Address: - S/o- R AJANDHARI P RASAD,
PIN- 8 01109.
Mobile- + 91,990-***-****,947-***-****
E-mail I d.: P *****************@*****.***
Career O bjective
To w ork i n a c ompany w here I c an c apitalize m y t raining a nd s kills, a cquire n ew o nes a nd f ind o pportunities f or advancement. I c an g ive t he b est o f m y e xperience k nowledge & s kill a nd a lso g ain a dditional e xperience a nd s kills. Educational B ackgrounds:
A cademic Q ualification: G raduation i n h istory s tream w ith 5 5%. I n y ear 2 014. 12th f rom B . S . E . B w ith 5 4. 8 i n t he y ear 2 011. 10t h f rom B . S . E . B w ith 5 6.6 % i n t he y ear 2 007. Area o f i ntertest
● To I dentify a reas f or p roductivity g ain a nd c ontinual i mprovement i n L ogistics
● To d evelop l ogistics c ontingency p lans a nd c arry o ut m ethodologies a nd t ools t o e nable e ffective execution o f l ogistic p lans
● Ability t o p repare a dditional t raining t o a chieve h igh w orking s tandards
● To p lay a n a ctive r ole i n p lanning a nd m anaging s pecial l ogistics o perations
T echnical & M anagement s kill:-
C ertificate i n l ogistics e xcellence ( C LEX)
f rom s afeducate l earning p vt l td p atna . Professional E xperience
NOV 2 015 t o N OV 2 016
Responsible f or g etting t he r ight p roducts i n t he r ight q uantities, t o t he r ight l ocations a ll a t t he r ight t ime.
In c harge o f t he d ay t o d ay o perations o f t he t ransport d epartment.
Efficiently m anaging a t eam o f d rivers a nd v ehicles.
Responsible f or a ll o f t he d ispatching, r outing, a nd t racking o f d elivery v ehicles.
Managing, m onitoring a nd d eveloping a t eam o f d rivers a nd l ine m anagers.
Involved i n s trategic d evelopment a nd s trategy m aking.
Being t he f irst p oint o f c ontact f or a ll d rivers.
Making s ure t hat a ll t ransport f leet v ehicles a re p roperly m aintained a nd s erviced.
Arranging f or t he i nduction a nd t raining o ff a ll n ew s taff.
Regularly l iaising w ith t he d elivery m anager t o e nsure a s mooth r unning o f b oth d epartments.
Developing a nd n urturing c ustomer r elationships.
Maintaining a ccurate a dministrative r ecords..
Organising v ehicle c hecks.
Identifying o perational i ssues, p otential p roblems a nd o pportunities.
Resolving a nd m anaging q ueries a nd c omplaints c ourteously a nd e fficiently.
Appraising s taff p erformance a nd a lso t aking d isciplinary m easures w hen r equired.
Ensuring a ll s ite a nd c ustomer o bjectives a re a chieved. Personal P rofile
N ame: P rakash k umar
F athers n ame: R ajandhari P rasad
N ationality: i ndian
D ate o f b irth: 3 0 j une 1 992
M artial s taus: u nmarried
L anguages K nown: H indi ( Mother T ongue) a nd E nglish( known) Declaration:
I c onsider m yself f amiliar w ith l ogistics,transport & s upply c hain a spects.Iam a lso c onfident o f m y a bility t o w ork i n a t eam. I h ereby d eclare t hat t he i nformation f urnished a bove i s t rue t o t he b est o f m y k nowledge With r egard, P RAKASH K UMAR