**** * ******** * *****, C hula V ista, C A 9 1911 ( C) 6-19-382-**** s ********@*****.*** PROFESSIONAL S UMMARY
Certified T ransportation P rofessional w ith a r eputation f or e xcellence a nd f lawless drivingrecord. H ighly s killed i n p lanning r outes a nd t ransportation l ogistics t o a chieve s trict deliverytimeframes a nd m aintain c ustomer s ervice a nd s atisfaction b enchmarks. Demonstratedleadership s kills w ith t he c apacity t o d evelop p olicies a nd p rocedures t o improve s afety,driver c ompetencies, a nd s tandardize o perations. SKILLS
Class A C ommercial D river's L icense Heavy h aul e xpertCommercial d riving expertise Logistics p lanningDefensive d river
training Safe d river i n a dverse
conditionsHazardous M aterials E ndorsement Excellent t ime m anagement skills.Vehicle s ystems e xpertise Trained i n s afe d riving t echniques WORK H ISTORY
JANUARY 2 017-CURRENTD river A llied B uilding S upply S an D iego C A Attended a nd p articipated i n a ll d river s afety m eetings.Safely l oaded a nd u nloaded deliveries a ccording t o s ize o f l oad a nd c ontent d escription.Managed d iscrepancy documentation f or i ncoming s hipments.Submitted a ll d elivery d ocumentation i n a timely m anner.Maintained a d aily, l egible D OT l og b ook a nd s ubmitted c orresponding documents.Completed b asic m aintenance s uch a s m inor r epairs t o k eep v ehicle n eat and r unningproperly.Pushed a nd p ulled d ollies i nto p lace a nd c ranked l ever t o r aise a nd lower l anding g ear o nsemi-trailers.
Inspected t he t ruck f or d efects a nd s afe o perating c ondition b efore, d uring a nd aftertrips.Checked s hipping p apers t o d etermine t he n ature o f l oad a nd c hecked f or t he presenceof h azardous m aterials.Dropped a nd h ooked t railers a nd c hanged t he configuration o f e quipment w hennecessary.Inspected t ires, l ights, b rakes a nd g as, o il and w ater l evels.Maintained c urrent C lass A C DL w ith A ll E ndorsements. MAY 2 015-JANUARY 2 016O TR C DL D river M ay T rucking C ompany Y olo, C A Transported d eliveries l ocally a nd o ver t he r oad.Safely l oaded a nd u nloaded d eliveries according t o s ize o f l oad a nd c ontent d escription.Managed d iscrepancy d ocumentation for i ncoming s hipments.Submitted a ll d elivery d ocumentation i n a t imely manner.Maintained a d aily, l egible D OT l og b ook a nd s ubmitted c orresponding documents.Completed b asic m aintenance s uch a s m inor r epairs t o k eep v ehicle n eat and r unningproperly.Reported a ll a ccidents, d amage a nd m alfunctions i nvolving company e quipment t omanagement.Inspected t he t ruck f or d efects a nd s afe o perating condition b efore, d uring a nd a ftertrips.Checked s hipping p apers t o d etermine t he nature o f l oad a nd c hecked f or t he p resenceof h azardous m aterials.Established a nd maintained e xcellent c ustomer r elationships.Loaded a nd u nloaded f reight t o a ssure safety a nd m inimize r isk o f d amage a nddangerous c onditions.Maintained c urrent C lass A C DL w ith H azardous M aterials a nd D oubles a nd T riplesendorsements.Delivered products t o d ealer l ocations a s s cheduled a nd a s r equested.Inspected v ehicle a nd immediately r eported a ny d efects t o a s upervisor.Attended a nd p articipated i n a ll d river safety m eetings.Verified a ll d ispatch i nstructions.Dropped a nd h ooked t railers a nd changed t he c onfiguration o f e quipment w hennecessary.Inspected t ires, l ights, b rakes and g as, o il a nd w ater l evels.
2010G ED: Garfield S enior H igh S chool, S an D iego, C A