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Raeford, NC, 28376
January 14, 2018

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* ** * ***** * t

R aeford, N C * ****

C ell: 9-10-224-****

A lt:404-***-****

Email: r ***********@*****.***

Robyn T homas

Objective: T o o btain a p osition w ith a c ompany t hat w ill a llow m e t o u tilize m y p resent s kills a nd experience a s w ell a s o ffer t he o pportunity f or g rowth a nd a dvancement. Summary o f Q ualifications: T eam p layer, w ith t he a bility t o w ork w ith l ittle o r n o s upervision; e xemplary communication, t ime m anagement a nd c ustomer s ervice s kills, m eets o r e xceeds p roject d eadlines. A ble t o work i n a f ast p ace e nvironment.


Uber A tlanta, G a F ayetteville N C Driver M arch 2 015- P resent

● Drive P assengers s afely t o t heir d estination.

● Customer S ervice.

● Help c ustomers w ith b aggage.

● Provided c ustomers w ith a nything r equested a t t he t ime.

● Used d ifferent a pps f or t ravel a nd c alls. The H otel B ordeaux F ayetteville, N C Front D esk/Guest S ervice R ep A pril 2 010- D ecember 2 014

● Answered m ulti l ine p hones i n a t imely m anner.

● Checked g uests i n a nd o ut w ith r eservation o r w ithout.

● Setup r eservations o n p hone o r i n p erson.

● Provided m essages f or m anagers, s upervisors, a nd f ellow c o w orkers.

● Cashiering, h andling d rawer t aking p ayments o f a ll t ypes. A lso c ounting d rawer i n a nd o ut o f e ach shift a nd m ake s ure i t w as b alanced.

● Trained n ew h ires u ntil n o l onger n eeded.

● Faxed w ith i ncoming a nd o utgoing i nformation.

● Dealing w ith i ncoming a nd o utgoing m ail.

● Made s ure V .I.P. R ooms w ere g ood t o g o b efore t hey a rrived.

● Worked w ith t he h ousekeeping a nd m aintenance d epartment t o m ake s ure a ll g uests r equest w ere met.

SJ R ecruiting L LC. L argo, F L Recruiting A ssistant N ovember 2 007- A ugust 2 010

● Set u p c lient a ccounts u sing M icrosoft O utlook i n o rder t o s end a nd r eceive c andidate r esumes f or fast a nd e fficient p rocessing.

● Daily r etrieve r esumes f rom v arious j ob b oards w here c lients r ecruitment a ds a re p laced.

● Enter a nd m aintain C andidates i nformation u tilizing M icrosoft E xcel.

● Carefully s creen a nd s elect t he b est p ossible c andidates f or p ositions a nd s end t heir i nformation t o clients’ a dministrative t eam.

● Work w ith c lients’ a dministrative t eam t o a ssist t hem i n c reating i mmediate i nterview s chedules with q ualified c andidates.

● Daily s end r esponse l etters t o c andidates t hat a pply t o o pen p ositions.

● Provide w eekly r eports t o c lients o f a ll q ualified c andidates. South S hore I ndustries/ V PT D istribution M iami, F L Administrative A ssistant A pril 2 004- M ay 2 005

● Answered m ulti l ine p hones a nd s cheduled i nterviews f or p rospective e mployees. O n t he d ay o f interview p rovided a pplicant w ith n ecessary p aperwork.

● Updated a nd s ubmitted b i-weekly p rofit r eports t o h ead o ffice.

● Filing- A ll p aperwork c ompleted b y n ew h ires.

● Photographed- L aminated a nd d istributed a ll n ew h ire i dentification c ards.

● Warehouse- I nventory a nd c onsolidation o f m erchandise.

● Sales/Customer s ervice- S old p roducts t o d ifferent c ompanies.

● Trained n ew a dministrators t hat w ould b e w orking a t o ther l ocations. Uni G roup A ddison I llinois Distributor N ovember 2 003- M arch 2 004

● Marketed a nd s old p roducts d irectly t o b usinesses. Spherion S taffing A gency M elrose P ark I llinois Avon A ssembler F ebruary 2 002- J une 2 003

● Processed a nd f illed o rders f rom p ick l ist s ubmitted b y s ales r epresentatives; p ackaged a nd prepared b oxes f or s hipment. N ightly o rders e xceeded 8 ,000 p ieces. A lso a ssisted o ther assemblers o nce p ersonal q uota w as m et.

● Trained i ncoming e mployees o n t he v arious a spects o f t he a ssembler p osition. UPS

Warehouse a uditor

● Scanned a nd p rocessed p ackages f or s hipment. L ifted b oxes u p t o 5 0 l bs. Chuck E C heese M elrose P ark I llinois Party C oordinator/ C ashier M arch 1 999- F ebruary 2 002

● Party H ostess- C hecked i n p arty g roups w ith r eservations, t ook t heir o rders, s erved t heir f ood, drinks a nd c ake. E nsured a ll t he n eeds o f t he g roup w ere m et a nd c ustomers w ere s atisfied w ith their a rrangements.

● Merchandise c ounter- D isbursed p rizes f or t ickets c ashed i n.

● Kid c heck- S tamped h ands o f i ncoming a dults a nd c hildren a nd e nsured a ll i n t he p arties w ere accounted f or a s t hey l eft t he p remises.

● Cashier- W orked t he c ash r egister b y t aking i n m oney f or s tore p urchases a s w ell a s t akeout orders. B alanced r egister a t t he e nd o f e ach n ight.

● Game R oom M onitor- P rovided t okens t o c ustomers w ho l ost t hem i n t he g ames a nd a lerted technician w hen m achine w as i n n eed o f r epair.

● Clean u p c rew- A fter c losing, s wept a nd m opped f loors, c leaned r estrooms, s alad b ar, t ables a nd children’s p lay a reas.

Education W est L eyden H igh S chool N orthlake I L

F ayetteville T echnical C ollege F ayetteville N C Computer S kills: M icrosoft O ffice: W ord, E xcel, O utlook. W indows X P, W indows 7 , W indows V ista, Internet.

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