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Manager C

Cleveland, TN
January 22, 2018

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Rajneesh C haturvedi

Senior C ertified S AN E ngineer



Over 8 years of proven experience in Information Technology, Including 7 years in NAS/SAN and 1 year in System Administration o n S un S olaris a nd L inux. TECHNICAL S KILLS

Storage H ardware

NetApp: F AS 6 080 F AS 6 040 F AS 3 170 F AS 3 140 F AS 3 160 V 3140 V 3160 V 3170 FAS 2 040 F AS 2 050 F AS 2 020 V 3020 F AS 3 050 F AS 3 020 F AS 3 040 Hitachi: VSP U SP-V U SP H NAS 3 200 s eries A MS 2 000 s eries H US s eries EMC: Celerra F amily ( CIFS/NFS, i SCSI a nd F ibre C hannel): NS-960 N S-480 N S-240 N S-120 N S-40 N S-20 N X4 CLARiiON F amily ( Fibre C hannel a nd i SCSI) CX4-960 CX4-480 CX4-240 CX4-120 CX3-80 CX3-40f CX3-20 CX3-10 CX700 CX500 CX300 CX600 CX400 CX200 AX4-5f AX4-5i AX150 AX150i AX100 AX100i F C4700 F C4500 V NX 5 700 Symmetrix F amily ( Fibre C hannel, i Series, E SCON, F ICON) V-Max DMX4 DMX3000 DMX2000 DMX1000 DMX800 893*-****-**** 3930

3 830

Miscellaneous: C entera D ata D omain D D880 E DL’s R ecover P oint A ppliances HP: EVA F amily ( Fibre C hannel)

EVA 8 400 E VA 8 100 E VA 8 000 E VA 6 400 E VA 5 000 E VA 4 400 XP F amily ( Fibre C hannel, E SCON a nd F ICON) XP 2 4000 X P 1 2000 X P 1 0000 X P 1 024 X P 5 12 SAN D irectors a nd S witches

Cisco Directors: MDS 9 500-Series

Switches: MDS 9 222i M DS 9 134 M DS 9 124 M DS9112 Brocade Directors: DCX 4-800*-*-**** 1 2000 Switches: 530*-*-***-*-*** 3-900-*-***-*-** 2 00E McData Directors: 100**-*-***-*-*** Switches: 3232

Qlogic Switches: SANbox 5 800 S ANbox 5 600 Storage S oftware

NetApp Dataontap CIFS NFS Snap vault Snap restore Snap mirror OSSV DFM Operations m anager S nap M anager f or O racle S nap M anager f or S AP Hitachi Hitachi Hicommand Hitachi shadow Image Tuning manager Device manager Hitachi U niversal r eplicator T rue c opy EMC General: ControlCenter Ionix 6.1 PowerPath Performance Manager StorageScope Replication M anager S AN C opy W orkload A nalyzer Celerra: C elerra M anager C LI R eplicator S nap S ure CLARiiON: U nisphere N avisphere N AVISECCLI ( including s cripting) M irror V iew S nap V iew Symmetrix: SYMCLI / Solutions Enabler (including scripting) Time Finder/Clone Time Finder/Snap

S RDF/S & S RDF/A w ith C onsistency G roups S MC HP: General: S torage W orks F abric M anager S ecure P ath EVA: C ommand V iew B usiness C opy

X P: C ommandView B usiness C opy A utoLUN P erformance A dvisor Miscellaneous SANscreen Cisco CLI Cisco Fabric & Device Manager Brocade CLI Brocade Web Tools EMC Recover point NetApp PAM NetApp Datafort Administration EMC Data Domain .

Host O perating S ystems S upported

Windows 2003 / 2008 ESX / VMware Sun Solaris HP-UX IBM AIX Linux IBM iSeries IBM M ainframe C itrix X enServer N ovell N etware. Additional S kills

Extensive iSeries engineering experience (4+Years) Symantec NetBackup EMC NetWorker Dell Tape S ilos D B2 U DB D BA o n L UW O RACLE 8 i/9i S QLSERVER 2 003/2005 I BM M Qseries IBM X IV S torage A dministration .


UBS, JerseyCity,NJ 1 2/2012 - P resent Sr S torage E ngineer

● Worked i n a n e nvironment o f m ore t han 4 00 N etApp c ontrollers 3 vsp’s a nd s ix t housand S an p orts.

● Configured R aidcom C Li f or V SP’s a nd C reated H DT p ools U sing T SM.

