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Masters o f S cience i n C omputer S cience – B oise S tate U niversity, B oise, I D PROFESSIONAL S KILLS A ND E XPERIENCE
Over 5 y ears o f e xtensive e xperience i n I nformation T echnology a nd S oftware d evelopment.
Designed a nd d eveloped h igh-end e nterprise l evel native i OS d evelopment f or iPhone/iPad
Knowledge of O bject Oriented Programming with implementation experience on real-world p rojects
Deep understanding of O bjective-C/Swift design patterns a long with JAVA programming
Worked in the design of the UI for the iOS application considering the A pple User Interface g uidelines.
Experience w ith U IKit, C ore D ata A pple P ush N otification S ervice, C ocoaPods
Ability t o w rite c lean, w ell f actored U I c ode
Experience working with various data parsing forms as J SON, XML from web services and used AFNetworking f or H ttp n etworking.
Apps b een d eployed o n t he i OS A pp S tore a t p resent
Proficient i n X code S DK, I nterface B uilder a nd I nstrument t ools f or m emory m anagement
Experienced i n C ore A nimation F ramework, c reating v arious U I a nimations
Proper i mplementation o f m ulti-threaded, a synchronous c ode
Strong knowledge of S oftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with strategically designing and i mplementing t he s oftware, u nit t esting a nd m aintaining t he s oftware, i ncluding A gile.
Experience w orking w ith S QLite d atabase f or s toring d ata l ocally i n iPhone a pplication.
Exposure o n t echnologies a s H TML/CSS/Javascripts/JQuery/Ajax/PHP/noSQL
Good i dea o n p roject a nd r esource s haring u sing G ithub, B itbucket, S VN r epository
Proven a bility t o d esign a nd i mplementation R elational D atabase
Knowledge a nd p ractise o f D ata M odelling w ith h ands o n t ool a s T oad D ata M odeler
Experience with various database related tools and systems as M ySql, SQLite databases, M ySQL-Workbench
Ability to clearly and concisely communicate with technical and non-technical stakeholders a cross a ll l evels o f t he o rganization
Skilled at analyzing and solving complex problems and face challenges with the ability to maintain c onsistency o f s olving i ssues
Highly motivated enthusiast, fast learner, and self-starter, eager to meet new challenges and q uickly g rasp n ew t echnologies, s kills, c oncepts, a nd i deas
Use o f t ools a s J ira f or i ssue t racking, b ug t racking a nd p roject m anagement
Proven a bility t o c learly e xpress i deas a nd u nderstand t he r equirements EMPLOYMENT H ISTORY
Research A ssistant, B oise S tate U niversity, B oise, I D, A ugust 2 015 – A ugust 2 017
Used javascript library D3 for visualizing the data of earthquake and displaying the graphs a nd c harts i n t he W ebView i n i OS a pp
Customized a pp U I u sing d ifferent V iewControllers a nd l ayout t o b uild t he a pp i n S wift
Implemented various cryptographic libraries in the server side before storing certain data in S QL d atabase
Performed U nit T esting o f v arious f unctionalities i n t he a pp
Use o f v arious p roject s haring, m anaging t ools a s G ithub, B itbucket, S VN r epository Senior S oftware D eveloper, D esign O ffshore, J anuary 2 014 – M ay 2 015
Worked on a project of S ocial Networking iOS Application which has similar feature as that o f I nstagram.
The a pp h as f eature t o p ost i mages, l ike, s hare, c omment, i nvite f riends
The app used facebook iOS SDK to fetch user information and store in the database using RESTful w eb s ervices.
Featured l ocal a nd r emote P ush N otification s ervices ( APNs).
Used d ifferent t hird p arty l ibraries f or i mage e diting, d ata c ache, H TTP n etworking
Used C ocoaPods f or u sing t hird p arty l ibraries a nd d ependency m anagement Software D eveloper, E B P earls, M ay 2 012 – J anuary 2 014
Designed a nd d eveloped a n a pplication f or m editation, a nd f ood a llergy
Designed a nd u sed S Qlite d atabase f or s toring t he d ata l ocally i n t he d evice
Intensely u se o f a vailable f rameworks U IKit, C ocoa t ouch a nd p erformed U nit T esting.
Deployment o f A pps t o A ppstore
Used library for generating pdf from the user input in the form and send email using MFMailComposeViewController.
Applications P ublished i n A ppstore:
Credit M onkey: T he a pp a llows t o O rder C redit R eport f rom i Phone o r i Pad i n j ust 3 m inutes. Simply add your personal details, take a photo of your ID and sign the request. The App will then complete t he r equest f orm o n y our b ehalf a nd s end i t u sing y our o wn e mail a ccount. https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/credit-monkey-get-your-credit/id619087850?mt=8 AllergyLogic: A llergyLogic offers you practical solutions to help you manage your child's severe food allergies - comprehensive lifestyle checklists, customised personal lists, detailed allergen tables, ingredient substitutes, anaphylaxis 'signs & symptoms' and 'what-to-do' Infographs, a log of y our p ersonal m edical a ction p lans, a nd a uto i njectors r eminders. https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/allergysense/id873915095?mt=8 VedicMeditation: The app provides the various choices and options of meditation sounds, instructors to choose from based on your convenience. Additional functionalities as alarms, timers, p rofile a nd s ocial i nteractions a re a lso c ore f eatures o f t he a pp https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/vedic-med/id897073935?mt=8