Kevin R eed
Langhorne, P A * **** • 2-15-208-**** • k ****.*.******@*****.*** • L inkedIn IT P roject M anagement
Strong t echnical c areer w ith 1 9 y ears' d riving i nnovation & s uccess i n m ulti-site, m ulti-host n etworked e nvironment Accomplished Information Technology Project Manager with solid history of coordinating, delivering, and managing implementations on a range of technical platforms and methodologies. Broad knowledge and success in Continuous Improvement approach to service delivery. Strong background in business continuity planning as well as backup and recovery strategies. Talented mentor and project leader, efficiently overseeing completion of tasks within projects. Six Sigma certified. C ore C ompetencies:
● Full L ife C ycle P roject M anagement
● Continuous I mprovement
● Change / I ncident M anagement
● Client R elationship M anagement
● Issues & C onflict R esolution / S ervice D elivery
● Backup a nd R ecovery S trategies
● Business C ontinuity P lanning
● People M anagement / M entoring
● Data C enter O perations M anagement
● ITIL, L ean S ix S igma, P MBOK
Professional E xperience
Sungard A vailability S ervices, P hiladelphia, P A 1998 – 2 017 Project M anager / S enior T est M anager, 2 011 – 2 017 Planned, initiated, and managed information technology projects. Led and guided work of up to 50 members of technical staff and client/vendor teams. Served as liaison between business and technical aspects of projects. Planned project stages and assessed business implications for each stage. Monitored progress to assure deadlines, standards, and cost targets are met. Simultaneously held Senior Test Manager role, leading recovery and disaster processes within Managed Recovery Program for 300 clients, including DHL, Avery Dennison, Subaru, Coach, Ross Stores, Anheuser-Busch, Dollar General, and Mass Mutual. Oversaw seamless communication between company and clients, managed recovery exercises progress tracking ( ServiceNow/Splunk), a nd a ddressed a ny c oncerns. Key P rojects:
Staples ( Office S upply R etailer): 8 s erver/network c abinets i nstallation, 6 -month p roject, 2 0-member p roject t eam. Completed o n t ime.
Ross S tores ( Department S tore): s erver/network e xpansion, 8 c abinets & r eplication o f s torage/servers/network WAN c ircuits, 5 -month p roject, 2 0-member p roject t eam. C ompleted o n t ime.
ONEOK ( Natural G as C ompany): 1 0 s erver/network i nstallation & p roof o f c oncept t esting & r eplication o f e xternal storage & p ower & f iber & e thernet r uns & S G i nternet s ervice & n etwork c ircuits, 4 -month p roject, 3 0-member project t eam. C ompleted o n t ime.
Key A chievements:
Secured successful pre-sales discussion with key client, resulting in adding recovery service to contract, with additional 1 0K t o M onthly R un R ate ( MRR).
Responsible for test management of company's largest MRP exercise (600+ servers successfully recovered) for DHL. Met a ll R ecovery T ime O bjectives ( RTO) a nd T est O bjectives.
Identified improvement option for ServiceNow MRP tracking upgrade, allowing re-opening of tasks to update recovery s tatus a nd a llow a ccurate r eporting v ia S plunk, e liminating a ny i naccuracy i ssues.
Oversaw 1 00+ g lobal e xercises o n a n a nnual b asis, w ith 2 0 s imultaneously c oordinated. Continued...
Kevin R eed
Page T wo
Duty M anager, 2 006 – 2 011
Provided subject matter expertise on escalating Recovery Operations, Managed Services, and Advanced Recovery during multi-phased recovery exercises and disaster events. Member of Crisis Management Team, managing up to 60 staff members, coordinating and overseeing clients' recovery service. Ensured contract obligations and SLAs were met. Managed issue resolution, providing recommendations and troubleshooting methods in timely manner. Coordinated disaster recovery meetings w ith u p t o 4 0 a ttendees, i ncluding C -level e xecutives.
