Alexandre E spindola
● 17 y ears a s a n A BAP S enior C onsultant o r T eam L ead.
● Experience i n d iverse i ndustries l ike O il, M ining, U tilities, F inancials, C onstruction, a nd M edia.
● Excellent m ulti-tasking, p rioritization, a nd c ommunication s kills.
● Proven a bility t o i nteract w ith u sers f or r equirement g athering a nd t raining.
● Self-starter w ith a bility t o w ork u nder p ressure w hile m aintaining a g ood s ense o f h umor.
● Fluent i n S panish. P ortuguese n ative s peaker. S ome F rench k nowledge. SKILLS P ROFILE
ABAP E xperience:
SD, F I/CO, M M, P S, P P, H R, I S-Oil, I S-Media ALV & C lassic R eports, I nterfaces, R eport W riter, A BAP W orkbench, A BAP Dictionary, D ialog P rogramming, S equential f iles, B DC, C all T ransaction, Enhancements, R FC, E DI/IDOC, B ADI, B API, S martForms a nd S APScript. Versed i n b oth p rocedural a nd O O p rogramming. Performance t uning.
A&E N ETWORKS July 1 5 – A ug 1 7
ABAP C onsultant
● Worked c losely w ith t he b usiness a nd f unctional c onsultants i dentifying a ll n ecessary s ystem e nhancements, interfaces a nd c ustomized r eports.
● Responsible f or c reating a nd m aintaining s everal F I i nterfaces: G abriel, W ide O rbit, J aguar, P itney B owes, A spen, etc.(FTP f ile t ransfer r ead a nd i ngesting i nto S AP t hrough I DOCs).
● Ledger D etail, A ging a nd C ash A pplication r eport, a mong s everal o ther o bjects.
● Defect r esolution d uring U nit a nd I ntegration t esting.
● Post G o-Live s upport, a ddressing p roduction i ssues i n a t imely m anner.
● Responsible f or t he T ransport M anagement S ystem ( STMS). NTT D ATA / O PTIMAL S OLUTIONS I NTEGRATION Apr 1 0 – J uly 1 5 ABAP L ead/Consultant
SYSCO July 1 3 – J uly 1 5
ABAP T eam L ead
● Responsible f or d esign a nd m aintenance o f e nhancements t o a ccommodate t he n ew P urchase O rder d esign
● Created a h ighly c omplex i nterface p rogram t o r eceive P O u pdates a nd A B c onfirmations t hrough I Doc m essage t ype ORDRSP, w hich g ets t riggered a utomatically t hrough a j ob r un. I n a ddition, t his p rogram c an b e p rocessed o nline t o review a nd c onfirm I Docs t hat d idn’t g et p rocessed a utomatically d ue t o I Doc x P O i nconsistencies.
● Developed t he P rice V alidation R eport, w here i nvoices c an b e s imulated a s i f b eing c reated t oday, i n o rder t o e valuate possible P ricing C onditions e rrors. I t u ses a c ustomized c opy o f s tandard F M S D_SALES_DOCUMENT_COPY t o
P age 1 o f 4
A lexandre E spindola
simulate t he P ricing p rocedure. I t h as t he a bility t o b e r un b oth i n f oreground a nd b ackground m odes, s howing Invoice l ine i tem l evel, a s w ell a s P ricing c onditions l evel. GLOBE M ETALS Aug 1 2 – J uly 1 3
● Developed F ully A bsorbed C ost R eport.
● Created c omplex G L U pload p rogram.
● Bulk a nd U nder S hipment i nterface, w hich u pdates S ales O rders a ccording t o q uantity i n i ts d elivery. STATE O F M ISSISSIPPI Apr 1 2 – J une 1 2
ABAP T eam L ead
● Technical l iaison b etween S AP t eam(prime) a nd O ptimal S olutions o ffshore t eam.
● Review o f a ll f unctional/technical s pecs c reated b y S AP.
● Staffing e stimation f or o ffshore r esources b ased o n e stimated d evelopment h ours. NUTRISYSTEMS
ABAP C ONSULTANT Feb 1 2 – A pr 1 2
● Changed s tandard M M a nd S D S martForms: S ales O rder c onfirmation, P urchase O rder, P urchase C ontract S chedule Agreement, D elivery O utput, B ill o f L ading, G oods I ssue a nd G oods R eceipt.
● Formula f or E xpected P rice i n C ondition v alue. FITCH R ATINGS July 1 1 – J an 1 2
ABAP T eam L ead ( 2 o ffshore d evelopers)
● Performed d aily m onitoring o f d eliverables a mong F I, S D, M M a nd H CM.
● Gathered T echnical r equirements u pon f unctional s pecification a pproval.
● Quality A ssurance r eview o n o bjects d eveloped b y o ffshore t eam. UNILEVER ( ACCENTURE P ROJECT)
ABAP C ONSULTANT May 1 1 – J uly 1 1
● Developed i nterface t o R e-brand t he C ost o f G oods S old. TURNER C ONSTRUCTION Apr 1 0 – M ar 1 1
ABAP T eam L ead ( 5 o ffshore d evelopers)
● Daily m onitoring o f 7 5 d eliverables a mong F I, S D, M M, P S, H CM a nd P ayroll.
