication.
Technical Advisory Committees
-Water quality and quantity committee, NJ Department of Environmental Protection Science Advisory Board, 2010-2014
-New Jersey Water Monitoring Coordinating Council, 2003-2011
Conferences Chaired
-2nd, 3rd and 4th Passaic River Symposia. Montclair State University, NJ. 2006, 2008, 2010.
-Mid-Atlantic Conference of the American Water Resources Association. “Stream Restoration and Protection in the Mid-Atlantic”. June 2006.
-Annual Conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Hudson-Delaware Chapter. 2002.
-Member, USEPA-sanctioned Lower Passaic Community Advisory Committee, 2009-2015
-Trustee, Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, 2006-2009
-Member and Vice Chair, Essex County (NJ) Environmental Commission, 2002-2006
-Member (and former chair), Rahway River Greenway Committee, Town of South Orange, NJ 2003-
-Member, Rahway River Stormwater Management Advisory Committee, 2013-2015