Assisted c lient i n i ncreasing e fficiency f or t esting p rocesses, i ntroducing M anaged R ecovery S ervices o ffering ( MRS). Increased c lient's M RR b y $ 10K.
Received 2 5+ E mployee o f t he M onth n ominations f rom b oth c lients a nd p eers ( ACE p rogram) f or a dvancing excellence, o verseeing s uccess o f c lients d isaster r ecovery e xercises, a nd a ssisting i n m eeting t heir R ecovery T ime Objective ( RTO).
Maintained c ompany 1 00% r ecovery s uccess o f c lient’s d isasters, f rom s ingle c lient c ases t o r egional d isasters
(Hurricane I rene i n A ugust 2 011).
Revitalized a nd m et a ll s ervice l evel a greements ( SLAs), r eviewing a nd a nalyzing a ll h istorical e xercise d ata, c hairing internal a nd e xternal ( clients/vendors) r equirements v alidation m eetings, a nd r e-allocating n etwork, i nfrastructure, and r ecovery c enters a ccordingly.
Senior T echnical S ervice D elivery C oordinator, 1 998 – 2 006 Directed all aspects of recovery coordinations, both internally and for external clients across various industries, including Kroger, Metlife, Nationwide, Rite Aid, and Rogers Shared Services. Responsible for ensuring contract requirements were met and resources were available according to plans and external agreements. Member of Crisis Management Team, processing alerts and disasters. Mentored on-boarded employees on service delivery coordination, including methods, functions, and procedures. Supported pre-sales process, providing potential sales opportunities to Account Executives. Coordinated communication w ith c lients.
Coordinated 1 5,000 h ours o f p roject m anagement a nd s ervice d elivery.
Improved A ccount E xecutive a nd S ervice D elivery C oordinator r elations. A ssisted i n d evelopment o f 3 -day t raining for n ew a ccount e xecutives t o i mprove u nderstanding o f a ll o perations r oles a nd r esponsibilities, a nd t o b uild relationships w ith S ervice D elivery s taff.
Effectively h andled h igh p rofile / c omplex c lients w ith M RR o f 5 0K-500K a nd a ccount l oad o f o ver 5 0.
Consistently e xceeded c ompany p ost-test s urvey e xpectations, w ith 4 .7/5 v ersus a verage 4 .5/5.
Surpassed c ompany p erformance t argets, c ompleting 1 000+ d isaster r ecovery e xercises.
Prior s uccess a s M ainframe & A S/400 C omputer O perations S upervisor, N JM I nsurance G roup, W est T renton, N J. Technical P roficiencies
Platforms: HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, OS/400, Windows server 2003, Windows server 2008, Windows server 2012, ESX, VMWARE, W indows V M, C itrix, L inux, z /OS, z /VM, z /VSE, Z /TPF, W indows 7 /10, N etwork Tools: Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Visio, Lotus Notes, ServiceNow, Splunk, Livelink, Microsoft Project, S ungard w eb-based c risis m anagement a pplications Hardware: IBM, Sun and HP Servers and workstations, Dell servers, Cisco, NetApp, IBM 3584 tape library, Data Domain, EMC, Hitachi, SAN Switches, Fibre switches, Ethernet switches, standalone tape drives, SCSI devices, T ape S ilos, S torageTek S ilo T ape L ibraries Education a nd C redentials
Associate D egree i n A pplied S cience, M ercer C ounty C ommunity C ollege, W est W indsor, N J Certifications: P MP C ertificate ( in p rogress) I TIL F oundation v 3 ( in p rogress) L ean S ix S igma G reen B elt C ertificate Management T raining C ertificate
Professional D evelopment: G etting R esults W ithout A uthority T ime M anagement T raining P roject M anagement Fundamentals P roject M anagement E ssentials P roject M anagement P rofessional ( PMBOK) P roject M anagement Workshop: A P ractical A pplication o f t he P MBOK G uide P reparing f or t he P MP/CAPM E xam P rep M icrosoft P roject 2 016