*** * **** * *. A pt. A
Teaneck, N .J. 0 7666
To o btain a p osition i n a g rowth a nd i ncentive o riented c ompany i n w hich I m ay s hare m y t alents and g row w ith t hem.
Professional a ttitude a nd m anner. K nowledge o f M icrosoft E xcel f or W indows, M icrosoft W ord f or Windows a nd M ainframe. M S P ower P oint, C ustomer S ervice, a nd T elephone R epresentative EXPERIENCE:
Glendale P arade N orthvale, N J 2 007- 2 017 Customer S ervice
Interact w ith c ustomers t o p rovide a nd p rocess i nformation i n r esponse t o i nquiries, c oncerns a nd requests a bout p roducts a nd s ervices.
Main J ob T asks a nd R esponsibilities:
- Deal d irectly w ith c ustomers e ither b y t elephone, e lectronically o r f ace t o f ace
- Maintaining e xcel s preadsheet t o t rack c ustomer a ctivity u sing 1 0-key
- Handle n umerous c lerical d uties i ncluding f iling, s canning, i ndexing
- Respond p romptly t o c ustomer i nquiries
- Handle a nd r esolve c ustomer c omplaints
- Obtain a nd e valuate a ll r elevant i nformation t o h andle i nquiries a nd c omplaints
- Perform c ustomer v erifications
- Process o rders, f orms, a pplications a nd r equests
- Direct r equests a nd u nresolved i ssues t o t he d esignated r esource
- Manage c ustomers' a ccounts
- Keep r ecords o f c ustomer i nteractions a nd t ransactions
- Record d etails o f i nquiries, c omments a nd c omplaints
- Record d etails o f a ctions t aken
- Manage a dministration
- Communicate a nd c oordinate w ith i nternal d epartments
- Follow u p o n c ustomer i nteractions.
Morgan S tanley T rust C ompany B rooklyn, N Y 1996- 2 007 Floor P roduction
- Administrative w ork i n M STC p roduction r oom
- Sort a nd d istribute f axes, r eports, a nd m ail f or t he b usiness u nit.
- Responsible f or c ompiling c opy j obs, a nd c lient p resentation m aterials.
- Handle a nd m aintain a ll o ffice e quipment s uch a s R acal r ecording d evices, c opiers, f ax machines, a nd p rinters.
- Maintained i nventory f or p roduction r oom s upplies, p aper, a nd g eneral s tationery. Tower I nsurance N ew Y ork, N Y 1996- 1 996 Cancellations C lerk
- R esponsible f or r einstatements a nd c ancellations o f i nsurance p olicies. The D epository T rust C ompany N ew Y ork, N Y 1993- 1 996 Administrator
- Participated i n t he q ualification o f C orporate a nd M unicipal s ecurities t o b e m ade " eligible" for d eposit a nd s ettlement a t D TC.
- Provided w eekly a udit r eports o f n ew " eligible" s ecurities a t b oth t he M idwest D epository i n Chicago, I L a nd D TC.
Norfolk S tate U niversity N orfolk, V .A.
Candidate f or B .A. 1 989- 1 992
Michele R ios 1 -800-***-**** e xt. 1 3
Kerri H azelton. 2-01-926-****