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Management Human Resources

Pretoria, GP, South Africa
December 02, 2017

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Curriculum Vitae

Moses Mudau

Personal Details

Identity Number 880**********

Date of birth 22 February 1988

Gender Male

Marital Status Single

Nationality South African

Drivers Licence Code C1

Contact Details

Residential Address 280 Walton Jameson Ave


Sunnyside East


Contact Number 076*******

Email Address ************@*****.***


2014: B-Tech Degree in Public Management,Tshwane University of Technology

Subjects Passed

First Semester

Public Accountability IV, Research and Information Management IV, Strategic Public management IV,

Second Semester

Governmental Relations IV, Public Policy Management IV, Public Human Resource Management IV.

2013: National Diploma in Local Government Management, Tshwane University of Technology

Subjects Passed:

First Year : First Semester- Governance and politics A, Local Development Management IA, Local Government Management IA, Municipal Human Resources IA, Municipal Finance Management IA, Municipal Law IA, Second Semester - Governance and politics B, Local Development Management IB, Local Government Management IB, Municipal Human Resources IB, Municipal Finance Management IB, Municipal Law IB,

Second Year : First Semester End-User Computing A, Local Development Management IIA, Local Government Management IIA, Municipal Human Resources IIA, Municipal Finance Management IIA, Municipal Law IIA, Second Semester- End-User Computing B, Local Development Management IIB, Local Government Management IIB, Municipal Human Resources IIB, Municipal Finance Management IIB, Municipal Law IIB

Third Year : First Semester Fundamentals of Research A, Local Development Management IIIA, Local Government Management IIIA, Municipal Human Resources IIIA, Municipal Finance Management IIIA, Municipal Law IIIA. Second Semester- Fundamentals of Research B, Local Development Management IIIB, Local Government Management IIIB, Municipal Human Resources IIIB, Municipal Finance Management IIIB, Municipal Law IIIA.

2007: Matric-National Senior Certificate, OziasDavhana Secondary School


Communication: Good communication skills which include, excellent writing and verbal communication, Inter-Personal Skills.

Language proficiency: Fluent in English, Venda and other official languages, fully bilingual

Legislative framework: I have sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant prescripts, and application of legislative framework governing the public service, Treasury Regulations, Public Service Act’s, Basic Accounting Finance Skillsas well as the Batho Pele Principles.

Microsoft packages: Great understanding and knowledge of computer related functions such as MS word, Excel, Power point, Outlook, Publisher, Access and Advance understanding of Microsoft Excel.

Problem-solving and People management: I have the ability to analyse and resolve problems efficiently, I am client oriented and customer focused and also able to converse and coordinate with people of diverse backgrounds.

Team-player: I have the ability to work under pressure, multi-task and working in a team and independently without supervision.

Leadership qualities and Experience

Institution: Tshwane University of Technology (TUT).

Department of Accommodation, Resident life and Catering.

Position: Resident Committee Member

Duration: 06 January 2011-16 Dec 2011

Duties and responsibilities

I was heading the portfolio Maintenance officer assisting the resident manager and the HOD on the all activities relating to students accommodation, performing administrative duties related to the operational functioning of the department, responsible for issuing sanitary items, stoppers, bins, to students. I was also in charge for the faxing and delivery of documents, typing reservation letters, inspecting the residence property and receiving any queries from students relating to the student residence. I handled all information and sensitivedocumentation confidentially; liaise between residence and other department, assisting with admission and registration processes of residence, coordinating of residence activities, adhering to residence rules and regulations.

Certification attached or will be presented on request.

Institution: City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality

Department : Corporate and Shared service Department

Sub-Division: Property Management & Supply Chain Management.

Position: Internship: Administrative Officer (Personnel Assistant/to the Functional Head and the Deputy Director)

Duration: From 01 Aug 2014 to 01 July 2015

Duties and responsibilities

Office Management and Administration

Manage the diary of the manager, provide secretarial/reception support services, screen & direct all incoming calls, rerouting, receive and attend to visitors, maintain a filing system for the office, including keeping accurate records of employees within the division, provide general administrative support, deal with logistical and related matters of the office, operate and manage office equipment, administer travel and accommodation arrangements of the manager and personnel in the division, organize meetings and workshops for the manager and take notes where necessary.Effective electronic and manual filing of documents to ensure proper maintenance of records and easy retrieval of documents, intra-governmental relations with other municipal stake-holders

Other Duties

Alienation Processing Section

Receiving and facilitating property applications, report drafting, acknowledgment of client applications received on council properties, handling client and telephone enquiries on council properties, switchboard operator/screening calls, put the calls to relevant staff members, forwarding and making calls for staff members when requested, circulating applications to purchase/lease council properties to other departments, conduct site inspection when required, tender specifications and processing, customer care and registry. Monthly report writing.

