On-site c oordinator - W e C are M edical.LLC, L ewisburg, W V 2 4901 ( H) 304-***-****
Service C ountry: U nited S tates B ranch: N AVY R ank: E -4.SH3 I s erved o nboard a C ombat S upply V essel The U SSCONCORD A FS 5 .My p rimary d uties i ncluded a ll w eapons a nd w eapon S hip G unner t hen l ater I s witched t o S upply D ept.I w orked i n Q & A .Marketing,Ware h ouse s upervisor, S hips S tore a nd Vending, i nventory, D ry C leaning L aundry S upervisor,Barber S hop S ervices.Commendations: B attle E.Efficiency A ward.Good C onduct A ward.Company H onorman B oot C amp T raining C o.918 S tate F lagg Division.Honorable D ischarge.Electricity/Electronics C ertificate.Basics o f L aw Certificate.ADDITIONAL I NFORMATION.
Professional S ummary
Program m anagement p rofessional s pecialized i n t eam l eadership, r esource c oordination a nd c ustomer service.Human R esources a nd A dministrative s kills. P rofessional S ummary [ Job T itle] w ith e xpertise i n delivering s upport s ervices a nd r esolving c ustomer c omplaints. T rained i n [ Software P rogram]. M otivated customer s ervice s pecialist w ith o ver [ number] y ears r etail e xperience i n a f ast-paced, t eam-based environment. F riendly S ales A ssociate a dept a t w orking i n d iverse r etail a nd c ustomer s ervice environments. H ighly o rganized a nd d etail-oriented O FFICE/ H UMAN R ESOURCE M anager w ith m ore than 1 0 y ears e xperience s upplying t horough, o rganized a dministrative s upport t o 3 s enior e xecutives. Skills
Program m anagement T eam l eadership P roject T rusted k ey h older c oordination P roactive m indset H iring and Q uick l earner r ecruitment k nowledge P ersuasive e mployee r elations c ommunication s tyle p lanning Organization D ata m anagement f amiliarity C reative p roblem s olver E xceptional c ommunication s kills
[Number] W PM t yping s peed 4 0 W PM
Work H istory
Professional p hone e tiquette E xcellent c ommunication s kills D atabase m anagement A rticulate a nd well-spoken C ustomer s ervice-oriented F lexible A ccurate a nd d etailed E xcellent p lanner a nd c oordinator Works w ell u nder p ressure H uman r esource l aws k nowledge S ocial m edia k nowledge P leasant d emeanor Appointment s etting C ompensation a nd b enefits T eam b uilding I nvoice p rocessing M ulti-line p hone proficiency C ritical t hinker H IPAA c ompliance F iling a nd d ata a rchiving E mployee t raining a nd development
site c oordinator
We C are M edical.LLC – L ewisburg, W V
Primary d uties i nclude t he o pening a nd c losing o f t he s tore.Essentially I h ave 2 0 o r m ore y ears e xperience in t he f ield o f h uman r esources, c oordinator, a nd a dministrationwith s ales.Ensure t he d elivery a nd completion o f a ssigned t asks f or p atients o f W eCare M edical.LLC U tilize a v ariety o fcomputer software.Titles i nclude M icrosoft b rightree, e lectronic e mail, s preadsheet, a nd i nternet o ptions.Maintain monthly t otals o f s ales, p roduction f or c ustomers a nd p atients.Input a nd u pdate n ew p atient a ccounts w ith medical, c linical, i nsurance, a nd d emographic i nformation i nto t heMicrosoft/brightree s ystems.Effectively manage e mployee a nd c ustomer c onflicts w ith q uick p roactive m anagement p roblem s olvingtechniques. Ensure s tore c leanliness a nd a ppearance f or b oth t he c ustomer a nd e mployee n eeds.Follow c ompany guidelines a nd k eeping o pen a c lear l ine o f c ommunication w ith c ompany s upervisors andcoworkers.Administered $ [number] y early b udget. 