● Technical r equirements g athering u pon f unctional s pecification a pproval.
● Quality A ssurance r eview o n o bjects d eveloped b y o ffshore t eam. THE N EW Y ORK T IMES Jan 0 8 – D ec 0 9
SAP A BAP I S-Media C onsultant
● Developed M /SD o bjects s uch a s e nhancements, f unction m odules, R FCs a nd r eports.
● M/AM c onversion t eam m ember, r esponsible f or d evelopment o f l oad p rograms u sing B DC/Call T ransaction.
● Developed v alidation r eports o f c onverted d ata.
● Team m ember f or t he B lueprinting o f N YTimes P ortal p roject, b eing p art o f t he b usiness r equirements d iscussions and t echnical s pecifications.
● Key c onsultant f or t he P ortal p roject, w here S AP A D O rders a re e ntered t o t he r egular S AP b ackend b y t he u se o f highly c ustomized R FCs.
● Defect r esolution d uring U nit a nd I ntegration t esting. Page 2 o f 4
A lexandre E spindola
● Change r equests r esolution a fter G o-Live.
T HE W ASHINGTON P OST Jan 0 6 – D ec 0 7 SAP A BAP I S-Media C onsultant
● Designed, d eveloped a nd t ested c ustom r eports i n S AP E CC 6 .0 e nvironment.
● Worked w ith B usiness A nalysts t o g ather i nformation a nd c reate f unctional a nd t echnical s pecifications.
● Developed m ore t han 3 0 r eports a nd f orms, s ome o f w hich w ere e xtremely c omplex f rom a d esign a nd d evelopment standpoint. T his i ncludes A LV p rogramming, H ierarchy N odes ( Trees) a nd S APScript.
● Developed s everal s ales r eports r equired t o b e o utput a s a p df a nd e mailed t o o utside s ales r eps.
● Coordinated, a nalyzed a nd r esolved a ll r eport r elated t esting d efects.
● Key t eam m ember i nvolved i n v alidation o f d evelopment o bjects a fter t he u pgrade t o S AP 6 .0.
● Post G o-Live s upport, a ddressing p roduction i ssues i n a t imely m anner. Environment: S AP I S-MEDIA, A BAP, D ialog p rogramming, A LV R eports, R FC, I nterfaces, S equential f iles INFOGLOBO Apr 0 4 – D ec 0 5
SAP A BAP I S-Media C onsultant
● Upgraded f rom v ersion 4 .0 t o 4 .72.
● Participated i n t he p lanning a nd d eployment o f r elease 4 .72 o f I S-M.
● Responsible f or M /AM B lueprint a nd d evelopment.
● Worked w ith t echnical r esources t o m odify e xisting u ser-exits a nd c ustom p rograms t o b e a ble t o e xecute u nder t he new r elease, u sing B ADIs.
● Developed B APIs c alled t hru G lobo’s w ebsite t o c reate M edia o rders a nd B usiness p artners.
● BAPI d eveloper f or t he W ebDynpro p roject, w here t ransaction J HA1N ( Order c reation) w as s implified i nto a s ingle web s creen.
● Created a nd e xtended D ata D ictionary O bjects.
● Implemented c hanges t o S AP s tandard r equired a nd a pproved b y m anagement.
● Troubleshoot i ssues - i dentified/applied O SS N otes. Environment: S AP I S-MEDIA, A BAP, B DC, D ialog p rogramming, R eports, U ser-Exit, F ield-Exit, M enu-Exit, B ADI, B API, R FC, Interfaces, S equential f iles.
SHELL C ORPORATION(SOFTTEK B RAZIL) SAP A BAP I S-Oil C onsultant Jan 0 4 – A pr 0 4 CSC(SOFTTEK M ONTERREY) SAP A BAP C onsultant Jan 0 3 – D ec 0 3 SHELL C ORPORATION(SOFTTEK B RAZIL) SAP A BAP I S-Oil C onsultant Sept 0 0 – D ec 0 2 LIGHT E DF(SOFTTEK B RAZIL) SAP A BAP C onsultant May 0 0 – S ept 0 0 VILLARES M ETALS(SOFTTEK B RAZIL) SAP A BAP C onsultant Mar 0 0 – M ay 0 0 SOFTTEK M ONTERREY(MEXICO) Consultant Aug 9 9 – M ar 0 0 CSN(SOFTTEK B RAZIL) SAP A BAP C onsultant Feb 9 9 – J uly 9 9 BANCO B OAVISTA I NTERATLANTICO BankOffice C ontrol A nalyst Dec 9 6 – D ec 9 8 Page 3 o f 4
A lexandre E spindola
IBM/GSI Systems A nalyst/Intern Nov 9 3 – D ec 9 6 EDUCATION
Graduate(non-degree) i n B usiness A dministration - F GV-RIO / B razil. BS i n E lectrical E ngineering - P UC-RJ / B razil. Page 4 o f 4