IDOWU O LUWATOSIN E MMANUEL ( c) 4-43-857-****
p ***.*****@*****.***
S ummary
● Certified L inux S ystems A dministrator w ith 6 + y ears o f e xperience i n a R ed H at L inux e nvironment
● Large-scale a nd e nterprise l evel e xperience, h aving s erviced 2 000 u sers a nd 2 50 s ervers w ith S ears Holdings a nd 3 000 u sers a nd 4 00 s ervers w ith T homson R euters
● Hands-on e xperience w ith t he i nstallation, c onfiguration a nd m aintenance o f A ctive D irectory, W indows Server, D HCP, a nd D NS i n a R ed H at E nterprise L inux ( RHEL) e nvironment
● Expertise i n d eploying a nd t roubleshooting W indows 2 008 a nd 2 012 R 2 D omain C ontrollers i n A D, a s w ell a s AD d esign & s upport, i ncluding G POs, S chema, O Us, L DAP, S ites, a nd R eplication
● Experience w ith A WS C loud A rchitecture
● Experience w ith B ash a nd P owerShell s cripting Certifications & E ducation
● Certified L inux A dministrator ( LPIC 1 L PI 0 00369164 O ctober 2 016
● CompTIA L inux+ C OMP001021079510 O ctober 2 016
● CompTIA S ecurity+ C OMP001021079510 M ay 2 017
● I TIL V 3 F oundation N ovember 2 017
● Pursuing M aster o f S cience D egree ( University o f M aryland U niversity C ollege) A nticipated 2 018
● Bachelor o f S cience D egree i n A ccounting ( Osun S tate P olytechnic – N igeria) 2 008 Technical S kills
Platforms / O S: Linux ( Red H at E nterprise – R HEL; C entOS; F edora) W indows 7 /8/10, W indows S erver 2000/2003/2008, M ac O S, V Mware E SXi, A WS C loud A rchitecture, W ebSphere Active D irectory: Configuration & M aintenance i n R HEL E nvironment; D eployment & T roubleshooting o f Windows 2 008 a nd 2 012 R 2 D omain C ontrollers; D esign & S upport ( GPOs, A D S chema, OUs, L DAP, S ites, R eplication, e tc I mplementation & M aintenance ( DNS a nd D HCP Servers), R eplication, B ackup/Restore S ervices, S ecurity S ervices, G roup P olicy, A udit Applications / T ools: MySQL, A pache, T omcat, M icrosoft O ffice, F ileZilla, W INSCP, P utty, D enyhosts, Fail2Ban, K ickstart, J ira, G IT, D NS, C heck_MK, D HCP, P HP, M yAdmin, C onfluence, Nagios/OMD, P utty, J enkins, S amba, F TP, N FS, V Mware V Sphere, A WS A rchitecture, Puppet
Scripting: Bash, P owerShell
Professional E xperience
Linux S ystems A dministrator J anuary 2 016 t o P resent Thomson R euters – W ashington, D C M etro A rea
● Overall, r esponsible f or s ervicing 2,500 t o 3,000 e nd u sers a nd 4 00 s ervers
● Installing, c onfiguring a nd c onnecting R HEL 6, C entOS 6 .4 s ervers t o a n etwork u sing s tandard i nstallation and K ickstart.
● Hardening a nd p atching b oth R ed H at 6 a nd C entOS s ervers
● Upgrade n ew r elease o n s tandalone s ervers ( using s ingle u ser m ode), a nd o n p roduction s ervers.
● Experience w ith A ctive D irectory, A WS a nd V irtualization ( VMware E sxi 5 .5 a nd O racle V irtual B ox)
● Managing L inux O perating S ystems
● Configuration a nd m aintenance o f A ctive D irectory i n R HEL, i ncluding p lanning, i mplementation a nd maintenance o f A D w ith D NS a nd D HCP s ervers ; experience i n a dministration o f J IRA 7 a nd C onfluence 6 server a nd u se o f A tlassian C rowd t o m anage a ccess
● Active D irectory – R eplication, B ackup/Restore S ervices, S ecurity S ervices, G roup P olicy a nd A uditing
● Perform m aintenance o f f ile s ystem; c reate c ron j obs f or p eriodic p rocesses.