● Upgraded O ntap f rom 8 .1 7 -mode t o 8 .1.2 ( NDU a nd D U) o n B CP f ilers.Worked o n M onitoring a nd b asic a llocation on I silon a nd V -max a rrays.

● Monitored N etApps t hrough N etcool a nd d id q tree m igrations o n 7 m ode.

● Created c lippers f or e xternal v olumes i n H itachi, Did p erformance e ngineering o n v sp l ike f ed l oad,cache l oad analsys,Utilization r eports e tc, t hrough T uning m anager a nd c reated h ealth r eports.

● Configured H AS 3 090 a nd M igrated v olumes a cross E VS . Migrated v olume f rom N etApp t o H NAS 3 090. HITACHI/DOWJONES,NJ. 0 5//2012 – 1 2/2012 SR. S TORAGE C ONSULTANT

● Working i n a t eam o f f our a s P rimary N etApp l evel 3 a dministrator a nd H itachi a dministrator a t c lient s ite D ow Jones.

● Provided r egular S AN h ealth c hecks o n A MS2500 a nd V SP a rrays. M anaged b reakfixes w ith p roper c hange controls.

● Provided r emote o n-call s upport f or N etApp a nd H itachi.

● Created n ecessary d ocumentation f or s torage.

● Configured V MA a nd o ther A PI i n t he V Mware E nvironment E SXi 5 .0.

● Configured V AAI f or S torage V motion f or m igrating V Mware f rom o ne d atastore t o a nother.

● Set u p S iterecovery m anager f or V Mware D ataprotection.

● Installed a nd c onfigured S MU o n H NAS 3 080 a nd 3 090.

● Upgraded t he S MU f irmware o n H US a nd T itan s eries.

● Environment i ncludes V SP, U SP-V, U SP a nd A MS2500 f or H itachi a nd N etApp V 3020’s, V 3240’s p resented t o Hitachi a s b ackend s torage. F abric i ncludes B rocade D CX, 4 8k D irectors. 20T H C ENTURY F OX, L OS A NGELES ( CA) 0 6//2011 - 0 4/2012 SR S TORAGE E NGINEER

● Working for Client - 20t h Century FOX Studios at Los Angeles and Participated in a Host based Migration of CX3-40f a nd C X3-80f t o V NX5700.

● Used I onix 6 .1CC t o m anage E MC a nd W orked o n D ay t o d ay m anagement o f S AN.

● Migrated N etApp u sing s napmirror a nd N dmpcopy, R obocopy a nd N eopath f ile d irector.

● Used M icrosoft P owerShell f or s cripting i n V isio 2 010.

● Worked e xtensively o n O nCommand s ystem m anager2.0.

● Solved C omplex q uotas i ssues w ith t hird p arty s oftwares l ike-NTP Q FS.

● Created V IF’s ( Single a nd M ulti-mode).

● Audited N etApp a nd E MC S torage A rrays. M anaged N etApp e xchange t hrough S napmanager.

● Used Unisphere to manage VNX5700 arrays, Brocade DCX and 48K, 24K are being used in the Migration project a s p art o f N ew S AN.

● Worked i n-co-ordination w ith E MC C E f or v arious p lanning o f M igration f rom o lder F abric t o N ew F abric.

● Configured a nd d ocumented D ata D omain D D880 g lobal D e-duplication a rray f unctionality.

● Configured r ecoverpoint p oint u sing h ost b ased s plitters f or r eplication.

● Backed u p t he v irtual s ervers u sing R eplication m anager.

● Environment I ncludes N etApp S AN f or V MWARE a nd E MC C lariions, D MX a nd V NX. NIIT T ECHNOLOGIES - ATLANTA, G A 12/2010 - 0 6/2011 SYSTEMS A NALYST- N ETAPP N AS S TORAGE ( PRODUCTION S UPPORT)

● Worked i n a t eam o f f ive s torage e ngineers a nd l ead t he t eam o n a m igration p roject f rom P asadena d atacenter to A tlanta

● Worked o n d ecommissioning a nd m aking t he f ilers r eady w ith N ew S LID’s f or d ata t ransmission

● Worked o n v arious P erformance t uning m ethods a s i nstalling J umbo f rames, P AM, d ownloading a nd r unning perfstats a nd p redictive c ache s tatistics.

● Worked i n c o-ordination w ith s ystem a dministrators f or m ail f iler’s m igration p roject.

