Daniel A . V aldivia
*** * *** * ****** D rive ~ O ro V alley, A Z 8 5755 ~ d *********@*****.*** ~ ( 586-*-**-**** Security ~ M otivational L eadership ~ M anagement Dedicated, highly respected professional seeking to leverage more than 20 years of plant operations and security experience. Motivational leadership skills and tenacious work ethic are combined with military background, strong analytical ability and an in-depth knowledge of technical rescue operations. Recognized by colleagues as an a stute o bserver w ith a bility t o i nterface w ith a w ide-range o f i ndividuals. Competencies I nclude:
● Confined S pace R escue ● Analysis/Problem S olving ● LOTO M anager
● OSHA 3 0 H our S afety C ourse ● Managing C rane H azards ● Fall P rotection A wareness
● Management/Administration ● Managing P ower L ine H azards ● Leadership/Team B uilding PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE
Ford A ssembly P lant, F lat R ock, M I
● Consistently d emonstrated s trong l eadership w hile c ommunicating d aily t oolbox t alks, s afety inspections a nd r eview p lans.
● Enforced c ompany a nd p lant s afety p lans t o e nsure s afety a nd a ll O SHA s tandards. GM W arren T ransmission P lant, W arren, M I
● Coordinated p lant s afety o rientations a nd c onducted s ite s afety f or e mployees.
● Conducted w eekly t oolbox t alks a nd d aily p re-task p lan r eviews.
● Performed d aily j obsite s afety i nspections o f w ork a rea a nd e quipment, c ompleted i ncident investigations, a nd m aintained M SDS s heets a nd r equired O SHA d ocumentation. GM T ech C enter, W arren, M I
● Responsibilities i ncluded c oordinating p lant s afety o rientation a nd c onducting s ite safety f or e mployees.
● Conducted w eekly t oolbox t alks, a nd d aily p re-task p lan r eviews.
● Performed d aily j obsite s afety i nspections o f w ork a rea a nd e quipment, c ompleted incident i nvestigations a nd m aintained M SDS s heets a nd r equired O SHA d ocumentation. CONFINED S PACE R ESCUE ( 2014 – 2 016)
DTE P ower P lant, M onroe, M I
● Monitored a ir q uality a nd h ourly c hecks o n a uthorized e ntrants, i ncluding c ommunication activities, r eporting o f i ncidents, a nd e vacuation a nd r escue p lanning i f n ecessary. GM A ssembly P lant, L ordstown, O H
● Monitored a ir q uality a nd h ourly c hecks o n a uthorized e ntrants, i ncluding c ommunication activities, r eporting o f i ncidents, a nd e vacuation a nd r escue p lanning i f n ecessary. DTE P ower P lant, ( Monroe, M I)
● Monitored a ir q uality a nd h ourly c hecks o n a uthorized e ntrants, i ncluding c ommunication activities, r eporting o f i ncidents, a nd e vacuation a nd r escue p lanning i f n ecessary. SUPERVISION / M ANAGEMENT / M ILITARY A ND S ECURITY O PERATIONS Foreman ( 2000 – 2 003)
Flagg C leaning S ystems I nc., G M A ssembly P lant, A rlington, T X
● Supervised 6 5 e mployees, m onitored p rogress o f w ork a nd c ompletion o f d aily t asks a nd safety s tandards w hile c ompleting t he j ob.
● Ensured t he c ompletion o f d eep c lean a nd p ainting o f b are p ipe i n e xisting a nd n ew p lant.
● Provided d aily a nd w eekly p rogress r eports o f s tatus a nd s afety i ssues. Foreman, F lagg C leaning S ystems I nc., B erkley, M I
● Had v arious r esponsibilities, i ncluding t he d eep c leaning o f p lants, i ndustrial p ainting, e poxy floors a nd c eramic c arpets i n n ew c onstruction a nd e xisting b uildings.
● Supervised e mployees a nd e nsured p rogress a nd c ompletion o f j obs w hile m aintaining OSHA a nd p lant s afety s tandards.
Foreman, F lagg C leaning S ystems, I nc., T oyota M anufacturing P lant, E vansville, I N
● Responsible f or c ompleting i ndustrial p ainting o f n ew a nd e xisting p lant, e nsuring progress g oal c ompletion a nd e mployee s afety, O SHA a nd p lant s afety s tandards. Security a nd C lose P rotection ( 2005 – 2 011) RSIG S ecurity I nc. / H ALO C orp, S outhfield, M I
● Provided c ross b order p rotection f or a utomotive e xecutives i nto M exico, a ssisting w ith r isk analysis/threat a ssessment f or A duana T actical I ntelligence, F ederale’s a nd M unicipale P olicia. International S trategic I ntelligence S ervice, I nc., ( S.E.T. M ember) D etroit, M I
● Provided H igh R isk W arrant S ervices ( ICE, D OJ, S AI) b y w orking c losely w ith c ity, s tate a nd federal m unicipalities i n t he d eportation o f 1 340 i ndividuals a nd 1 290 b reach.
● Facilitated i nstruction a nd t raining o f n ew r ecruits a nd e xisting p ersonnel. Military – S cout S niper / T eam L eader ( 1997 – 2 005) United S tates M arine C orps, S an D iego, C A
● Performed m ission p lanning a nd p ersonal s ecurity d etails f or c ommanding o fficers a nd t heir convoys; a lso c ompleted m ission a ssignments a nd r econnaissance.
● Mentored a nd o versaw t raining o f J unior M arines. EDUCATION
University o f A rizona, T ucson, A Z ( 1999 – 2 001) Course w ork t oward C riminal J ustice d egree