Amber W iegand
*************@*****.*** - 586-***-****
To o btain a n a dministrative p osition i n a p rofessional o ffice t hat w ill u tilize m y m edical knowledge a nd c ustomer s ervice s kills t o h elp o thers. Authorized t o w ork i n t he U S f or a ny e mployer WORK E XPERIENCE
Medical B illing S pecialist
Complete F it R ehab - T roy, M I-November 2 016 t o M ay 2 017 Medical I nsurance B iller
* S ubmit C MS 1 500 C laims
* S ubmit U B04 C laims
* C ollections
* P ayment P ostings
* F allow-up/resubmit d enied c laims
* I nsurance V erification
* G enerate A /R r eports u sing E xcel
ANA P ain M gt - C linton T ownship, M I-April 2 015 t o J uly 2 016
* C hecked p atients i n a nd o ut o f o ffice
* I nsurance v erification
* C ollected c o-pays a nd b alances o wed
* P rocedure p rior a uthorizations
* S cheduling
* U se o f E -Clinical
Algonac H arbour C lub/Club C apri - A lgonac, M I-April 2 012 t o M ay 2 014
* I nteracted w ith g uests i n a p rofessional a nd f riendly m anner
* E ffective c ommunication s kills w ith s taff a nd c ustomers
* L earned a nd d escribed m enu i tems a ppropriately
* T ook f ood a nd c ocktail o rders; e ntered i nto r egister s ystem e fficiently
* P rocessed c ash a nd c redit c ard p ayments EDUCATION
Certified i n M edical I nsurance B illing
Ross M edical E ducation C enter-New B altimore - N ew B altimore, M I CERTIFICATIONS/LICENSES
Billing a nd C oding S pecialist
NHA C ertified F 2F7R9Z3
Sent f rom Y ahoo M ail o n A ndroid
F orwarded m essage
From: " Amber w iegand" < *************@*****.***> Date: S ep 1 8, 2 017 1 2:49 A M
To: " *************@*****.***" < *************@*****.***> Cc:
Amber W iegand
Marine C ity, M I 4 8039
*************@*****.*** - 586-***-****
To o btain a n a dministrative p osition i n a p rofessional o ffice t hat w ill u tilize m y m edical knowledge a nd c ustomer s ervice s kills t o h elp o thers. Authorized t o w ork i n t he U S f or a ny e mployer WORK E XPERIENCE
Medical B illing S pecialist
Complete F it R ehab - T roy, M I-November 2 016 t o M ay 2 017 Medical I nsurance B iller
* S ubmit C MS 1 500 C laims
* S ubmit U B04 C laims
* C ollections
* P ayment P ostings
* F allow-up/resubmit d enied c laims
* I nsurance V erification
* G enerate A /R r eports u sing E xcel
ANA P ain M gt - C linton T ownship, M I-April 2 015 t o J uly 2 016
* C hecked p atients i n a nd o ut o f o ffice
* I nsurance v erification
* C ollected c o-pays a nd b alances o wed
* P rocedure p rior a uthorizations
* S cheduling
* U se o f E -Clinical
Algonac H arbour C lub/Club C apri - A lgonac, M I-April 2 012 t o M ay 2 014
* I nteracted w ith g uests i n a p rofessional a nd f riendly m anner
* E ffective c ommunication s kills w ith s taff a nd c ustomers
* L earned a nd d escribed m enu i tems a ppropriately
* T ook f ood a nd c ocktail o rders; e ntered i nto r egister s ystem e fficiently
* P rocessed c ash a nd c redit c ard p ayments EDUCATION
Certified i n M edical I nsurance B illing
Ross M edical E ducation C enter-New B altimore - N ew B altimore, M I CERTIFICATIONS/LICENSES
Billing a nd C oding S pecialist
NHA C ertified F 2F7R9Z3
Sent f rom Y ahoo M ail o n A ndroid