5 0,000.00. 08/2016 t o 0 1/2017 S tore M anager G oodwill I ndustries – L ewisburg, W V Complete d aily o perations o f b oth O pening a nd C losing t he S tore.Make d aily c ash d eposits a nd m ake change f or t ransactions i n C ash C redit o r C heck.Maintain s tore o perational p rocedures b y s cheduling and a ssigning e mployees; f ollow u p o n w ork r esults r etainstaff b y a ctively r ecruiting n ew e mployee's a nd provide t raining.Discipline e mployees t hrough c oaching, l ikewise g ive a cknowledment o f a j ob w ell done.Conduct P ay-Roll $ K eeping a n o pen r apport w ith c ustomers, v endors a nd c o-workers a like t o maintain S alesand t he C ompany / S tore r eputation a nd r epeat b usiness.Inventory o f P roducts, P rotect patrons a nd p ersonnel a like b y k eeping a c lean a nd s afe w orking e nviroment.observe a nd m aintain a ll OSHA a nd l egal r equirements.Fire S aftey e quipment a nd i nformation e asy o n h and.maintain P ersonnel files a nd i nformation o f a ll e mployees.Administered $ [number] y early b udget. 5 0,000.00 I mplemented strategies t o i ncrease p rogram e ffectiveness. 05/2002 t o 0 3/2011 P ersonnel M anager W AL-MART S TORE – L ewisburg, W V Within t he F acility I nsures p ersonnel f iles a re k ept a nd m aintained i n a ccordance w ith c ompany policy.Conduct p ay-roll f or e mployee p aydays.Keep u pdated o n a ll M edical A nd L ife i nsurance b enefits, coordinates h ourly a ssociates j ob p erformance e valuations.Provide A dministrative s upport t o management a nd a ssociates a like.Conduct p ower - point m eetings F amiliar w ith ( Word, E xcel, e tc
).Implemented s trategies t o i ncrease p rogram e ffectiveness.Coordinated w ork b etween m ultiple departments, a nd t eam b uilding b y h aving a c omplete k nowledge o f p olicy a nd a ssignments t o e ffectively lead t eam m embers w ith c onfidence. P lanning a head a nd o rganizing b oth p ersonnel a nd m aterials n eeded for v arious p rojects t o b e c ompleted i n a s uccessful a nd t imely c onclusion. C o-workers m ust f eel confident i n y our a bility t o b oth l ead a nd l isten t o t heir s uggestions b y b eing f air, f irm, a nd c onsistent. Employees k now w hat t o e xpect i n m anagement w ill r espect t he s trict a dherence t o p olicy. P olitely assisted c ustomers i n p erson a nd v ia t elephone. D eveloped r eputation a s a n e fficient s ervice p rovider w ith high l evels o f a ccuracy. I nvestigated a nd r esolved c ustomer i nquiries a nd c omplaints i n a t imely a nd empathetic m anner. S erved a s t he m ain l iaison b etween c ustomers, m anagement a nd s ales t eam. D irected calls t o a ppropriate i ndividuals a nd d epartments. A sked o pen-ended q uestions t o a ssess c ustomer n eeds. Handled d aily h eavy f low o f p aperwork a nd c ooperated w ith t he a ccounting d epartments o n i nvoicing a nd shipping p roblems.
04/2002 t o 1 2/2002 D rivers H elper S easonal w orker UPS C ustomer C enter - C aldwell, W V U nited P arcel P ost ( UPS) - 6 544 H arts R un R d, C aldwell. W V 24925 A ssist w ith t he D elivery o f p arcels a nd p ackages U se t o w orking b oth i ndoors a nd o utdoors u nder variousconditions f or l ong p eriods o f T ime. D eveloped r eputation a s a n e fficient s ervice p rovider w ith high l evels o f a ccuracy.