● Manage c rash a nd c ore d ump f iles, a rchive, c ompress f iles a nd s end t o v endors.
● Configure A pache, M ySQL o n C entOS a nd R ed H at 6 f or v irtual a nd w eb h osting
● Install a nd c onfigure S amba f or q uick p ublishing u sing t hird p arty w eb p age m aker.
● Perform u sers a nd s ecurity a ccount m anagement.
● Setup, c onfigure a nd t roubleshoot T CP/IP, D HCP, D NS, N FS, C IFS, J IRA a nd S amba s ervers i n a multi-platform L AN.
● Bash s cripting t o s chedule a nd a utomate p rocesses.
● Manage s wap c onfigurations.
● Scheduling o f a utomatic a nd r epetitive j obs u sing S hell s cripts w ith c rontab.
● Perform m ulti-platform v olume m anagement u sing L VM a nd V CS v olume m anager.
● Monitoring l ogs o n L inux s ervers i ncluding p rocesses c rash a nd s wap m anagement, w ith p assword r ecovery and p erformance t uning.
● Responsible f or d ata m anagement u sing C entOS a nd R ed H at u tilities f or a rchiving, c ompression b ackup a nd restoration.
● Review s erver p latforms, i nstallations a nd c onfigurations t o e nsure c orporate a nd i ndustry s tandard w ere followed.
● Configure L DAP, D HCP a nd D NS.
● Provide 2 4/7 s upport i n a p roduction a nd s taging e nvironment.
● Working k nowledge o f f irewalls a nd s witches.
● Supporting s ystems a nd t roubleshooting s ystem i ssues.
● Documenting s olutions f or f uture r eference.
● Maintaining s ystem c onfiguration a nd l og f iles a nd s ystem e rror l ogs.
● Responsible i n p art o f t he t icketing s ystem.
● Installing a nd m aintaining t he o perating s ystem a nd r elated s oftware p roducts.
● Participating i n r oot-cause a nalysis o f r ecurring i ssues, s ystem b ackup a nd s ecurity s etup.
● Configuration o f L VM ( Logical V olume M anagement) t o m anage v olume g roup, l ogical a nd p hysical p artitions and n ew i mporting p hysical v olumes.
● Maintained s ystem s ecurity a nd e nsured s ystems a re u p t o d ate w ith c urrent p atches a nd b ackups/restores were c ompleted w ithout f law.
● Experienced u sing C entOS a nd R ed H at S atellite s erver t o d eploy, m onitor, u pdate, a nd m anage s ystems.
● Involved i n c omplete a dministration t asks o n C entOS a nd R ed H at L inux a nd d ocumentation f or t he p rojects executed.
● Monitored D NS, L DAP, K ickstart, I PChains/IPTables f irewall, S SH, M ySQL, a nd U ser A dministration.
● Install/Configure n ew L inux s ervers r unning R ed H at a nd C entos
● Perform f ault i solation f or a ll L inux s ystems t o p revent r e-occurrences o f p roblematic p rocesses.
● Monitor s ystem b ackups a nd r estore f iles a s n eeded.
● Wrote B ash s cripts f or c ontent p ush, s etup m ultiple u ser a ccounts, c onfiguration a nd t o c ompress f iles. Linux S ystems A dministrator O ctober 2 014 t o D ecember 2 015 Sears H oldings I nc. – P redominantly R emote
● Overall, r esponsible f or s ervicing 1,500 t o 2,000 e nd u sers a nd 2 50 s ervers
● Installation a nd c onfiguration o f L inux s ervers f or n ew b uild e nvironment.
● Experience i n c reating v irtual s ervers a nd c onnect i t t o a n etwork.
● Experience w ith A ctive D irectory, A WS a nd V irtualization
● Active D irectory – R eplication, B ackup/Restore S ervices, S ecurity S ervices, G roup P olicy a nd A uditing
● Analyzed t he f easibility o f p roposed s olutions f or A ctive D irectory, M essaging S ystem, O utlook w eb a ccess, scheduling m eetings a nd c alendars
● Installation a nd c onfiguration d atabases o n L inux p latforms.
● Installation a nd c onfiguration D ell P owerEdge 2 950 s ervers.
● Experience i n s torage a dministration.
● Experience i n a dding D isks a nd c reating S lices a s w ell a s F ile S ystem A dministration.
