( 8-59-5-33-796* C ELL
Whitesburg H igh S chool ( 1 982 )
Whitesburg a nd H azard V ocational S chool ( 1 984 ) – C ommercial, I ndustrial, a nd R esidential E lectricity EMPLOYMENT H ISTORY:
B & H E lectric C ompany, L exington, K entucky October 1 984 – M ay 1 985
- Electrical T echnician - W iring o f c ommercial a nd r esidential b uildings AMPAK C oal C o. ( previously J ohnson C oal C o H indman, K entucky May 1 985 – F ebruary 1 988
- Electrical a nd M echanical R epairman
Southern H ills C oal C o H indman, K entucky June 1 988 – J uly 1 989
- Electrical a nd M echanical R epairman
South E ast C oal C o., W hitesburg, K entucky July 1 989 – O ctober 1 990
- Bull C rew W orker
R & R C rawford E ngineering, W hitesburg, K entucky January 1 991 – D ecember 2 012
- Field S urveyor a nd D raftsman (Part-time J anuary 2 013 – D ecember 2 013) Osram S ylvania L ight C o W inchester, K entucky J anuary 2 014 – N ovember 2 017
J ob D uty, L ine M echanic MECHANICAL E XPERIENCE
I was an Electrical and Mechanical Repairman for multiple coal companies for 5 years, during that tenure I maintained heavy mining equipment inside the mines and in service garage (replacing broken parts, repairing hydraulic hoses and pumps, electrical repairs, ect.) Working for RR Crawford Engineering I worked as a land surveyor, but also did minor vehicle repairs on company vehicles and took care rental properties ( electrical, plumbing) during my 22 years working for them. I have worked for Osram Sylvania Light Company (recently named LedVance) adjusting and repairing manufacturing line equipment, working on electrical, PLC, cam, and pneumatic driven machines. I would be interested in any training classes that would be beneficial to helping me improve my knowledge on controls, troubleshooting, and servicing e quipment.
I familiar with AutoCAD Version 14 and Carlson for our drafting and mapping, I can use Microsoft Word for letters and reports.
I was in charge of property, electrical, and vehicle maintenance at R & R Crawford Engineering. I have some experience in arc welding, and the use of gas / acetylene torches. I have used heavy equipment, such as bulldozers, backhoes, skid s teers, a nd f orklifts.
CERTIFICATIONS - U nderground M iner C ard a nd S urface M iner C ard VOLUNTEER E XPERIENCE – P ine M ountain S earch a nd R escue
L etcher C ounty H igh S chool A rchery, A ssistant C oach REFERENCES –
R ichard B rown – S upervisor a t R & R C rawford E ngineering 6-06-633-****
J ohn D otson – L edVance S upervisor 8-59-229-**** Kevin C rabtree – L edVance S hift S upervisor 8-59-771-****
D anny H all – L edvance C oworker 9-79-814-****