Anastasia H olley
+1-706-***-**** * ** S cott B lvd *********.*.******@*****.*** Decatur, Ga 30030
Emory U niversity, A tlanta, G a
Master o f L aw ( LLM), D ecember 2 016
Cluster S pecialization: L egal W riting, I ntroduction t o American L egal S ystem, C onstitution L aw, C riminal Law, C ontracts, C ivil P rocedure, I ncome T ax, L egal Professionalism, B usiness I mmigration L aw,
Immigration L aw, I mmigration C ourt P roject, Alternative D ispute R esolution
Special P rojects: P ro B ono W atchdog O versight with t he I mmigration C ourt P roject
Moscow S tate I nstitute o f I nternational A ffairs
(MGIMO M oscow, R ussia
Master's o f I nternational F inance L aw, S pring 2 013 Thesis T opic: L egal M echanisms f or t he S ettlement of T ax D isputes i n G ermany
Internship: T hird E uropean D epartment o f t he Embassy o f t he R ussian F ederation, V ienna, A ustria Moscow S tate I nstitute o f I nternational A ffairs
(MGIMO M oscow, R ussia
Bachelor’s i n I nternational L aw, S pring 2 011 Thesis T opic: C omparison o f t he L egal A ppeals Regulations a gainst D ecisions, A ctions, a nd Inactions o f t he U S, G erman, a nd R ussian T ax Authorities
Internship: E conomic S ection o f t he R ussian Ministry o f F oreign A ffairs’ L egal D epartment Skills
Strategic T hinking a nd P lanning; L eadership; Ambition; A daptability; C ollaboration; C reativity; Assertive; P roblem S olving
Living A broad; C ultural U nderstanding a nd
Reasoning; N egotiating; C ross-Cultural
Communication; L anguage C ompetency
Research M ethods; S trong A nalytical A bilities; Presentations a nd P ublic S peaking; L egal R esearch Methods; W riting S kills; C ontract R eview
Russian - C 2 - N ative F luency
German - B 2 - L ower-Intermediate P roficiency Proficiencies
Microsoft O ffice, G oogle D rive
Mac O SX, W indows
Lexisnexis, W estlaw, B loomberg L aw
Work E xperience
Pardue a nd A ssociates L aw C ompany
Augusta, G a
Internship, J une 2 015-December 2 015
Conducted I nvestigations a nd R esearch
Pertaining t o C ases
Drafted L egal D ocuments a nd L etters
Summarized D epositions a nd T estimonies
Organized C ase F iles
Assisted w ith A ccounting P rojects
Moscow S tate I nstitute o f I nternational A ffairs
(MGIMO M oscow, R ussia
Entrance C ommission C oordinator; “ Entrance
Olympiad” C oordinator; E nglish I nstructor,
February 2 013-April 2 015
Coordinated T esting f or U niversity A pplicants
Assigned I ncoming S tudents t o L anguage
Assessment a nd R emediation C lasses
Administered U niversity E ntrance E xams
Taught L egal a nd G eneral E nglish C lasses t o High S chool S tudents
Conducted J ob p erformance R eviews f or
Entrance C ommission F oreign L anguage
Society M emberships
Emory T ax L aw S ociety - S ecretary
Emory I mmigration L aw S ociety
Emory E nergy L aw S ociety
State B ar o f G eorgia A ssociation
Energy B ar A ssociation
American I mmigration L awyers A ssociation
Georgia A ssociation f or W omen L awyers
Additional I nformation
Certified N otary P ublic - G eorgia
Published A uthor i n R ussian L egal A cademic Journals
Pro B ono P ublico M edal o f A ppreciation - Immigration C ourt P roject
Legal P ermanent R esident o f t he U nited S tates
- N o W ork S ponsorship R equired