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AKA The Olivia Pope of AP

Glenside, PA
December 01, 2017

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Rachel E . W ilson

Effective customer service is essential to any organization. Currently I’m seeking to explore new opportunities w ithin t he F irm t o e xpand m y k nowledge b ase a nd t alents. With having over fifteen years of experience in accounting and customer service, I believe my education a nd e xperience i s o ne t hat w ould b e a c ontinued a sset t o t he F irm. I have a unique ability to communicate on a personal, yet professional level with all staff and management. This ability has helped me to maintain the role of a positive team player in my previous positions.

Should you like to meet with me to discuss my credentials, please feel free to give me a call. I welcome t he o pportunity t o m eet w ith y ou. I l ook f orward t o h earing f rom y ou s oon. Thank y ou f or y our t ime a nd c onsideration.

S incerely,

R achel W ilson

p hone 2 15.510.6793 e mail: r ************@*****.*** Rachel E . W ilson


r ************@*****.***


I a m a h ighly o rganized, a nalytical, d etail-oriented, d edicated a ccounting p rofessional w ho i s p roficient i n various a ccounting f unctions a nd w ho a lso h as t he a bility t o m ulti-task a ll w hile w orking i n f ast p aced environments M y a ccounting c areer w hich s pans o ver f ifteen y ears h as g iven m e t he o pportunity t o w ork i n the l egal, c onstruction, t ravel & t ourism, m anufacturing i ndustries. I a m a lso a s elf-motivated i ndividual, w ho excels i n f ast p ast e nvironments, p ossess t he a bility t o q uickly m aster n ew p rocesses a nd w ho c an e asily a dapt to n ew s ituations. W hich I b elieve, w ill m ake m e a v aluable a sset t o a ny o rganization. Education

● Licensed P ractical N urse

o 1994 - V EEBS, U niondale N Y

Key S kills

Accounts P ayables / Receivables M gmt.

General L edger & J ournal E ntry

Report G eneration

Records O rganization & M anagement

Spreadsheets & A ccounting R eports

Problem I dentification a nd R esolution

Corporate A ccounting & B ookkeeping

Cash M anagement

Financial S tatement P reparation

Client/Vendor R elations

Technology S ummary


Elite E nterprise

Chrome R iver

Sage T imberline / B uilderMT

JD E dwards


Professional E xperience

0 9/14- 1 0/17. C ozen O ’Connor P hiladelphia, P A Finance A ccount A ssociate/Sr. A ccounts P ayable S pecialists

Manages a nd p rocess p ayments f or a ll o f t he F irm’s o perational v endors w hile m aintaining e xcellent r elationships with i nternal a nd e xternal c lients.

Daily m onitoring a nd f unding o f v arious o nline b ank a ccounts v ia o nline b anking w ebsites.

Internal a nd e xternal c orrespondences r egarding A P r elated r equest a nd i nquiries.

Prepares a nd p rocess a ll o utgoing w ire a nd A CH r elated t ransactions a nd e nsuring p roper a ccount a nd b anking information.

Expense R eporting S pecialist, w hich i ncludes e nsure t hat e mployee’s e xpense r eports a re p rocessed a nd p aid accurately i n a ccordance t o c ompany p olicy, a nalyze e xpenses f or f oreign t axes ( VAT).

Coordinated w ith B illing D epartment w ith e xecuting m onthly P roformas a nd s ubsequent i nvoices w hich i ncluded detailed n arration f or d istribution t o s ecretaries a nd a ttorneys f or t heir r eview.

Firm’s A merican E xpress A dministrator; w hich i ncludes c ard m ember e nrollment, a ccount d isputes, d elinquency reporting, a nd p rovide o verall c ard m ember s upport.

Cash A pplications S upport S pecialist, w hich i ncludes d aily p rocessing o f c ash r eceipts t o c ustomer a ccounts including p ayments m ade b y l ockbox, b ranch d eposits a nd c redit c ards. 03/13-08/14 S toltz M anagement o f D elaware B ala C ynwyd, P A Accounts P ayable C oordinator

Managed t hirty-two p roperties e nsuring t hat a ll m onetary o bligations a re a chieved i n a t imely f ashion.

Fiduciary r esponsible f or m onitoring s hareholders f inancial p ortfolio a nd m onth d istributions.

Review a nd a nalyze v endor i nvoices f or p rocessing w hile e nsuring i t’s p rocessed a ccording t o s tandard procedures.

Daily P ositive P ay b anking r econciliation v ia o nline b anking.

Evaluated t he b est f orms o f p ayment; c heck r uns, w ire t ransfers, a nd A CH t ransactions.

