Ceneicia L emon
Hard w orking, d etail o riented, o ffice a dministrator l ooking f or a n ew opportunity w ith a c hallenging c ompany
Van Nuys,CA 91405
Unico A merican C orporation ( Commercial I nsurance C o.) - W oodland Hills, C A T echnical A ssistant / A dministrative / S witchboard O perator June 2004-November 2016
Duties: D ata e ntry, f ile d ocumentation, o verall m anagement o f i nsurance policies d uring a n a nnual p olicy t erm. I ssue c ertificates o f i nsurance, o rder motor v ehicle r ecords ( MVR's), o rder l oss r uns, f ollow-up c alls t o inspection c ompanies. W ork i ndependently a nd a s a t eam i n a f ast-paced environment. P rioritize m ultiple t asks a nd m eet d eadlines. C ode i nsurance policies. S creen c alls a nd f orward t o a ppropriate p ersonnel a nd/or t ake messages. I ssue v isitor’s b adges, g reet a nd r egister a ll v isitor's a nd advise a ppropriate p ersonnel o f v isitor's a rrival. S ign f or F edEx/UPS packages. O rder s upplies f or u nderwriter's. E xcellent a nalytical, w ritten and o ral c ommunication s kills. D etail o riented w ith i ntense o rganizational skills. H andle p olicy h older's c onfidential i nformation w ith d iscretion. Cancel a nd r einstate p olicies. E mail, f iling, s canning, f axing, e tc. DHN C ommunications - V an N uys, C A T elephone S ales Representative
April 2003-May 2004
Duties: P rovided e xceptional s ervice t o p atrons a nd e nsured c ustomer satisfaction. E xcelled i n a f ast-paced, h igh a ctivity, t eam o riented environment. R equired t o m eet v arious s ales g oals.
H olland I nternational - S ylmar, C A W arehouse, S ales D istribution L ead January 2 001 t o J uly 2 001
Duties: P rovided e xcellent c ustomer s ervice a nd p romoted p roducts. Complete s ales o rders. M anage c ompany i nventory o f s tock. D eveloped tremendous i nterpersonal s kills; e asily r elated w ith a ll t ypes o f c lients, co-workers a nd m anagement. E stablished a nd m aintained o n-going relationships w ith c lients. D eveloped m anagerial s kills b y o verseeing a small c rew. R esponsible f or h andling l arge s ums o f m oney a nd a ccounts receivable.
Victory H igh S chool - V an N uys C A
Type 4 5-50 w pm, 1 0-key b y
touch, D ata E ntry, M ulti-line
Switchboard, D orm R oom
Customer S ervice, S ales a nd
some M anagement. P roficient
in M icrosoft O ffice ( Outlook,
Word, b asic E xcel a nd
PowerPoint). P roficient i n
Imageright ( Insurance
document m anagement
software). A ttention t o d etail
and a f ast l earner
C onversational S panish