Jeffrey F . B utters
Watertown, N ew Y ork.13601
334-***-**** C ELL
OBJECTIVE_ A challenging and rewarding position with a major company as an aviation Powerplant test cell Operator and/or P owerplant M echanic w ith a n o pportunity t o a dvance i nto a s upervisor o r m anagement p osition. PROFILE
Motivated, talented, personable professional with 35 years experience in the field of Aviation. Diplomatic and tactful with professionals and non-professionals at all levels. Accustomed to handling sensitive, confidential records. Demonstrated history of producing accurate and timely aircraft m aintenance.
Flexible and versatile – able to maintain a sense of humor under pressure. Poised and competent with demonstrated ability to easily transcend cultural differences. Thrive in deadline-driven environments. E xcellent t eam-building s kills. SKILLS S UMMARY
● Aircraft E ngine M aint.
● Aircraft E ngine O verhaul
● Airframe S tructure R epair
● Test/Troubleshoot A vionics
● QA I nspector
● C-D L ine C hecks
● Engine T est C ell O perator
● Technical W riting
● P.O.I. D evelopment
● Corrosion C ontrol
● Work C enter S upervision
● Aircraft I nspections
● Aircraft E ngine I nstructor
● Fork L ift O perator
● Microsoft O ffice
● 08-2012 t o p resent – DynCorp I nternational;Fort D rum N ew Y ork Engine s pecialist o n G E-701, T -63, T -55.General m echanic o n U H-60, C H-47 a nd OH-58
● 08-2011 t o 0 5-2012 - A merican S ystem; B eirut, L ebanon CT-58 and PT6A-114 Powerplant Instructor. Performed Technical Writing, P.O.I Development and 1
Technical s upport f or t he C T-58 a nd P T6A-114A P owerplants.
● 05-2008 t o 0 8-2011 - S ikorsky S upport S ervices I nc.; F t.Benning, G A 3 Years as a General & Powerplant Mechanic. Performed Maintenance/Overhaul on T-700 & 701 C
& D model engines, Airframe Structure Repair and Test/Troubleshoot on Avionics equipment installed o n t he U H-60 B lack H awk A & L m odels.
● 08-2001 t o 0 5-2008 – P ratt & Whitney; C heshire, C T Worked as an Inspector and build mechanic on P & W 4000 series aircraft engines. Performed complete t ear d own o n P & W 4 000 s eries e ngines f or r epairs a nd o verhaul.
● 01-2001 t o 0 8-2001 T echnical A viation; A lcoa, T N Worked as an engine mechanic on commercial airlines to include Southwest, Com air, Donner 328 and C RJ-145. P erformed C -D l ine c heck, r outine m aintenance r epairs a nd m inor/major o verhauls.
● 09-1996 t o 0 1-2001 P recision P lumbing; W hite C reek, T N
P lumber – P lumb r esidential a nd c ommercial
● 04-1994 t o 0 8-1996 D BS P lumbing; S urf C ity, N C Plumber – P lumb r esidential a nd c ommercial
● 1977 t o 1 993 - U S M arine C orp; D uty S tation a s A ssigned SSGT - Served in the US Marine Corp for 16 years as a CH-46 Mechanic. Other duties include Powerplant mechanic, test cell operator and complete engine overhaul on T-58, T-400 & 402, and T-76. Performed maintenance on various aircraft to include OV-10 Bronco, CH-46 Sea Knight, UH1-H H uey a nd A H-1 C obra.
● 3-2001 - B aker K ing A viation N ashville, T N Attended T echnical s chool f or P owerplant a nd g eneral a viation w here I r eceived m y P owerplant license; P 536722205
● 1974-1977 S helton H igh S helton, S helton, W A Received H igh s chool d iploma; 1 977
● 1977 t o 1 993 - M arine C orp S chool; D uty S tation a s A ssigned Attended v arious s chool w hile i n t he M arine C orp
● Aviation F undamentals
● “A” S chool-Basic H elicopter
● T-58-10 E ngine R ebuild
● T-58-16 E ngine R ebuild
● Corrosion C ontrol
● T-400 T est C ell
● T-76 E ngine R ebuild
● Staff N on-Commission
Officer S chool
● Technical P ublications
● Work C enter S upervisor
● Primary M arksmanship
● Quality A ssurance
REFERANCES _ References a vailable u pon r equest