Researched a nd r esolve a v ariety o f r outine i nternal a nd e xternal i nquiries t o a chieve s atisfaction.

Verify G L c odes a gainst b udgets, p urchase o rders a nd b lanket p urchase o rders.

Run w eekly T rail B alance r eport a nd A /P r eport i n E xcel t o m ake s ure t hey b alance.

Responsible f or f iling, m aintaining a nd d istributing a ccounting d ocuments, r ecords a nd r eports.

0 5/11 – 2 /13 L eClairRyan, P C R ichmond, V A Accounts P ayable A nalyst

Managed f ive o f t he f irm’s t wenty-two o ffices v endor p ayments w hile m aintaining e xcellent r elationships w ith internal a nd e xternal c lients.

Reviewed a nd a nalyzed v endor i nvoices a nd r esolve i ssues t o p repare f or p rocessing.

Coded i nvoices, v ouchers, e xpense r eports, c heck r equests, e tc., w ith c orrect c odes c onforming t o s tandard procedures a nd e nsuring p roper e ntry i nto t he a ccounts p ayable a nd g eneral l edger s ystems.

Ensured t hat e mployee’s e xpense r eports a re p rocessed a nd p aid a ccurately a nd i n a t imely m anner.

Evaluated t he b est f orms o f p ayment; c heck r uns, w ire t ransfers, a nd A CH t ransactions.

Ensured t hat r emittance a dvice i s e valuated a nd p rocessed a ccording t o s tandard p rocedures.

Received, r esearched a nd r esolves a v ariety o f r outine i nquiries t o a chieve i nternal a nd e xternal c lient s atisfaction.

Responsible f or f iling, m aintaining a nd d istributing a ccounting d ocuments, r ecords a nd r eports.

Performs v endor m aster f ile m aintenance a nd c ollects w 9 f orms f or p rocessing a nd s ubmission o f 1 099’s. Professional E xperience C ont.

06/10 - 5/11 L eClairRyan, P C R ichmond, V A

F inance C oordinator

Provided a dministrative s upport f or D irector o f A ccounting a nd A ccounting M anagers.

Oversaw m aintenance a nd m anagement o f t imekeeper a nd v endor m aster f iles.

Assisted w ith c alendar m anagement f or i ndividual, g roup a nd d epartment f unctions.

Prepared a gendas a nd m inutes f or c ommittee a nd t ask f orce m eetings.

Compiled d ata f or a ttorney h our’s e xception, a ged t ime a nd t ime e ntry.

Assisted w ith d aily c lient c ash i ntake.

Provided c alendaring a nd r eports f or e xiting a ttorney i nterviews.

Assisted w ith v alidation o f n ewly c reated A ccounting r eports.

Maintained n ew t imekeepers i n E lite e nsuring t hat a ll a re u pdated t o c omply w ith o ur b usiness r equirements.

Research a nd r esolve a ccounting d iscrepancies a nd i rregularities a s n eeded. 06/05 – 0 4/10 B oone H omes I nc. M anakin-Sabot, V A Accounts P ayable M anager/Office M anager

Managed a ll v endor/ s ubcontractors i nvoices f or R ichmond & R oanoke o ffices.

Issued p urchase o rders f or g eneral a dministrative a nd o verhead p urchases.

Prepared a nd p rocess a ll m onth e nd r eports f or C ontroller.

Processed e mployee r eimbursements o f m onthly e xpenses.

Researched d iscrepancies a nd p rovide s olutions p ertaining t o t he A ccounts P ayable D epartment.

Communicated w ith v endors, s ubcontractors, a nd h omeowners t o a ddress i nquiries a nd r esolve i ssues.

Maintained v endor a ccounts, w hich i ncluded v erifying g eneral l iability a nd w orkers c ompensation c ertification.

Responsible f or o verseeing a ll a pproved i nvoices, e xpense r eports, a nd c redit m emos a re e ntered a ccurately a nd posted a nd o r p aid i n a t imely m anner.

G reet v isitors, d irect t o a ppropriate l ocations, a nd a lert a ppropriate s taff m embers o f t heir a rrival.

Answer g eneral o ffice t elephone l ine a nd g eneral c ustomer i nquiries, t ransfer c alls a s n eeded.

Maintain a wareness o f s cheduled a ctivity a nd e vents i n t he b uilding i n o rder t o m aintain a n e fficient a nd welcoming e nvironment f or v isitors.

Drop-off, p ick-up a nd s ort d aily m ail f or d istribution.

Oversaw h ospitality n eeds f or o ffice – c ommunal l unch, s taff b irthdays, i ntern t hank y ou c ards, e tc.

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