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Fort Lauderdale, FL
November 19, 2017

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F ort L auderdale, F L * ****

Phone: ( 954-*-**-**** w Strategic, respected and distinguished Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant. Over fourteen years of progressive skill in Talent Acquisition throughout multiple industries including Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishing and Financial Services. Recognized and esteemed global, full-life cycle recruitment program leader within various Fortune 500 companies. As an accomplished Senior Consultant, I have championed numerous TA initiatives and integrations. Trusted client advisor with the ability to cultivate and build substantial relationships with Senior Leadership and key business stakeholders. Proactive, p oised a nd p olished T A a dvisor.

(P rofessional E xperience-Contractual R ecruitment P rojects) GENEWIZ

Recruiting C onsultant – S outh P lainfield, N J/Ft. L auderdale, F L – ( C ontinuiti, L LC) 6/16 – 1 0/16

Full l ife c ycle R ecruiting C onsultant f or g rowing B iotech/Genomic S ervices C orporation w ith H Q i n N J. R ecruited t o o versee C-Level E xecutive, I T, S ales, M arketing, F inance a nd L aboratory r ecruitment f or a ll U S, U K a nd J apan G ENEWIZ l ocations.

Senior A dvisor d eveloping B est P ractices s pecific t o G ENEWIZ F ull L ife C ycle R ecruitment. I ncluding b ut n ot l imited t o: J ob Description & I nterview G uide c reation, H M S trategy M eeting P rocesses a nd o verall C andidate E xperience i nitiatives. ALLERGAN

Senior R ecruiter/Team L ead/Trainer, T alent A cquisition W eston, F L – ( ACT 1 ) 4/15 – 5 /16

Promoted t o e xclusive T alent A cquisition L eader f or A NDA, a n A llergan A ffiliate, t o o versee e ntirety o f T alent A cquisition f or exempt & n on-exempt p ositions. T his i ncluded E xecutive l evel T A n eeds w ithin S ales, H R, M arketing, F inance, C ompliance, Security, P urchasing a nd T raining & D evelopment i n W eston, F L a s w ell a s C all C enter/Distribution/ M anagement n eeds i n Grand I sland, N Y, C orona, C A, O live B ranch, M S a nd G roveport, O H.

Presented o n-site a nd v irtual t raining f or A llergan’s “ Talent A cquisition C enter o f E xcellence” f or o ver 5 00 e mployees. Presented o n-site a nd v irtual “ Taleo A TS H M T raining” f or U S M anagers.

Crucial m ember o f T A’s m ultiple I ntegration P rojects. H armonized m ore t han t hree A TS, p olicies, p rocedures a nd S hared Services a ctivities o f o bsolete s ystems. P articipated i n f ocus g roups, t esting a nd, u ltimately, t he r oll o ut o f A llergan’s 1HRSource – T alent A cquisition.

Advocate & C hampion o f A llergan a s a n “ Employer o f C hoice”. ALLERGAN ( ACTAVIS G x)

Senior R ecruiter/Team L ead, T alent A cquisition D avie, F L

Recruited t o b e t he o n- s ite, f ull l ife c ycle S enior R ecruiter/Project L eader f or A llergan’s S outh F lorida f ootprint. M anaging approximately 5 0+ E xempt l evel r equisitions w ithin M anufacturing, Q uality R &D, C linical R &D, C linical P ackaging, Distribution, G lobal R &D M anagement, S ales, S upply C hain, I T, Q uality & E ngineering.

Report D irectly i nto t he E xecutive D irector, T alent A cquisition. P rimary p oint o f c ontact f or T A f or a ll 5 S outh F lorida s ites. Manage r elationships w ith T A C oordinators a nd S ourcing S pecialists s upporting A llergan, S outh F lorida.

Project M anager/Team L ead f or t wo r ecruitment p rojects. O versee, o nboard a nd p roject- m anage a t eam o f S enior a nd Junior L evel R ecruiters a s w ell a s t wo r ecruiting C oordinators. PFIZER

Senior T alent A cquisition S pecialist - S aint L ouis, M O – ( A trium S taffing) 11/14 – 2/ 1 5

On s ite, f ull l ife c ycle T alent A cquisition S pecialist f or P fizer’s S t. L ouis, M O M anufacturing & D istribution s ites. M anaged 45-50 r equisitions s imultaneously w hile m aintaining s trong c lient r elationships. S ingle p oint o f c ontact f or a ll s taffing a nd recruiting n eeds f or 2 m anufacturing s ites.

