Moreno V alley, C A
WORK SUMMARY: Profound experience in Quality Control and Mechanical Inspection using standard measuring equipment (i.e. profilometers, comparators, micrometers, calipers, and dial bore gages) in accordance to blueprints, engineering o rders ( E.O.’s), a nd g overnment s pecs. S killed u se o f g eometric, d imensioning, a nd t olerancing ( GD&T). AGENDA: To find a place of employment that appreciates the value of a strong work ethic, that will allow me to apply the s kills I h ave a quired o ver t he y ears a nd l earn n ew s kills a s r equired. WORK E XPERIENCE:
● G ENERAL M ICRO S YSTEMS ( Rancho C ucamonga, C a.) Receiving I nspector M arch 2 017 t o P resent
R eceiving I nspection o f P recision E lectronic c hassis a nd c omponents u sing S ME, H eight G ages, a nd T hread G ages.
● ARMS P RECISION ( Corona, C A.) M echanical I nspector O ctober 2 015 – F ebruary 2 017 In-Process and Final Inspection of Precision Aircraft Parts using GD&T, Optical Comparator, and CMM (manual). I stayed w ith t he c ompany u ntil t here w as a w ork s lowdown.
● PNEUDRAULICS I NC. ( Rancho C ucamonga, C A) Mechanical I nspector M ay 2 015 – O ctober 2 015 Inspected precision hydraulic parts using micrometers, calipers, profilometers, and optical comparators, working on a surface plate using GD&T including AS9102 for in-process, receiving and final inspection. Laid off due to corporate downsizing ( Pneudraulics b ought o ut b y T ransdigm).
● QUALITY T ECH M FG. ( Ontario, C A) Q uality P lanner, M echanical I nspector, M ar 2 002 – M ar 2 015 After five years of working as a Mechanical Inspector (receiving, in-process, and final inspection) I worked eight years as a Quality Planner/Material Purchaser/Raw Material Inspector/and Process & Assembly Planner. Generated Purchase Orders for: processing, heat treat, assembly, & outside mfg. with QuickBooks & E2. Also generated travelers with Word
& E 2.
● ASML/SVG T HERMCO ( Orange, C A) R eceiving I nspector, N ovember 1 999 – J anuary 2 002 Receiving inspector for a company manufacturing machines that make computer chips. Inspected precision parts and components s uch a s: b rackets, b earings, f rames, e tc. U se o f G D&T a nd A S9102.
● CONTOUR A EROSPACE ( Brea, C A) M echanical I nspector, J uly 1 997 – N ovember 1 999 Inspected machine parts: stringers, spars/spar webs, floor beams (for Boeing C-17’s), crown frames/skins (for Northrop-Grumman), ribs (for British Aerospace). Use of GD&T. Also conducted In-Process Inspection and several First Articles p er A S9102.
● GENTEX C ORP. ( Rancho C ucamonga, C A) Mechanical I nspector O ctober 1 995 – J uly 1 997 Inspected components for flight safety including masks and helmets. Qualified in using: standard measuring equipment to inspect parts per blueprints, engineering orders (E.O.’s), and government specifications per GD&T and AS9102. Performed r eceiving/in-process a ssembly/and f inal i nspection.
● NEW B EDFORD P ANORAMEX ( Upland, C A) Mechanical I nspector M ay 1 993 – O ctober 1 995 Worked in three phases of inspection: receiving, fabrication, and final. Ensured that outside processes were correct (i.e. painting, plating, and identification) per government specs/blueprints/and engineering orders (E.O.’s). Use of GD&T and AS9102.