● Upgraded o ntap f rom 7 mode t o 8 mode t o h ave 6 4-bit a ggregate f eature a nd d owngraded a nd u pgraded Operations M anager a s s uggested b y N etApp t echnical t eam.

● With N etApp D ataMotion m igrated t he V olumes f rom o ne a ggregate t o a nother a ggregate b etween s ame a nd different T iers w ithin t he s ame C ontroller i n D ataOntap 8 .0.1 7 -mode.

● Worked w ith R eplicatorX4.0 t o t ransfer v olumes f rom F ujitsu a rray t o N etApp a t D Rsite.

● Gathered w eekly d ata f rom O perations M anager f or v arious c ounters l ike N FS-ops a nd a verage-cpu u sage f or meetings a nd f uture m igration p lans.

● Backed u p d atabase-tablespaces a nd d atafiles w ith S MO, c loned R AC a s w ell a s n on-RAC d atabases u sing SMO . Took b ackup o f 3 0 w indows s ervers u sing O SSV.

● Environment i ncludes F ujitsu a nd E MC s torage. JPM C HASE, H OUSTON 10/2009 - 1 2/2010


● Storage A rchitect/lead f or a n $ 8.5 b illion s ystem i n H ouston, w ith 5 9 l ocations.

● Worked o n W ork-orders r aised b y d ifferent L OB’s a nd B U’s w ithin t he o rganization.

● Created change request and informed the cross-impacting business teams and organizations before making the change a nd m ade s ure t he r equester h as a nswered t he q uestionnaire a bout t he c hange c orrectly.

● Change responsibilities are categorized into -Storage new allocation, adding new hosts, Storage decommissioning etc. Regular Tasks and responsibilities are configuring, creating, snapshot copies, provisioning and configuring new storage, managing user corporate file shares and support user /group quotas, performing filer health check.

● Volume space status, aggregate space status, increasing Qtree size, creating new Qtrees and exporting the hosts.

● Worked i n a V -filer e nvironment a nd c onfigured a nd t ransferred r esources f rom o ne v -filer t o a nother.

● Environment c onsists o f m ore t han 6 70 N etApp N AS F ilers g lobally. THOMPSON R EUTERS, C HICAGO 0 6/2008 - 0 9/2009 NETAPP E NGINEER

● Installed, configured and implemented NetApp storage devices at client locations, within 3 hours commuting distance. Performed onsite service and repair, monitored and diagnosed NetApp environment for the client, provided assistance w ith N etApp N OW s ite.

● Performed all aspects of implementation for both arrays, including installation, FLARE (and DART) code upgrades, hardware upgrades, migrations, performance analysis, health checks, sizing (including for VMware and Citrix) a nd p ost-mortem t roubleshooting.

● Support a national sales force with pre-sales engineering and implementation for the EMC Clariion, Celera and D MX s torage a rrays, a s w ell a s t he H P X P a nd E VA, a nd N etApp a nd s torage-related p roduct l ines.

● Other storage arrays engineered and supported on an as-needed basis, such as Overland, Dell Equal Logic, Pillar, X iotech a nd L eft-hand.

● Engineering on SAN fabrics (including NAS) for performance issues, data migrations, replication, upgrades and S AN h ealth c hecks.

● Achieved m ultiple v endor-specific e ngineering c ertifications.

● Architected d e-duplication, b ackup a nd r eplication s olutions.

● Achieved c ertification i n S ymantec N etBackup.

● Performed backup assessments (BSA), file system assessments (FSA), e-mail assessments (ESA) and commonality a ssessments ( CSA).

● Architected a s olution b ased u pon t he f indings, a nd i mplemented t hat s olution.

● Responsible f or d eveloping t he s torage p ractice, a nd r emaining c urrent w ith p roduct l ines a nd b est p ractices. VOLICON, I NC. B URLINGTON, M A 05/2007 - 0 5/2008 SENIOR E NGINEER, ( HITACHI S AN)

● Designed, implemented & supported a multi-billion dollar financial institution’s SAN infrastructure across multiple s ites.

● Supported infrastructure included Brocade 48K director, Cisco 9124 switches, Hitachi-USP 100, USP 600, AMS 1 000 s eries. A llocated s hares t o n ew s ervers a s d esired.

● Maintained r eports o n d isk u tilization, a vailability a nd g rowth p atterns.

● Worked w ith c hange a nd p roblem m anagement t ools.

● Provided h ardware a nd s oftware f ault d etection.