Positions i ncluded S ite L eader, S enior D irectors o f P ackaging & I nspection, P roduct & P roject M anagers, I nspectors, R &D Chemical E ngineers, C hemists a s w ell a s U nion W arehouse p ositions. LAUREN Z OUBEK

F ort L auderdale, F L 3 3322

Phone: ( 954-*-**-**** w ELSEVIER

Talent A cquisition S pecialist - N ew Y ork, N Y – ( Select S taffing) 3 /14 – 6 /14

Talent A cquisition S pecialist r esponsible f or f ull-life c ycle r ecruitment f or E lsevier’s L ife S ciences C orporate Markets d ivision. M anaged 2 0 – 2 5 S TM P ublishing r equisitions s imultaneously w ith f ull r esponsibility f or H iring M anager intake m eetings, J D c reation, s ourcing p assive c andidates, n egotiating o ffers a nd f inally e ngaging t he o nboarding t eam. Positions r anging f rom V P o f N ew P roduct D evelopment E ngineering, E ditorial D irector – L ife S ciences, Bioinformatics S cientists, S enior D irector P roduct S trategy t o T echnical P roduct M anagers. D evelop a nd m aintain a s trong pipeline o f L ife S ciences P rofessionals t hrough s ocial n etworking s ites s uch a s L inkedIn a nd t he D OC. THE L INDE G ROUP

Senior R ecruiter N ew P rovidence, N J ( Randstad S ourceright) 4 /12 – 8/12

Primary c ontact f or t he f ull l ife c ycle o f r ecruitment o f t he L ife G ases d ivision o f L inde ( Industrial G ases) a cross m ultiple functions a nd l ocations. F ocus o n I nformation T echnology, E ngineering a nd F inance. L eader b y e xample; s ubject m atter expert. M etrics d riven a nd r esponsible f or s uccessful, p roductive a nd e fficient r elationship m anagement w ith h iring executives. D eveloped a s trong s ourcing s trategy u tilizing s ocial m edia, n etworking a ssociations a nd i ndustry s pecific symposiums. A ct a s a d elegator a nd p roject m anager f ocused o n r ecruiting t he h ighest c aliber c andidates f or t he c lient. FISERV, I NC. – I NVESTMENT S ERVICES

Recruiter J ersey C ity, N J 5 /11 – 9/11

Primary c ontact f or t he f ull l ife c ycle o f r ecruitment o f t he I nvestment S ervices d ivision o f F iserv a cross m ultiple f unctions and l ocations. D epartments i ncluding I T, S ales, M arketing, H R a nd F inance.

Responsible t o o wn r ecruitment s trategy i ncluding, i nternet e -recruitment, s election, s cheduling, i nterviewing, e tc. M ajor focus r ecruiting f or I T p rofessionals i n S oftware D evelopment, E ngineering a nd N etwork O perations. C andidates i ncluded SAS P rogrammers, . Net D evelopers, J ava D evelopers, e tc. C onsistently s ource a nd d eliver c andidates w ith d ifficult a nd h ard to f ind s kill s ets.

Responsible t o d evelop a nd t rack a ll m etrics w ith r espect t o r ecruitment w ithin I nvestment S ervices. T his i ncludes t racking applicant f low a s w ell a s t he d evelopment o f e xpanded r eporting a gainst t he i ndustry r egarding c ost p er h ire, t ime t o f ill, volume a nalysis, a nd d iversity. S ignificantly l owered I nvestment S ervices t ime t o f ill m etrics. VERIZON

Senior H R A nalyst – C ollege R elations – I nformation T echnology D evelopment- B asking R idge, N J ( Pyramid C onsulting) 1 /11 – 4 /11

Lead S r. H R A nalyst o n t he C orporate I T C ollege L eadership D evelopment P rogram. I dentify G raduate c andidates f or Software D evelopment, S oftware E ngineering, I mplementation a nd Q A s pecific p rograms. T ravel t o T op 1 0 C ollege Universities a nd r epresent V erizon a s a n E mployer o f C hoice.

Major f ocus r ecruiting I T G raduates i n S oftware D evelopment, E ngineering a nd N etwork O perations. C andidates i ncluded SAS P rogrammers, . Net D evelopers, J ava D evelopers, S ystem A dministrators, N etwork A dministrators, e tc.

(P rofessional E xperience-Permanent R ecruitment/HR E xperience) GMB N ORTH A MERICA, I NC.

Human R esources M anager/Administrator- D ayton, N J 4 /09 – 6/10

Oversee t he e ntire s taffing m anagement p rocess f or a n A utomotive A ftermarket D istributor. P rovide a ssistance t o management i n i nterviewing, h iring, t erminations, p romotions, f or a ll e xempt a nd n onexempt p ersonnel a nd t emporary employees. C onduct m anager t raining t o i ncrease e ffective i nterviewing t echniques. C onduct n ew h ire o rientation, employee r elation c ounseling, o utplacement c ounseling a nd e xit i nterviewing. M aintain h eadcount a nalysis r eports.

