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Clifton, NJ
12 to 18
January 28, 2018

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Bhavin R . D esai

** * ******* * **, A pt # **, P assaic, N J 0 7055

Email: b *******@*****.***

Phone: 8-62-213-****

OBJECTIVE: T o o btain a c hallenging p osition t hat w ill u tilize t echnical s kills a nd k nowledge i n t he f ield. EDUCATION:

R. B . P atel T echnical I nstitute, I ndia 1 990 ~ 1 992 DRAFTMAN M ECHANIC

Soldered E lectrical a nd E lectronic A ssemblies T raining Aug 2 016 Merrimak, C ertification P rogram


V ersa V alves P aramus, N J AUG-2017-october’17

A ssemble p arts i nto c omplete u nits o r s ubassemblies i n a t imely m anner

B olts, s crews a nd r ivets p arts t ogether a s s pecified f rom b lueprints

C onnects e lectrical w ires t o t erminals o f s ub u nits

C onducts t esting o f c ompleted u nits

M aintain h ousekeeping a nd 5 S c onditions

C ross t rain a s n eeded

A bility t o u se a ir t ools ( power a nd P neumatic)

R AB L IGHTING, N ORTHVALE, N J POSITION: A ssembler March ‘ 17 -


● Assemble L ED l ighting f ixture.

● Ability a ssemble f rom a d etailed w ork i nstruction o r d ocument w hich i nclude e lectrical w iring d iagrams and d rawing.

● Able t o w ork w ith v arious f ixture a nd j igs.

● working w ith v arious e lectrical a nd m echanical t ools s uch a s p ower t ool, h and t ool.

● Able t o c orrectly r ecognize w ire c olors.

● Assemble L ED l ight h elp o f g reece, i nstall c apacitor, r esistor, reflector, d rivers e tc. Merrimak C rane a erospace a nd e lectronic, C aldwell, N J

A ssembler Aug ‘ 15 – N ovember ‘ 16

● Daily w ork w ith s mall p arts a nd f inger s kill t o w ork o n r equire a ssemblies’ j obs s uch a s p ucks bonding s et.

● Setup s taking process f or c omponents a s n eeded b y c reating i nterference f it b etween t he t wo p ieces.

● Gold c oating.

● Daily I nspecting, a ssembling, a nd s moothing l ayers a nd j oints o f b urred s urfaces.

● Repairing a nd r eworking d efective o r r eturned a ssemblies a s n eeded.

● Perform o ther j ob r elated d uties a s a ssigned.

● Obtained J -STD-003 c ertificate.

● Used b asic h and t ools a nd p ower t ools s uch a s s crewdrivers, g rinder, c rimpers a nd s trippers.

● Wings i nstallations

● Have p revious e xperience w orking u nder m icroscope a nd m agnifier.

● Performed o peration s uch a s s cales a nd a ny j igs a nd f ixture p rovided, a ttaching p arts t ogether. GENAVITE L LC, C lifton, N J

Co ating m achine o perator Mar ‘ 14 – A ug ‘ 15

● Perform d aily c ycle c ounts o n c oater t o v erify i nventory o n m achine a nd o ptimize t he d aily u se o f production e quipment.

● Perform p eriodic t esting o f t he c oating c hemicals, p rimer c hemicals, a nd e quipment c alibration.

● Ensure a ll c oating m achines a re f ully u tilized.

● Ensure w ork a reas a re k ept c lean a nd o rganized t hroughout t he s hift. VIDHEE E NGINEERING, G IDC, N avsari, I ndia

Workshop S upervisor J uly ‘ 04 - F eb ‘ 14

● Managing 1 8 ~ 2 0 w orkers o n d aily b asis f or d ay t o d ay d uties.

● Provide d etails o n c omponent d escriptions a nd c heck d imensions o f m aterials t o b e u sed.

● Specify d imensions, m aterials, a nd p rocedures w hile s upporting t o a ll w orker.

● Machine o perating k nowledge: S heraing M achine, B anding M achine, P ower p ress M achine, D rilling machine.

STATUS: P ermanent R esident

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