Marc Schwarz
Westfield, N.J. 07090
I am seeking a position with an organization that will utilize the skills I have developed as a journalist. I have more than 20 years of experience as a writer, editor, creator and team leader.
Freelance editor and content producer for Red Arc Design Studio, which provides specialized marketing services, including web design, 2012-current. Work includes:
Writer for LEAP, a personal branding and life coaching business, producing newsletter and blog posts, 2017-current. Work includes:
Oversaw online content for Features and Travel department for, including producing videos:
I held several positions at The Record (Bergen County, N.J.) and its parent company, North Jersey Media Group, since 1989, including:
Better Living Editor for The Record and Herald News (2013-2017). Oversaw production, content, assignment and staff for 14 printed sections a week. I initiated story ideas, worked with reporters on direction and graphics and photo departments on presentation and determined what stories were published on a daily basis and where and how they are displayed as well as post to CMS.
Travel Editor for The Record’s award-winning section (2009-2017). The Travel section earned the Silver Award for Newspapers under 350,000 circulation in the 2012 Society of American Travel Writers Foundation Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition. I determined and edited the content and oversaw the design as well as planned the itineraries of the travel writer.
Managing Editor, The Record Sports Magazine, a 56-page monthly glossy magazine. Helped to conceive the startup edition, from creating the departments and assigning content and staff to working with production and advertising departments.
Specialist Editor for Better Living (daily features section), The Mix! (weekly pop culture section), Get Set (weekly recreation section), Your Time (themed daily features sections), Sports (oversaw NCAA Final Four coverage, Olympics coverage, Stanley Cup special section, high school, college and pro football preview sections and high school coverage). In these roles, I created new sections, assigned staff, determined content, and worked with multiple departments as well as edit and write
Adjunct professor at Montclair State University, Jan. 2018-present. Teaching the Writing for Media course for the School of Communication and Media.
Instructor, School of the New York Times, Summer 2017. Course leader for three two-week sessions and teaching assistant for one two-week session. Worked with 25 high school students from across the globe and four Module Instructors in topics including: Inside the UN, Sustainability, Microfinance, Law, Journalism and Tech Innovation, and oversaw final project. Also led the Writing the Big City Intensive course that focused on the correctional system.
Having held a variety of positions as an award-winning daily journalist, I have acquired a wide-range of skills from creating new products, team-building, production, supervision, editing, writing and social media. I can produce clear, concise and on-message content on multiple platforms. I am able to guide projects from the idea stage to completion for both short- and long-lead deadlines.
New products: Developed multiple new sections and products for the daily newspaper as well as a monthly glossy magazine. This involves creating content, overseeing staff, planning, establishing short-term and long-term goals, and coordinating coverage and staffing with multiple departments.
Team-building: Helped reorganize staff after merger of two departments and provide vision for editorial content.
Production: Oversee production of 16 newspaper sections each week – from determining the content to how it is displayed.
Supervision: Directly supervise editors, reporters and editorial assistants.
Editing: Help shape stories from inception to final product. Ability to synthesize and sharpen message, making sure it’s on target.
Writing: Report and write newspaper and magazine articles as well as having been a beat reporter.
Social media: Helped establish guidelines and oversee content for newspaper’s features section and travel section’s online presence.