KEVIN D . F ERGUSON Home: ( 910-*-**-****
********@*****.*** Cell: ( 571-*-**-**** CAREER S UMMARY:
● Experienced financial services professional with over 20 years of providing accounting and managerial support f or p rivate i ndustry, n on-profit o rganizations, g overnment c ontractors, a nd s tate a gencies.
● Saved Prominent Bank’s mortgage division over $250,000 in non-reimbursable expenditures with aggressive follow-up t echniques a nd q uality c ontrol r eviews o f c laims p rior t o s ubmission t o i nvestors.
● Provided quality training and management leadership for over 75 federal agencies in the area of procurement; demonstrated how to electronically post solicitations, RFP’s, contract award notices and vendor management techniques.
● Corresponded with 135 health districts throughout the Commonwealth of VA and serve as liaison between senior m anagement a nd b usiness m anagers a t t heir r espective o ffices. SOFTWARE S KILLS
Proficient in QuickBooks for Contractors and Premier; MS Excel; MS Word; MS Access; MS Project; Oracle primarily for Invoicing; Clarifire Property Tracking system; Yardi; FHA Connection for Claims submission and review; LPS Invoice system for FNMA; Valerie for VA loans; Black Knight Lending Portal for Loan management; ADP a nd P aychex f or W indows; C ost P lus; L awson; G reat P lains; U NIX P latform f or g overnment c ontracting; PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE
Crosby C orporation, R ichmond, V A May 2 016 – D ec 2 016 Reconciliation A ccountant ( Virginia D epartment o f H ealth, O ffice o f F inancial M anagement) – ( 05/16-12/16)
● Provide e xcellent c ustomer s ervice;
● Prepare and review monthly reconciliation reports including cash management, clearing accounts and V irginia Information Technology Agency leases and equipment; coordinates the completion of the monthly and annual revenue, expenditure and appropriation accounts; provide variance explanations as well as assist with corrective-action r eporting; d evelops, i mplements a nd m aintains g eneral l edgers a ccounts f or v arious c ost c enters;
● Knowledge o f a ccounting f or a nd c ollection o f a ccounts r eceivables a nd t he i mpact o n f inancial s tatements;
● Proficient in processing transactions via Excel as well as corresponding via Word; also experienced using database applications for ad hoc reporting; took on additional responsibilities in accounts receivable, capital asset management a nd g rant m anagement a s t eammates w ere o ut o n m aternity l eave o r h ad t aken r etirement o ption; SunTrust M ortgage, I nc., R ichmond, V A Sep 2 013–Dec 2 015 Staff A ccountant
● R eviewed c laims s ubmitted b y c laims a nalyst a fter r eimbursement f rom F HA, V A, F annie M ae, F reddie M ac o r
I ndependent p rivate i nvestors t o e nsure r eimbursable e xpenses w ere b illed t imely a nd a ccurately;
● Liaison b etween F HA, V A a nd/or F annie M ae R eimbursement a nalyst a nd c laims a nalyst;
● Responsible f or r eviewing a v ariety o f l oan p ackages f rom F HA, V A, F annie M ae, F reddie M ac and d etermined i f s ervice d ates w ere c orrect f or m ortgage i nsurance a nd p roperty t axes, a lso ensured s upporting b ackup d ocumentation w as s ubmitted f or h omeowner a ssociation c laims or p ersonal p roperty l ien(s) – s oftware p ackages u sed i nclude C larifire, L ending P ortal, E xcel;
● Monitored c orporate e xpenses s uch a s a ttorney c osts, p roperty p reservation c osts, t o e nsure reimbursable e xpenses w ere s ubmitted f or a pproval b y F HA, V A o r F annie M ae;
● Identified s ervicing e rrors b y F HA, V A, F reddie M ac o r F annie M ae a nd r equested r eimbursement
f or t hose e xpenses s aved b ank o ver $ 250,000); PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE
Kevin D . F erguson
Professional E xperience ( continued)
BrownGreer L aw F irm, R ichmond, V A 2 3230 Aug 2 012–Sep 2 013 Claims R eviewer I I:
● R eviewed c laims a nd e mployer v erification f or i ndividuals a nd b usinesses w ho s ustained e conomic l osses;
● A nalyzed c laims t o e nsure t he c laimant m et t he c riteria f or p ayment b ased o n D WH S ettlement A greement;
● N otified c laimant i f a dditional i nformation w as r equired t o c omplete t heir c laim f or r eimbursement. Robert H alf I nternational, I nc R ichmond, V A 2 3219 Mar 2 012 – A ug 2 012 Staff A ccountant:
● M aintained a ccounts p ayable a nd a ccounts r eceivable r ecords v ia Q uickBooks 2 010 s oftware;
● P repared m onthly c ost r eports, a ccount r econciliation, m onthly f inancial s tatement p reparation a nd a djusting
e ntries; a lso p repared e stimates f or g eneral c ontractor f or t enant b uild-out c ommercial c onstruction;
● P repared i nvoices v ia O racle s oftware f or e ngineering a nd c onsulting f irm; Stafford & A ssociates, L anham, M D Jan 2 004–Feb 2 012 Senior S pecial P rojects A ccountant
● R esponsible f or p roviding c lients t imely f inancial r eporting, j ob c ost r eports, a udit s upport a nd s chedules, f und
a ccounting, f ederal a nd s tate a ppropriated f und a ccounting, A DP p ayroll p rocessing a nd m onth-end c losing
s upport a nd y ear-end c losing f or g eneral a ccounting o n s tate l evel.
● C onsistently s aved c lients $ 10,000 - $ 20,000 b y r evamping t roubled a ccounting s ystems w hile i mplementing n ew
a ccounting p rocedures f or a ccounts p ayable a nd a ccounts r eceivable. Getronics W ang, I nc., G len A llen, V A Jan 1 998 – D ec 2 003 Contract S pecialist
● Provided c ontract m anagement s ervices f or o ver 5,000 b rokers f or W ells F argo ( formerly F irst U nion).
● Provided consultation to contract administrators and buyers regarding purchasing and posting solicitation within t he r equirements o f t he F AR a nd D FAR. CACI, I nc., A rlington, V A Jan 1 995 – D ec 1 997 Senior S oftware T rainer
● Provided software training for contract administrators, system administrators, contract managers and buyers for over 7 5 f ederal p rocurement a gencies;
● Provided technical support for clients in addition to served as liaison between client and software developers for system e nhancements.
Virginia U nion U niv., S chool o f T heology, R ichmond, V A Sep 1 987 M ay 1 991 M.A., C hristian E ducation a nd P astoral C ounseling Virginia C ommonwealth U niverstiy, R ichmond, V A Sep 1 978 May 1 982 B.S. B usiness A dministration a nd M anagement PROFESSIONAL A FFILIATIONS
● SunTrust M ortgage, I nc., T he P resident’s A ward f or O utstanding V olunteerism Dec 2 015
● Board M ember f or M y B rother’s K eeper o f G reater R ichmond, F inancial A dvisor Jan 2 014 Present
● Assembled p roposal f or K ingdom C ommunity L earning C enter o f T riangle, V A Jan 2 003