احترف التصمیم منذ اكثر من ** سنوات ببرامج:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Illustrator
القدرة على الابداع
الالتزام بالمواعید
القدرة على ادارة حملات اعلانیة
تصمیمات مبتكرة
بعض من اعمالى:
:Design design for more than 10 years programs
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Illustrator
Creative ability
Ability to manage ad campaigns
Innovative designs
:Some of my works
تسویق الالكترونى :
تسویق الالكترونى بكفاءة عالیة
مصمم جرافیك و اقوم بعمل التصمیمات و اللوجوھات و الفیدیوھات التعریفیة للمنتجات و الشركات
مصمم مواقع و اقوم بتصمیم موقع للشركة او المنتجات و ربطھ بجمیع وسائل التواصل
ارسال رسائل sms تعریفیة بالشركة و منتجاتھا فى المناطق المطلوبة
ادارة حملات تسویقیة الالكترونیة
جعل المواقع الالكترونیة تظھر فى اول نتائج البحث. اجادة التعامل مع السوشیال میدیا
للتواصل فون و واتساب : 011********
E - Marketing
E-marketing with high efficiency
Graphic designer, graphic designer, graphic designer, graphic designer
Website designer and I design a website for the company or products and connect it to all
means of communication
Send SMS messages to the company and its products in the required areas
Management of electronic marketing campaigns
Professional handling of media media
.Make websites appear in the first search results
To connect Phone and WhatsApp 011********
iam E - Marketing @ graphic designer
E-marketing with high efficiency Graphic designer, graphic designer, graphic designer, graphic designer Website designer and I design a website for the company or products and connect it to all means of communication Send SMS messages to the company and its products in the required areas Management of electronic marketing campaigns Professional handling of media media .Make websites appear in the first search results
iam Designer more than 10 years programs Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Illustrator Creative ability Punctuality Ability to manage ad campaigns Innovative designs :Some of my works https://www.behance.net/wael_mohamed