Justus B rake
Education CASE W ESTERN R ESERVE U NIVERSITY Cleveland, O hio Bachelor o f S cience May 2 006
Major: M athematics
Bachelor o f A rts May 2 006
Major: M usic
Master o f E ngineering May 2 018
Concentration: I nnovation L eadership a nd M anagement/Systems a nd C ontrol Technical S kills J ava, C , N etworking, S uSE L inux, B ash S cripting, W indows D esktop O S, I IS, A ctive D irectory, W eb Services, H TML, C SS, J avaScript, S erver H ardware, I P V ideo, R AID, A lgorithms Soft o f S kills B uilding c onsensus o n c omplex i ssues - q uickly s ynthesizing v iable s olutions.
M aking a ccessible w hat h as b een u napproachable t hrough c larity o f p urpose a nd p ossibilities. Experience TECH C ORPS Columbus, O hio
I nstructor J un 2 017 - A ug 2 017
Teaching h igh s chool s tudents w eb d evelopment f or c ollege c redit
Developed s oft s kills w ith s tudents, p ublic s peaking, c onference c alls w ith m ock c lients
Set u p f ollow u p c amps a nd o pportunities ACUITY-VCT W estlake, O hio
N ov 2 006 - D ec 2 016 ( 10 y ears) Senior M anager - S upport a nd I mplementation
● Application S ystems A rchitect
● Developed a nd i mplemented b usiness d evelopment i nitiatives i n s hared G oogle a ccount.
● Grew d epartment t o e ncompass a ll a spects o f o ur s oftware b usiness, s tarting n ew h ires o n t he support t eam, a nd t hen m atching t heir a ptitude w ith c urrent b usiness n eeds - t his w ill l ikely b e t he basis f or a b ook c alled “ Onboarding t he M illennial.”
● Quadrupled r ecurring r evenue b y e xpanding r emote s upport a greements
● Responsible f or o ver 3 00 E nterprise l evel s ervers e ach h olding a n a verage o f 2 4 T B o f c ustomer data.
● Designed e nd-user f acing a pplication f eatures a nd i nterfaces, a nd t hen d eveloping b est p ractices, and i mplementation g uides.
● Understanding c ustomer n eeds a nd l eading e ngineering e ffort t o q uickly a nd e ffectively m eet t he need a t h and w ith e asily i mplementable s oftware a pplication s olutions.
● Managed v ersion r elease i mplementation a nd t esting f or a s mooth a nd s ustainable p rocess.
● Managed c omponent a nd i ntegration t ests i n c ontrolled e nvironments a s w ell a s p ushing t he envelope i n t he w ild.
● Quickly d iagnosed a nd t riaged c ritical s ystems r oadblocks t o m inimize d isruption. Sales E ngineer
● Customer f acing e ngineering c ontact c reating a p rofit c enter b y e ngineering a pplication f eatures t o meet e nd u ser r equirements.
● Created c ompany w iki, s haring i nstitutional k nowledge i n a n a ccessible w ay.
● Designed H ealth R eporting s ystem w here e ach s erver i n t he f ield n ot o nly b ack u p i ts configuration t o o ur s erver, b ut g ives i nformation t hat d rives s ales l eads f or c ustomer n eeds.
● Detailed A PI a nd s ystems i ntegration.
● Worked w ith c ustomers t o e ngineer c ustom s oftware t o t heir b usiness n eeds.
● Worked w ith v endors t o b ring t he a pplication a nd h ardware s election f orward.
● Axis a nd I Qeye C ertified P rofessional.
Product D evelopment E ngineer
● Redesigned a dministration U I i nto a n ew a pplication t hat p roved i ntuitive, c lean a nd m odern.
● Improved C amera B ased M otion A larming S ystem w ith c ustom v ideo a nalytics a nd a lgorithm development.
● Java, C , N etworking, L inux
TUBTHUMPERS M USIC Olmsted T ownship, O hio
Dec 2 001 - M ay 2 009
● After w orking a s a p rivate l esson t eacher f or 5 0-60 s tudents a w eek f or s everal y ears t he p revious owner o f t he s tore o ffered t o s ell m e t he m usic s tore
● Taking p rocesses t hat h ad b een d one b y t he p revious o wner, l earning d igesting a nd t hen t eaching them t o n ew s taff