● Configuring a nd m onitoring D isk m irroring, s triping u sing L VM.
● Experience i n N FS c onfiguration & a dministration.
● Experience i n k ernel r e-configuration & p arameter t uning.
● Experience m onitoring & t roubleshooting w ith p erformance r elated i ssues
● Expertise i n A D d esign a nd s upport, i ncluding G POs, S chema, O Us, L DAP, S ites, R eplication, e tc.
● Managing a ll r ebooting & p art r eplacement a ctivities.
● Experience m anaging a nd u pgrading o f L inux a nd S olaris s ervers.
● Experience i n u ser a ccount m anagement & f ile m anagement.
● Provide 2 4/7 s upport i n a p roduction a nd s taging e nvironment.
● Ticket a ssessment o n d aily b asis.
● Experience m anaging s wap a nd o ther u tilities.
● Job s cheduling a nd a utomating p rocess u sing c rontab.
● Experience i nstalling o f p atches a nd p ackages i n L inux.
● Configuring a nd m anaging n etwork i nterfaces.
● Basic c reation a nd t roubleshooting o n s cripting l ike B ash/Shell.
● Configure a nd t roubleshoot A pache a s a p roxy s erver.
● Installed a nd c onfigure L AMP s tack.
● Performed d ay-to-day j obs s uch a s m onitoring l og f iles, w riting a nd r unning t he s cripts t o a utomatically w atch the r esources, C PU, m emory, I /O, a nd p aging s pace.
● Created V irtual M achines i n E SXI e nvironment t o f acilitate d evelopment a nd t est o perations.
● Installed V Mware, v Sphere E SXI, b uild V Ms u sing V Mware, p erformed m igration.
● Tuned t he s ystem i n W ebSphere a s p er t he v endor s pecification f or t he o ptimal p erformance o f a pplication.
● Troubleshoot n etwork a nd i nfrastructure s ervices s uch a s V LAN, R outing, D NS, N TP, S yslog, a nd S MTP. Linux S ystems A dministrator M ay 2 011 t o S eptember 2 014 Sumal F oods L td. – I badan, N igeria
● Set u p 2 00+ V M's r unning C entOS t o b e u sed f or w eb, d atabase, a pplication, m ail, f tp, m onitoring a nd g it repositories.
● Installed a nd c onfigured R ed H at L inux K ickstart a nd S olaris j umpstart s ervers.
● Configuration o f h ardware a nd s oftware R AID o n D igital & S un S ervers.
● Installation o f O racle p atches a nd t roubleshooting
● Responsible f or c onfiguration a nd m aintaining A ctive D irectory ( AD) i n a R ed H at L inux e nvironment
● Creating a nd m odifying a pplication r elated o bjects
● Creating P rofiles, U sers, R oles a nd m aintaining s ystem s ecurity.
● Configuration a nd m aintenance o f N IS, N FS, D HCP a nd D NS s ervers o n L inux s erver.
● Administrative t asks s uch a s S ystem S tartup/shutdown, B ackup s trategy, P rinting, D ocumentation, U ser Management, S ecurity, N etwork m anagement, d umb t erminals a nd d evices c arried o ut.
● Capacity p lanning o f d isk s pace a nd h ardware r esources r equired f or p roduction a nd d evelopments.
● Responsible f or m igrating a nd d ecommissioning o f t he s ystem.
● Responsible t o h andle t he S erver A dministration a nd A sterisk S erver I nstallation a nd C onfiguration i n L inux.
● Worked a s p art o f T esting T eam i n A pplication t esting u sing M anual m ethods a nd S cripts.
● Installed a nd i mplemented N AS w ith R AID 1 a nd R AID 5 c onfigurations.
● Monitored l oad a nd p erformance o n t he i nfrastructure a nd a dded c apacity a s n eeded.
● Installation, c onfiguration a nd m anagement o f P ostgreSQL & M ySQL d atabase s ervers.
● Client i nteraction f or r equirement g athering, t o d esign a nd p lan t he s oftware a nd h ardware i nfrastructure.
● Familiar w ith D isk M anagement U tility.
● Hands-on e xperience i n f ile s ystem c reation a nd f ile s ystem m anagement. REFEREES
W ill b e p rovided o n r equest