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Project Development

January 27, 2018

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Marcelo Mabuti Reyes

Address: Baranga.v Bagumbal,'an Sta. \laria.Laguna 4022 Phi lippines

Email Address: nrnrrevesT3(dlt'ahoo-com or


Contact Number : '163 956-***-**** or

+63 999 4510i1.+



N,tarch 201 2-\,Iarch 201 7 ( OFW )

Waiter (5Star Fine dining restauranti'\'lP)

Cleaning and set up dining areas

Al-Qalzam food distincl Co.Lrd K.S.A Jeddah

Greet customers

Present menu to the customer @escribing items on the menu) Taking food and beverage orders

Relay food and beverage orders to the kitchen staff and bar man Carry trays of food or drinks from the kitchen and bar to &e dining tables Serving and cheking back with costumers during the meaJs for any additional needs Remove dirty dishes and glasses and clean ttre tables after customers finish Providing checks and taking payments

Refi ll condiments,silverware, plates,napkins and stock service areas Not+: Some times Clsarer a.rd Bai rnan {Juire makingTea makiag ard Coffee naking}, Faod ruaner 2003 to 2007 Integrated Rural Development Foundation ofthe Philippines Quzon City 2009 to March 2$12 lntegrtted Rural Development Foundation ofthe Philippines Quezon City Admiristrative Offi cer (Payroll)

Bank Trarsaction (C*sh withdrawal )

Cash disbursement ard other cashiering works

Payroll preparation and distribution to our employee (National and Branch employee) Petty cash replenish

Accomplished financial report

Data filling

Answedng telephone calls and faxing documents to the parhers and clients SSS,PHIIIEALTH,PAG-IBIG and BIR employee contribution processing 2oo7 - 9txl.9 Integrated Rural Development Foundation ofthe Philippiaes puezon City Project Officer, Community Development Officer and Agdcultural Technician Calaca Batangas

Data Gathering to &e Local Government Units (LGU)

Administered interviews(surveys)farmers,woman and youth to the community and other Barangays of Calaca Organized farmerc,woman and youth

Conduct Training/seminars

Developed Livelihood project for the communify

Conduct meetings,monitoring and evaluation of the project Conduct farm visit

Do the farm plan for planting in the community

1998 -

gooc Integrated Rural Development Foundaticn oftJre Philippines $uezon City CommuniQr Development Officer ( Dingalan, Aurora Province ) Upland and Lowland Farming

OrganDed Farmers,woma.n and youth for livelihood projects Conduct meetings to the organization and others Bar, ngays in Dingalan, Aurora cOoS - 9o0? Integr'ated Rural Devei*pment Foundation of the Philippines Quezon


Adnri nistrative CIfficer

Cash disbursenent afld other cashiering works

Acccmplished financial report and payroil

19s6 - 1998 Integrated Raral Develoi:ment Foundation of the Philippines Quezor


Cornmunity Development fftiser and Agricultural Technician

{Bipacutrac,Baler Aurora Province }

Conduct farm visit

Do the farm plan for planting in the community

Administered interviews (surveys ) farmers, afld ather communities Orgadzed farmers

Monitoring and Er."aluatisn


Developed projects for the community

l99d - 1996 Integlated Rural Development Foundation of the Philippines Queatx


Agricultural Technician { Loeal Seed Program, Brgy. $an Benito Victoria,Laguna } Coorclinate Farmers

Give Seminars on what variety of plant is necessary in lowland and upland Give orientation on plant characteristics

Give reports to the Project coordinator

1992 - 1994

Hlucation Maycr Gregorio S. Aguado Scholarship foundation Laguna State Polltechnic Collage ( LSPC ) Siniloan, Laguna Iliploma in Agricultural Technology { DAT }

i988 - 1992

L,{acasipac National High,srhool Sta. !{aria. t,aguna f{igh Srhool

Special Awards as NIodel Studrnt ofthe ltear

1S80 I 986

Bagu*rlra-van Eiemeatarl' Schooi Sta \'laria, Laguna Elenrerrta rr'

Cnnsistent Hounr Stude*t.

Fersona! Dah

Father Name ; Sixto C. Reyes ( Deceased i

Mother Narne : Herrnogena M. Reyes { Hci,:se Ke*per i Birthday : September 20, 1*73

eivilStatus : Married

Relegion : Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

hleight: 5'3"

Weight : -1101hs.

Relegion : Catholic

Nationality : Filipino

Height: 5'3"

Weight : 110lbs

l-anguages $poken :

Filipino ( Native ) and English

Arabic (Littie)

Contact Person in Case of Emergency :

Peria Daz-Reyes

San Rafael, Pilar4714 Sorsogon

iltotrile g ; t.63-918-*******

Coitt;iuter Literate . \iS Olll.c ( \\'urJ aritl Eruci r Skills

On the iob Training on liousekeeping proceciures at y fulCA oi the Phiiippincs SgminarlWork (YMCA Intcruational Builclurg Complcx 350 A J. Villcgas Strcet Errnirl- Il4anila shop Attended lntcgrated Hotel and Resraurant Scrvices for Success{ul Career KP\'l Hotlier Consultanc-v Sen,ices. l!{idiand Plaza Hotel. Ermita \.{aniia

(October 22,2009 to November 22"20 9 )

Seminar,/\Vorkshop on Integrated Hotel Restau'ant Sen'ices for Successlul Ol erseas Emplol"rneat (Jimrnv Valeros Consuitanc-r' and Trainurg Inc \'{idland Plazn Hotel. Ermita. Manila 2002 Basic Bookkeeping and N{oral Values Seminar (1996 Sta. CrLrz. Laguna Spccial Livelihood Ollfice SLOi Nalional Training Seminal ort Seed Consen ation ald Balting i I996 Department of Agronom.v L"LB) Rice Breeding.&lultrplicatrot and Comnunitl'Seed Banking (l9l)6 Deparlment of Agronoml'UPLB) Farmer Trainors Trainin-e on Sustainable Agriculture (1995 ACCf LPLB) Nl'A (kains Post Han.est Tecl.rnoloel and Enlrcprcneuriai Development (1993) LSPti Refiemnces

\'vl'r,!. .11/l 1 C!U'lPv ;^,

Executir.e Dfector

Integrated Rural Del elopmcnt Forlndation ol the Philipprnes Tel No. ( 02 ) 426-55-18

Fax No. i 02 ) 925-09-B7

Ir{r Eduardo Nlontales

Ir{unrcipal Councilor"Sta. Maria. Laguna

N,lr. i-,iourddure Aa,vd

Branch \{anager

Al-Qalzar Pisiiss Restaurant

Obhur .leddah KSA

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