Alice L iu
***** * ******** * *., C upertino, C A 9 5014 310-***-**** a ***************@*****.*** U S C itizen ED UCATION & H O NORS
U n iversity o f C a lifornia, B e rkeley Co llege o f L e tters & S c ience BE RKELEY, C A
B achelor o f A rts i n C ognitive S cience Aug. 2 015ㄧ M ay 2 017
● Concentration: C ognitive N euroscience & C ognitive P sychology
D e A n za C o llege CU PERTINO, C A
● Honors: July 2 013ㄧ J une 2 015
2 014 - 2 015 S cholar-Athlete o f t he Y ear 2 013 - 2 015 o n t he D ean's l ist e very q uarter 2015 W on t he s ingles t itle
a t t he C alifornia C ommunity C ollege A thletic A ssociation ( CCCAA) W omen's B adminton C hampionships EX PERIENCE
Fo xsemicon, F o xconn G roup SA N J OSE, C A
A dministrative A ssistant July 2 017ㄧ P resent
● Provide g eneral a dministrative s upport t o t he o ffice a nd m anagement t eams
● Review i nvoices a nd a ll s upporting d ocuments f or p roper p ayment t o v endors
● Work w ith w arehouse, v endors, a nd b uyers t o r esolve o rder d iscrepancies JB T I n ternational I n c. TO RRANCE, C A
O ffice A ssistant I ntern July 2 015ㄧ A ug. 2 015
● Manage o ffice s upplies, i ncluding o rdering, r eceiving, s tocking, a nd d istributing
● Coordinate c ompany’s l unch a nd s nack p rogram a nd a rrange a nd a ssist w ith t ravel r equests EX TRACURRICULAR A CTIVITIES
D e A n za C o llege CU PERTINO, C A
I nter C lub C ouncil o f T aiwanese S tudent A ssociation M ay 2 014ㄧ M ay 2 015
● Attended w eekly I CC m eetings a nd v oted o n I CC m atters.
● Reported o n c lub’s a ctivities e ach m onth a nd i nformed c lub m embers o f i nformation s hared a t I CC m eetings.
S ecretary o f C SA May 2 014ㄧ M ay 2 015
● Recorded a ttendance a t m eetings a nd r eport m onthly a ttendance f igures t o t he d istrict g overnor
● Maintained m inutes o f c lub, b oard, a nd c ommittee m eetings
R e ading P a rtners SU NNYVALE, C A
E nglish R eading T utor Sep. 2 014ㄧ J une 2 015
● Met w ith i ndividual s tudents o n a w eekly b asis a nd p rovided t utoring a nd i ndividualized a cademic s upport
● Guided s tudents i n t heir g rade l evel r eading a nd d id c omprehension e xercises
D e A n za C o llege Y o uth B a dminton C l inic CU PERTINO, C A
A ssistant C oach Jan. 2 014ㄧ J une 2 015
● Provided g uidance w ith t he i ntent o f i mproving f ootwork, s trokes, a nd s trategic/tactical a wareness.
● Assisted h ead C oach w ith p rogram p lanning, m ental, a nd p hysical t raining, p rogress r eports, l eague o rganization, SK ILLS & I N TERESTS
● La nguage: P roficient i n w ritten a nd s poken C hinese M andarin
● Co mputer: C J ava, P ython , M icrosoft O ffice