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Test Automation Engineer

Wieliczka, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, 32-020, Poland
December 08, 2017

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Personal i nformation


Date o f b irth:




Piotr S tachyra

** * ******* * ***



Looking f or i ndividual c ontributor

opportunity i n t est a utomation a rea; w ork f rom h ome Education

2002 – 2 007

1998 – 2 002

Kraków U niversity o f E conomics, P oland – I nformatics a nd Econometrics

The S tefan C zarniecki H igh S chool i n C hełm, P oland Experience

June 2 016 - p resent

June 2 015 - M ay 2 016

May 2 014 - M ay 2 015

Sept. 2 012 - A pril 2 014

Jan. 2 011 - S ept. 2 012

Automation M anager a t Oracle . M anaging T est A utomation T eam for O racle L earn p roduct.

- Planning n ew a utomation a nd m aintenance a ctivities o f test a utomation i nfrastructure ( Ruby/Selenium f ramework, Jenkins f arm, t est e nvironments)

- Technical s upervision o f t est a utomation

- Coordinating t est a utomation a ctivities b etween s crum teams

- Team m embers d evelopment

Principal Q A E ngineer a t O racle . L eading T est A utomation T eam for O racle L earn p roduct ( 4 e ngineers a nd 3 i nterns). Senior Q A E ngineer a t Oracle . A utomated t est d evelopment f or large S aaS w eb a pplication u sing R uby/Cabybara/Cucumber t est framework l everaging P age O bject P attern. M aintaining a nd introducing e nhancements t o t he f ramework. Senior Q A E ngineer a t Sabre A irline S olutions. L eading T est Team ( up t o 8 m embers). O rganizing T eam’s w ork. P lanning t est automation a ctivities i n f unctional a nd n on-functional a reas. Supervising / c oordinating v arious t est r elated a ctivities w ithin t he project. T est p lanning f or t he r eleases. QA E ngineer a t Luxoft P oland w orking a s a c ontractor i n S abre Airline S olutions.

Responsible f or p erformance t ests a rea i n t he p roject:

● Test p lanning a nd e nvironment m anagement

● Investigation n ew w ays o f t esting

● Creating t ools s upporting t esting

● Executing p erformance/load/stress t ests

● Reporting r esults

Leading s mall t est a utomation t eam ( 3-5 m embers). Sept. 2 008 – D ec. 2 010

Oct. 2 006 – A ug. 2 008

July - A ugust 2 006

Software E ngineer a t IBM S WG L ab i n K raków. Involved i n t esting S ecurity C ompliance M anagement ( SCM) client-server a pplications w orking u nder W indows/Unix o perating systems. W ork i n v arious t est t eams ( L3, C VT, S VT) i n a m ixture of d evelopment p rocesses ( Scrum, W aterfall). R esponsible f or t est automation w ithin t he t eam ( test a utomation a ctivities p lanning and d esign, B VT e nvironment m aintenance). U tilizing a nd enhancing

in-house t est f rameworks ( Java/XML b ased). C reating a nd executing a utomated t est s uites f or J ava A PI, C LI a nd G UI

(Selenium/Java). D esign a nd e xecution m anual t ests. QA E ngineer a t Volantis S ystems / U ( Volantis spin-off) i n K raków. W orking a s a t ester i n r equirement-based, iterative s oftware d evelopment p rocess. B lack/grey b ox t esting o f web a pplications. G UI t ests a utomation w ith S elenium/Ruby. Mobile w eb s ites t esting. B asic p erformance t ests ( JMeter). Internship a t C adbury W edel ’s I T d epartment i n W arsaw. W ork on a p roject o f G uest F iling S ystem f or c ompany’s r eceptions. Design a nd c reation o f t he s ystem u sing P HP a nd M ySQL/Oracle technologies. T he s ystem w as l ater o n i ntegrated w ith H R m odule of c ompany’s E RP s oftware ( Teta).





advanced E nglish; b asic R ussian

Familiar w ith:

Operating s ystems: W indows, U NIX ( AIX, S unOS, H P-UX, L inux) Web ( related) t echnologies: H TML/XHTML, X ML, X SLT, C SS, JavaScript, X Path

Programming l anguages: R uby, J ava

Databases: M ySQL, D B2, O racle

Test t ools: S elenium, S elenium W ebDriver, J Meter, M antis, Bugzilla, J ira, I BM R ational T eam C oncert, I BM R ational Q uality Manager, S TAF, H P L oad R unner, T estComplete, C apybara, Cucumber

Other: S QL, s hell s cripting, C C

Driver’s l icence ( A, B )

Trainings a nd c ourses

ISTQB F oundation L evel ( 2012)

Various t rainings “ soft s kills” t rainings. Various p roduct t rainings i n I BM i ncluding D B2, W AS, i 5, O racle. Interests a nd a ctivities

Running, m usic, r eading

Wyrażam z godę n a p rzetwarzanie m oich d anych o sobowych z awartych w m ojej a plikacji d la p otrzeb niezbędnych d o r ealizacji p rocesów r ekrutacji ( zgodnie z U stawą z d nia 2 9 s ierpnia 1 997 r . o o chronie danych o sobowych t j. D z. U . z 2 002 r N r 1 01, p oz. 9 26, z e z m.).

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