Curriculum V itae
o f
Ngwamakhutso C onstance T hobejane
Surname: T hobejane First n ame: N gwanamakhutso C onstance Date o f b irth: 1 985/10/24
I.D N umber: 8-510********* Nationality: S outh A frican Gender: F emale Marital s tatus: S ingle
Health: E xcellent Home l anguage: S epedi
Other: E nglish Residential a ddress:152 s tilt A venue
R abie R idge
M idrand
1 132 Postal a ddress: P .O B ox 1 7640
R abie R idge
1 132 Religion: C hristian Cell N umber: 0-712****** Next o f k in: T hobejane D amoi Contact N umber: 0-763******
Institution: M akuane S econdary S chool High s tandard: M atrix( g rade 1 2) Subjects: E nglish
A frikaans
B iology
M athematics
G eography Year O btained: 2 004 TERTIARY Q UALIFICATION
Institution: U niversity o f L impopo Degree: B achelor o f S ocial w ork Year o btained: 2 014 KNOWLEDGE A ND S KILLS
● Counseling s kill
● Good c ommunication s kill
● Ability t o w ork u nder p ressure
● Knowledge o f b atho P ele p rinciples
Intitution: D epartment o f S ocial d evelopment Position: S ocial w ork i nternship Duration: O ctober 2 015 t o S eptember 2 016 DUTIES P ERFORMED
● Writting i ntake r eports
● Provides c ounseling
● Application o f f oster c are g rants f or f oster c hildren
● Monitoring a nd s upervision o f f oster p lacement
● Educating c hildren a bout s ubstance a buse
● Conducting a doption p rocess
● To p rovide c ounselling.
● Using s ocial w ork s kills a nd t echniques t o h elp t hose w ho a re i n n eed o f s ocial work s ervice.
● To h elp t hose w ho a re i n n eed o f s ocial w ork s ervices e specially t hose w ho a re marginalized s uch a s d isability, v ulnerable p eople, a nd e lderly.
● Conducting d uties a ccording t o t he e xpectation o f t he o rganization. REFERENCES
Name o f i nstitution: D epartment o f S ocial d evelopment Contact p erson: M s M ahlatjie S Position: s upervisor Conduct n o: 0-711****** Name o f i nstitution: D epartment o f s ocial d evelopment Conduct p erson: M s L ebogo M .T Position: S ocial w ork Contact n o: 0-760******/076*******