● Investigated, i dentified a nd d ocumented p roposals t hat w ill i mprove a pplication p erformance.

● Provided s torage t raining t o t he s ales f orce, a nd a ttended p re-sales m eetings t o p rovide t echnical e xpertise.

● Assisted with the development of literature, advertisements, marketing campaigns and seminars to generate storage a nd b ackup b usiness.

BOA-CHARLOTTE, N C 08/2006 - 0 5/2007


● Resolved technical issues, answered technical questions, and provided technical services for customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa for NETAPP/EMC FC4500/FC4700 and CLARiiON (AX- and CX-series) storage arrays, Cisco, Brocade and McData switches, Emulex and Qlogic HBA’s, as well as related software products such as EMC N avisphere a nd P owerPath.

● Performed S AN h ealth c hecks, F LARE c ode u pgrades a nd t hird-level s upport f or c omplex s torage p roblems.

● Mentored and reviewed storage personnel, developed training programs/materials, and documented issues with s torage p roducts.

● Customer s atisfaction r oot c ause a nalysis l ead f or s torage i n E MEA.

● To achieve Six Sigma yellow belt, implemented project with cost savings of approximately $3.25 million per year, w hile i ncreasing d ata a ccuracy a nd c ustomer s atisfaction.

● Shadowed m igration o f s witches ( from C isco 9 000 s eries t o B rocade d irectors). HEWLETT-PACKARD ( AT C INGULAR W IRELESS/AT&T), A LPHARETTA, G EORGIA 03/05 - 0 8/06 HP S TORAGE C USTOMER E NGINEER ( CONTRACT)

● Onsite HP consultant, worked with Sales representative during the site preparation process, and assisted with disk array i nstallation a nd m aintenance.

● Responsible for designing storage and storage capacity planning for an international, multi-billion dollar tele-communications C orporation.

● Work a cross v endor’s s torage s olutions, i ncluding H P E VA’s a nd X P’s, E MC S ymmetrix a nd D MX a rrays, E MC Celerras, H itachi 9 900V L ightning a rrays, N etApp, B rocade a nd C isco d irectors a nd m ultiple h ost o perating s ystems including a ll v arieties o f U nix a nd W indows i n a m ulti-pet b yte c ore/edge t opology .

● Acted a s t he l iaison b etween t he c lient ( Cingular W ireless) a nd t he v endor ( Hewlett-Packard). TIME W ARNER C ABLE ( AT E RCOT), T AYLOR, T EXAS 08/04 - 0 2/05 SAN E NGINEER, C ONSULTANT ( CONTRACT)

● Functioned as the onsite EMC Resident, responsible for auditing the design and maintenance of a multi-terabyte, m ulti-location, m ulti-billion d ollar u tility c ompany.

● Worked with NETAPP V3100and EMC Symmetrix arrays, McData switches and directors and varieties of UNIX a nd W indows i n a c ore/edge t opology.

● Evaluated a nd i mplemented n ew v endor h ardware a nd s oftware s olutions.

● Acted a s t he l iaison b etween t he c lient ( ERCOT a nd t he v endor ( EMC). EDUCATION

B achelors i n C omputer T echnology – B-TECH, I ndia 2003 TECHNICAL C ERTIFICATIONS

N CDA N SO-154-H0QCW2R1CMR1SQVR-NETAPP00032888 2009

N CIE N SO-502 - SP0CTJXCCF14QD72, N SO-510 - LQ2NTYH22B44S50N 2010

I TIL V 3 F OUNDATION - Candidate C ode-sr7312304 2011

H NAS C ertified A dministrator. 2 012 TECHNICAL T RAINING

Hitachi H NAS A dministration - TCI2102. 2012

Hitachi E nterprise s torage a rchitecture a nd a dministration. 2012 Hitachi A daptable M odular S torage2000 F amily A rchitecture&Operations - TSI2195 2 012 Hitachi V irtual S torage P latform F undamentals . 2 012 Hitachi U niversal R eplicator f undamentals 2012 NetApp C IFS A dministration N FS A dministration 2009 Performance a nalysis o n D ata O NTAP 7 .3. 2009 Data O NTAP G X F undamentals, R elease 1 0.0.3. 2 009 Data f ort S torage s ecurity A dministration ( DSSA). 2009 High A vailability ( NAHA) B usiness C ontinuity ( BCON). 2008 Data O NTAP 7 .3 T uning a nd T roubleshooting ( DOT G X). 2008

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