Manuel A lvarado
Experienced B ilingual C ontact C enter P rofessional
San Y sidro, C A 9 2173
(619) 3 17 - 4 183
Led s uccessful a nd h igh p erformance c all c enter t eams, i n t he U S a nd M exico. Managed the conversion of acquired customer support and contact centers into the c ompany.
Reorganized, c onverted, i mproved a nd e xpanded e xisting c ontact c enters. Implemented automated workforce scheduling, training and quality management systems.
Developed/instituted policies, processes, and regulations for efficient & effective call c enter o perations.
Created & implemented specific measures of performance, quality assurance and productivity.
Designed and introduced new call center administrative and compensation programs.
Managed Client and Account Relationships for long term, stable partnerships, facilitating t heir g rowth.
Conducted Outsourcing and Technology RFI and RFP processes from the provider and c lient p erspective.
Renovate A merica, S an D iego, C A Q A &Ops Manager MAY 2 014 - J UL 2 017
Helped the Program Services team during startup, facilitating a growth of 300% in 18 months. Developed organizational structure, processes, and methods.
Led implementation of call center practices, policies, technology, and strategic growth efforts. Organized a new conditions process to increase the company’s underwriting d ecision r ates t hrough p roactive p rospect c ontact a nd s upport. DIRECTV, L os A ngeles, C A S r.Manager,Direct Sales FEB 2 008 - N OV 2 013
Led the development of performance measurements and automation of call center s ales p erformance s corecards a nd d ashboards. Provided strategic leadership for Direct Consumer Sales and Sales Support. SKILLS
Direct S ales
Sales S upport
Customer C are
Client M anagement
Project M anagement
Strategic C onsulting
Workforce M anagement
Business A dministration
Call C enter T echnologies
Master o f A rts
University o f P hoenix
Dallas, T X
2001 - 2 003
Bachelor o f S cience
Baker U niversity
Overland P ark, K S
1994 - 1 998
Market s cope i ncluded t he g eneral U S m arket a nd U S H ispanic m arket. Managed o utsourced c all c enter p artners w ith l ocations i n t he U S, a nd a broad. Provided Strategic and Operational Consulting in the search, evaluation, and launch o f o utsourced c all c enter p artners. Sigue C orp, T ijuana, M X M anager,Operations JUL 2 006 - N OV 2 007
Managed the call center site of the Sigue Corporation, successfully handling the e ntire c ustomer c all v olume o f t he c ompany. Directed s ales a nd c ustomer c are o perations i n S panish. Hispanic T eleservices, M onterrey, M X D irector,Operations SEP 2 003- J UN 2 006
Directed the operations of multiple sites in Mexico, providing outsourced call center s ervices t o U S c orporations. C alls c onducted i n S panish a nd E nglish. Improved o perational e fficiency a nd l ed e xtensive g rowth. Alliance D ata, D allas, T X D irector,Project Planning JUL 1 998 - F EB 2 003
Led a project management team focused on call center projects which included new call center launch, new client launch, new or upgrade of technologies, c all c enter d ownsizing a nd a cquisition. Ran call center operations in English and Spanish for US satellite television consumers.