Amilcar V . S chettini
Information security professional with effective knowledge implementing security across several domains. Significant knowledge utilizing specialize tools to discover and counseling on risks, threats, and vulnerabilities as well as recommendations for mitigating these concerns. Excellent customer s ervice c ommunication a nd t echnology s kills w ith d ifferent t echnology p latforms. Education & T raining
American M ilitary U niversity, C harlestown, W est V irginia B achelor o f S cience Certifications:
Information Systems Security Essentials, Information Security Planning, & IT Infrastructure Security
Vendor: A P roject+, S ecurity+, C SA+, C ISSP I D # 4 77904 Knowledge
Windows S erver, R HEL, C loud, M S O ffice,
SIEM: S plunk, Q Radar
Scanner: N essus, M BSA
Packet A nalyzer: W ireshark,
IDS/IPS:Sourcefire, T ripwire
Firewalls:Palo A lto, J uniper, C heckpoint, C isco A SA Aug14-Aug15 B PA Q uality G arden C ity, N Y
T echnical Q uality A nalysis
● Analyze t he t echnical s kills a nd c ompliance o f t echnical a dvisors.
● Track, t rend, a nd c reate t he s timulus t o h elp o ur c lients b uild q uality c ustomer k nowledges.
● Identify k ey d rivers t hat i nfluence t he a gent/customer k nowledge.
● Enable o ur c lients t o g row a nd d evelop t heir t eams.