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Smithfield, PA, 15478
January 14, 2018

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TERESA M ICHAELS * ** W eaver M ill R oad S mithfield, P ennsylvania 1 5478 T elephone:

724-***-**** E mail: t **********@*****.***

Objective: T o b ecome a P hlebotomist o r L aboratory A ssistant i n y our f acility e nabling m e t o e ffectively u tilize m y skills a cquired t hrough t raining a nd c linical e xperience a nd t o c ontribute a s a m ember o f a h ealth c are t eam. QUALIFICATION H IGHLIGHTS

E xperience w ith V enipunctures, C apillary P unctures, W inged I nfusion D raws, G lucose T olerance T esting, B lood Culture P rocedures, S putum C ultures, U rine C ulture C ollections, M edical E quipment O peration, a nd S TAT B lood Draws. P ractical T raining, N ewborn N ursery H eel S ticks, B leeding T imes, K nowledge a nd P ractice o f O SHA Regulations, U niversal P recautions, I solation P rocedures, H azardous M aterial D isposal, D irect P atient C are, Performed A ctivities o f D aily L iving, F eeding a nd B athing R esidents. E xcellent W ork E thic, A bility t o N egotiate and W ork W ell w ith O thers, P rofessional T elephone M anners, Record K eeping, Q uality A ssurance a nd I nventory C ontrol. D emonstrated S trengths I nclude t he A bility t o Lead, T rain, M otivate, a nd D evelop P ersonnel t o M eet Established C ompany N eeds, G oals, a nd O bjectives. P roficiency i n P roblem S olving a nd D ecision M aking, Very F lexible, E xcellent a t M ulti-Tasking, a nd Consistent i n A chieving R esults t o D efined G oals. E xperienced w ith M icrosoft W ord, E xcel, P ower P oint, and I nternet N avigation. I ntravenous T herapy C ertificate: J uly 2 016. EDUCATION

National C areer S chool P hlebotomy T raining P rogram U niontown, P ennsylvania 1 5401 D iploma: A ugust 2 016 Clinical E xternship: I c ompleted m y r equired P hlebotomy C linical E xternship a t U PMC S hadyside H ospital – Hillman C aner C enter i n A ugust 2 016. M y r esponsibilities i ncluded a ll P hlebotomy p rocedures. Cherry T ree N ursing C enter C ertified N ursing A ssistant U niontown, P ennsylvania 1 5401 L icense: 2 014 Albert G allatin A rea S enior H igh S chool G ED U niontown, P ennsylvania 1 5401 D iploma: 1 997 EMPLOYMENT H ISTORY

Golden L iving N ursing C enter C ertified N ursing A ssistant W aynesburg, P ennsylvania 1 5370 N ovember 2 014 t o May 2 016

Cherry T ree N ursing C enter C ertified N ursing A ssistant U niontown, P ennsylvania 1 5401 A pril 2 014 t o D ecember 2014

Pappy’s R estaurant S upervisor H opwood, P ennsylvania 1 5445 A pril 1 994 t o O ctober 2 010 Columbia G as S mithfield,Pennsylvania 1 5478 O ctober 2 01 t o A ugust 2 017 Columbia G as. C ustomer S ervice R epresentative. October 2 016 t o A ugust 2 017

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