Matthew D aly e ****.********@*****.*** ** C uthbert R d
Boston, M A 0 2132
Senior L eader w ith o ver 1 5 y ears e xperience i n e nterprise a ccount m anagement a nd t echnical s upport t o Fortune 1 00, F ortune 5 00 c lients, i ncluding 9 y ears l eading b oth A ccount M anagement a nd T echnical S upport teams, i n t he U S a nd G lobally. W ell v ersed i n a ccount m anagement t o C l evel, s upport f unctions/scope a nd implementation o f p rocesses, a s w ell a s T echnical a nd s oft s kills e nablement. E njoys e ngaging w ith c lients to d rive c omplex r equirements, t urning d ifficult s ituations i nto s uccessful o utcomes. Experience
5/2015 t o 5 /2017 a Priori T echnologies, I nc. C oncord, M A aPriori p rovides c osting s oftware f or t he u se i n d esign a nd d evelopment o f p roduct p arts a nd a ssemblies to s ome o f t he world’s t op m anufacturers.
Director, T echnical S upport a nd D eployment
● M anaged g lobal t eam o f s upport e ngineers t o d eliver t op l evel s upport o f t he a Priori a pplication
● I mplemented n ew S upport s ystem f or c all t racking ( Zendesk)
● A chieved 9 7% c ustomer s atisfaction r ate s ince s ystem i mplementation ( 1 y ear)
● D oubled s taff, p roviding o nboarding a nd t raining p lans, a s w ell a s o ngoing t raining w hen n eeded
● E ngaged d irectly w ith c lients, o nsite w hen n eeded, t o e nsure i ssues w ere a ddressed
● E ngaged w ith o ther D irectors a nd V ice P residents o n c ompany i nitiatives o r i ssues
● P ackaged a nd r eleased a ll s oftware ( major, m inor, h otfixes), n otifying c lients o f a vailability
● P rovided S ales S upport t o p rospects r egarding I T/Hardware i nfrastructure d uring n egotiations 4/2012 t o 5 /2015 I BM, P ure D ata f or A nalytics ( Netezza) M alrborough, M A Netezza/Pure D ata f or A nalytics p rovides a s implified d atawarehousing e nvironment w ith f astest t ime-to-value. T he Netezza t echnology e nables c omplex q ueries a nd a lgorithms t o c omplete i n m inutes, a s o pposed t o h ours. Manager, T echnical A ccount M anagers, U S E ast, E MEA, C anada
● Directly m anaged 1 5+ T echnical A ccount M anagers ( TAMs) i n U S, E MEA, C anada, a nd M exico.
● Oversaw major engagements at top tier customers to ensure internal IBM teams are coordinating and executing t o m eet c lient e xpectations
● Ensured client success and satisfaction by delivering TAM support across US and EMEA. Ensured TAM team is resourced correctly and those resources are assigned appropriately, all with the goal of making c lients r eferenceable
● Engaged d irectly w ith k ey c lient f ocals t o a ssist i n d riving s atisfaction a nd a doption w here n eeded.
● Collaborated with Sales, Lab Services, Support, and Engineering to manage client escalations and confirm t hey a re r eceiving t he n ecessary a ttention
● Worked with the TAM and Support Management teams to periodically review the TAM model, verifying i t m eets c hanging c lient a nd I BM r equirements, w hile m eeting f inancial c onstraints 1/2010 t o 4 /2012 IBM, O penPages S oftware G roup L exington, M A IBM acquired OpenPages, Inc. late in 2010. OpenPages software provides top to bottom over site of governance, risk, and c ompliance. C lients i nclude f ortune 1 00 c ustomers, g lobal i n s cope, i n a l arge r ange o f s ectors Manager, T echnical S upport
● Directly M anaged T echnical S upport t eams i n U S, E MEA, a nd A SIA/PAC.
● Addressed e scalations a nd c ustomer s at i ssues, e ngaged p arties v ia c on-call o r o n l ocation
● Managed q uarterly a nd y early g oals f or s taff, b oth i ndividual a nd t eam t argets
● Worked w ith E ngineering o n e scalated d efects, s etting p riorities, e xpectations, a nd r elease d ates
● P lanned resources, staff and hardware, for testing latest releases to determine ‘Support acceptance’ prior t o r elease
● P rovided daily, weekly, monthly reports, as well as ad hoc reports, to senior management on case volumes, S LA, a nd d efects ( SFDC)
● Wrote a nd r eleased C ustomer S upport A dvisories t o a ll c ustomer c ontacts, o r s ubsets, a s n eeded
● A ttended weekly Product meetings to provide input and guidance on customer requirements as they relate t o p roduct r oadmap. S et p riorities a s n eeded
● Managed i nstallation r esources g lobally, e ither o nsite o r r emote
● Provided t raining p lans f or n ew s taff, o r f or n ew r eleases
● Provided P re-sales s upport a s n eeded f or R FPs, c onference c alls. R esourced s taff a s n eeded. 12/2005 t o 1 /2010 OpenPages, I nc W altham , MA Principal / S enior T echnical S upport E ngineer
● T hird l evel s upport o f O penPages’s e nterprise, t hree-tier a pplication, i ncluding C ognos
● Dedicated t echnical r esource t o c ustomers c ritical t o t he c ompany’s s uccess/growth
● Responsible f or K nowledge M anagement s ystem a dministration a nd r eporting.