Develop a nd m aintain E mployee H andbook. P artner c losely w ith E mployment L aw F irm a nd C orporate L egal A id.

Review a nd n egotiate B enefit V endor C ontracts.

Evaluate d ecisions, r eports a nd r esults o f d epartmental p rocedures i n r elation t o c ompany’s e stablished g oals. R ecommend new a pproaches, p olicies, a nd p rocedures t o a ttain o rganizational e xcellence a nd e ffective c ontinuous i mprovements. LAUREN Z OUBEK

F ort L auderdale, F L 3 3322

Phone: ( 954-*-**-**** w SUNGARD T RADING, T REASURY & R ISK M GMT S YSTEMS Group R ecruiter- J ersey C ity, N J 1 0/04 – 1 1/06

Recruited t o l ead f ull l ife c ycle r ecruitment f or 5 B usiness U nits ( approx. 1 000 e mployees). D eveloped a s ourcing s trategy that i s c ost e fficient a nd h elps t o d iversify o ur s ourcing m ethods t hrough S ocial M edia, I nternet S ites, E mployee R eferrals, Networking, H eadhunters, J ob F airs, C ompany D ownsizings a nd N ewspapers.

Identify t op t alent f or I T, F inance, S ales, C lient S ervices, Q uality A ssurance, D evelopment, A dministration a nd E xecutive level p ositions. 4 0+ r equisitions h eld a t o ne t ime.

Managed a ll V isa A dministration p artnering w ith L egal d epartment.

Managed e ntire i nterview p rocesses. W ork c losely w ith C orporate C omp f or c urrent s alary s tructures t o n egotiate o ffers with c andidates. C onduct i nterviews a nd p rovide r ecommendations.

Partner w ith M anagers t o c onduct j ob a nalysis a nd c riteria r equired f or o pen p ositions.

Established a nd m anaged a p referred v endor l ist o f o utside r ecruiting a gencies.

Developed t he o rientation p rogram a nd m anaged t he i mplementation a t a ll 5 b usiness u nits.

Manage i nternal H eadcount A nalysis R eports a nd p rovide w eekly u pdates t o P resident o f T rading, T reasury & R isk Management b usiness u nit.

Facilitate a nd p rocess n otifications o f s eparations d ue t o C orporate D ownsizing. MERCK & C O., I NC.

Recruiter- W hitehouse S tation, N J 5 /02 – 10/04 Merck R esearch L abs ( MRL) H uman R esources/Merck M anufacturing D ivision ( MMD)

Responsibilities i ncluded s ourcing, s creening, i nterviewing a nd t racking o f a ll M erck R esearch L ab o penings. P ositions ranged f rom e ntry l evel t o e xecutive. H igh v olume r ecruitment o f R &D p ersonnel. P ositions i ncluded s enior l evel P rocess Technology S cientists a nd A ssociate S cientists r esponsible f or p reclinical r esearch a nd d evelopment, P harmaceutical S ales Representatives, R esearch F ellows, S upply C hain M anagers, C hemical E ngineers a nd B usiness A nalysts.

Coordinated c andidate i nterview a ctivity w ith t he i nterview t eam a nd e nsured f eedback/status i s a ccurately t racked i n Career L ink. E nsured t imely p roblem r esolution a nd a dherence t o s taffing p rocess a nd p olicy. E nsured t he a ccuracy o f d ata in A TS v ia w eekly r eports.

Career L ink ( ATS) p oint o f c ontact f or M erck M anufacturing D ivision’s H R. S et u p n ew u sers w ith a ccess t o t he s ystem, educate u sers a nd p rovide t echnical a ssistance w hen n ecessary. C onduct i n d epth t echnical t raining o n C areer L ink f or a ll grade l evels a t v arious s ites. R esponsible f or a dministration o f C entral E ngineering C areer L ink d ata, i ncluding d aily t racking of j ob r equisitions.

Divisional U S P eopleSoft H R I mplementation T eam M ember. Education:

Middlesex C ounty C ollege, C andidate f or L iberal A rts D egree, 6 0+ c redits Pennsylvania S tate U niversity, W orld C ampus - L etters, A rts & S ciences P rogram SHRM – P HR C ertification C ourse

Computer S kills:

Microsoft X P – M icrosoft W ord, P owerPoint, E xcel, O utlook. P eopleSoft, E nterprise, A DP P ayroll, A dobe A crobat, A dobe P hotoshop, Hodes E xchange, C areer L ink, M yOrg, E ZExpense, E ZBuy, E ZTrip, C ognos, P rovitrac, B rass R ing, O pen H ire, T aleo, I CIMS,RecruitMax, TribeHR, N etSuite, E xact H ire, S AP – C RM, M obile D evelopment, E RP, F ICO. T rained L inked I n P rofessional R ecruiter.

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