Supply Chain Management

Accessing CoT intranet, checking for approved Council Resolutions for Selling/ Leasing Council Owned properties, Requesting files from registry, Requesting Revised Valuations from Valuation Section, Preparing files for advertisement for objections in terms of Section 79(18) of the Local Government Ordinance (Ordinance 17 of 1939),Checking Pretoria News, Beeld and Tshwane Website for Ordinance and Tender adverts, Accessing the Geometrics System (GIS) for viewing maps, Owner Information, zoning Certificate, SG Diagram, Sectional Scheme and checking Ward and Regions, Ensuring that all approved properties are advertised for objections including properties with structures, Drafting and Preparing tender specifications, Writing Deviation reports for selling/leasing out of hand Writing Donation reports to Churches and NGOs.

Records Management: Registry Municipal Archives

1. Opening new files,

2. Receiving internal and external documents of the division,

3. Sign for the receipt of incoming documents when required,

4. Answering phone and counter enquires concerning correspondence,

5. Data capturing, filling of documents,

6. Retrieving files when required, reducing and scanning files into the system for easy retrieval

7. Records management practices

Institution: The University of South Africa (UNISA)

Department: Student Assessment Administration (DSAA)

Job Title: Administration Officer-Assignments and Examination Administration

Duration: 06 August 2015- 31 July 2016

Duties and responsibilities

1.Administration ofAssignments and Examination Administration.

2.Record all Assignment’s received via Facsimile and Supervisors Support Services Duties.

3.Data Capturing, Using Computer software Functions, Remove and separate all written and multiple assignment’s from the envelopes

4.Administer the capturing assignment’s in the division

5.Administer the printing of all written assignment’s received electronically by means of myUnisa Website

6.Obtain and compile delivery addresses of academic departments for the delivery of recorded written assignment’s and correspondence

7.Corresponds with Unisa Florida Campus

8.Provide administrative support during the packing of examination material and papers to the Examination Administration Division

9.Administer and Record all received multiple choice examination sheets on the s system

10.Administer the process for the temporary storage and permanent archiving of MCQ Sheets

11.Communication and Liaison, Corresponding with students regarding the progress of their formative Assessments

12.Undertaking personal, written and other persons internal and external to the University.

13.Provide regular feedback to clients re enquiries and request.

14.Liaise with internal and External Stakeholders of the University.

15.Execution of assignments administration activities

Examination Section

Duties and responsibilities

1. Indexing of MC

Q’S Examination

2. Scanning of MCQ’S

3. Auto Indexing

4. Sorting of all Examination scripts.

5. Quality Control.

6. Verifying of Examination

7. Verifying of Examination Results and Data Capturing

Institution: South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL)

Department: Administration

Job Title: Data Capturer-Temporary

Duration: 06 Feb 2017- 04 April 2017

Duties and responsibilities

Data Capturing Applications of Moloto Road Development Project, Data Capturing, Using Computer software Functions,Creation of Labour Database using Excel Spread Sheets,Data Capturing Using Sanral EDMS Software.Scanning Forms saving them on EDMS Software Data Base.

Institution: SefakoMakgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) Previously Medunsa

Department: School of Medicine Deans Office

Job Title: Administration Officer- Contract

Duration: 05 April 2017-Present

Duties and responsibilities

Compilation of the institutional Audit

Providing Secretarial duties to the Faculty Committees, Preparing Agenda, Minutes, taking minutes and ensuring that decision taken are implemented.

Higher Degrees Administrator

Compiling faculty Reports, Co-ordinate bookings for venues/catering for meetings

Filling all committees correspondence

Rendering assistance to the office of the Executive Dean,ie in the absence of the Assistance Register, Perform any other administration duties as determined by the Assistant Register/HOD/Dean

Typing and forwarding correspondence emanating from meetings, ie Letters to school Directors, External Assessors, Heads of Departments, Human Resources Regarding Promotions/appointment’s.

Research Protocols

1.Receiving of Protocols

2.Checking information for signatures and relevant documents to be attached

3.Obtaining Chairperson and Dean Signatures

4.Entering data on tracking system

5.Assist with arranging of allocation of protocols for distribution with the Chairperson of Scooll Research Committee








Ms Gizela





Mr. SphiweNkosi

Administrative officer




Mr A Bulasigobo

Residential Manager




Denise Smith

Project Manager





Prof. GA. Ogunbanjo




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