● Worked d irectly w ith E ngineering, c onsulting a nd p artners o n e scalated i ssues, o n s ite i f r equired
● Assisted E ngineering i n f unctional r equirements g athering f or n ew p roducts a nd b eta t esting
● Responsible f or h andling e scalated i ssues a nd m ultiple k ey c ritical a ccounts 12/2003 t o 1 /2005 O utStart, I nc. B oston, M A OutStart, I nc. p rovides a n a ward-winning f amily o f p roducts t o c reate, m anage, a nd d eliver l earning c ontent. O utStart’s solutions a re u sed b y s ome o f t he l argest b usinesses a nd o rganizations i n t he w ord, i ncluding A T&T W ireless, A ustralia Defence, C isco, C itigroup, U nited S tates N avy, U S P ostal S ervice, a nd V erizon. Senior T echnical S upport E ngineer
● S enior level support of OutStart’s client, client-server, and web-based, enterprise level e-learning, simulation a nd t raining s oftware. A pplications a re J ava a nd A SP b ased.
● Responsible f or K nowledge M anagement s ystem a dministration a nd r eporting.
● Worked d irectly w ith E ngineering, c onsulting a nd p artners o n e scalated i ssues, o n s ite i f r equired
● Assisted Engineering in functional requirements gathering for new product introductions and beta testing
● Responsible f or h andling e scalated i ssues a nd m ultiple c ritical a ccounts
● Recreated c ustomer i ssues, i nvestigated r esolutions a nd p rovided w orkarounds
● Remotely a ccess c ustomer e nvironments v ia v pn, P CAnywhere o r W eb-ex t o a ssist i n t roubleshooting 1/2000 to 1 2/2003 KANA S oftware, I nc. F ramingham, M A KANA provides the industry's leading external facing eCRM solutions to the largest businesses in the world, including Dell, Microsoft, Sprint, Verizon, Siemens, Walmart, Yahoo, Citi Bank and many other Fortune 500 companies. KANA has become the fastest-growing provider of next generation eCRM technology. The software applications enable organizations to improve customer and partner relationships via all touch points, including web contact, web collaboration, e -mail, a nd t elephone.
Senior D evelopment S upport E ngineer
● S enior level support of KANA’s web-based, enterprise level eCRM and Knowledge Management products
● Responsible f or i nternal/external i ssue e scalations f rom c ustomers a nd j unior s taff
● Technical l ead f or n ewest r eleases/platform c hanges i ncluding A IX, . Net, D B2, W AS 5
● Trained s upport s taff i n U S a nd E urope
● Support multi-tiered installations, configurations, database creation/connectivity, template customization a nd r eporting.
● Integrated m ultiple i nternal d ata s ilos f or e asy a ccess f rom o ne e ntry p oint
● Responsible f or m aintaining 2 0+ W 2K/IIS/SQL/Oracle/AIX s ervers i n S upport T esting L ab. Knowledge M anagement A dministrator
● Responsible f or m anaging i nternal a nd e xternal K nowledgebase c ontent o n w
● Create, t est a nd i mplement c ode a nd a rchitecture c hanges t o e nhance k nowledgebase u sability.
● Manage a ccess p ermissions f or i nternal/external u sers t o p ublic a nd c onfidential i nformation.
● G ather w eekly m etrics, r eport t o V P s taff o n k nowledgebase u sage, c hanges, a nd a uthor p roductivity.
● Customize r eports a nd S QL q ueries a s r equired. Education
3/1 993 N ortheastern U niversity B oston, M A Bachelor o f S cience i n P sychology
6/1989 B oston L atin A cademy B oston, M A High S chool: G raduate
Systems / A pplications
Cognos 8 .4.1, O racle W ebLogic, I IS, A IX, W ebSphere, K ANA I Q / K nowledge S erver, S, Macromedia F lash, M icrosoft E xchange, O utStart E volution, O utstart E LM, T rainerSoft, S oftSim, M S Office, L otus N otes, J IRA, a Priori
Languages / T echnologies / D atabases
XML, A SP, H TML, V BScript, J avaScript, K BML, M icrosoft S QL S erver 7 /2000, O racle 8 i/9i/10g/11g, Access, J AVA, N etezza, a Priori