10/1999 C orrectional O fficer I I t o 0 3/2002 A nthoney C orrectional C enter - N EOLA, W V M aintained Security a nd e nforced i nstitutional P olicy.Supervise i nmates a nd p erformed C ounseling i n b ehavioral management, d ormitory s etting.Make r egular r ound a nd p erform H ead c ounts, m ake r egular r ounds, supervise w ork d etails a nd r ecreationalactivities. Loss P revention M anager 0 7/1999 t o 1 0/1999 W AL-MART S TORE – L ewisburg, W V CSX T he G reenbrier H otel W hite S ulphur S prings W va - W hite S ulphur S prings, W V On r otating s hifts, p rimarily o vernights, c oordinated s ecurity a rrangements f or v isiting o fficals.Investigate problems, p repare r eports, a nd h andle E mergency P olice a nd R escue c alls- D ispatcher.Annual C PR F irst Aid a nd F irearms T raining.Worked i n G unners M ate.Coordinated w ork b etween m ultiple d epartments. Developed r eputation a s a n e fficient s ervice p rovider w ith h igh l evels o f a ccuracy. I nvestigated a nd resolved c ustomer i nquiries a nd c omplaints i n a t imely a nd e mpathetic m anner. M anaged w ide v ariety o f customer s ervice a nd a dministrative t asks t o r esolve c ustomer i ssues q uickly a nd e fficiently. D irected calls t o a ppropriate i ndividuals a nd d epartments. Customer S ervice O fficer 0 6/1985 t o 0 7/1989 S H3-SHIPS S ERVICEMEN U SSCONCORD- AFS5HONORABLEDISCHARGE - U NITED S TATES N AVY – V a Trained a s a w eapons s pecialist t o e lectronically t roubleshoot m issle s ystems a nd h andle V arious t ypes ofweapons a s a b ackup " G unners M ate" a s a S hips S ervicemen S H3 T rained I n s ales a nd m arketing, retail s alesadministered t he S hips S tore, p erformed s mall a ccounting D uties; E lectrical S afety C ertified, Received f reightshipping a nd s ales b y p roducing a v ery P roductive r ecord i n a cquiring a nd s ervicing n ew vendor a ccounts b othforeign a nd d omestic O perated t he f ollowing o utlets; S hips L aundry, D ry c leaning service, S hips b arber, Q &AShips W arehouse.Coordinated w ork b etween m ultiple d epartments.Sourced qualified v endors t o p rovide p rogram r esources.Executed c ontracts i n t imely a nd a ccurate manner.Implemented s trategies t o i ncrease p rogram e ffectiveness.Administered $ [number] y early b udget. 100,000.00 P repared m onthly r eports f or u pper m anagement i ncluding P &L a nd s ales t rends.Monitored employee w ork a nd d eveloped i mprovement p lans.Achieved r evenue g oals i n [ year].Optimized s ervice procedures t o i ncrease c ustomer s atisfaction. Front O ffice M anager 0 1/2017 t o C urrent M OUNTAIN M EDIA, L LC – L EWISBUG, W V Ordered a nd d istributed o ffice s upplies w hile a dhering t o a f ixed o ffice b udget. M anaged o ffice s upplies, vendors, o rganization a nd u pkeep. A nswered a nd m anaged i ncoming a nd o utgoing c alls w hile r ecording accurate m essages. O pened a nd p roperly d istributed i ncoming m ail. H elped d istribute e mployee n otices and m ail a round t he o ffice. M aintained a c lean r eception a rea, i ncluding l ounge a nd a ssociated a reas. Compiled c ompany i nformation a nd r elated m aterial a nd d istributed i t t o c andidates. S creened a ll v isitors and d irected t hem t o t he c orrect e mployee o r o ffice. O btained s ignatures f or f inancial d ocuments a nd internal a nd e xternal i nvoices.
High S chool D iploma: 1 991 G reenbrier E ast H igh S chool - L ewisburg, W V N ew R iver T echnical College - 2 80 U niversity D r, B eaver, W V 2 5813- L ewisburg B ranch. I M ajored i n t he f ield o f A merican Corrections a nd L aw. M y m inor w as A merican H istory. I d id c omplete t he c oursewith a d egree. I d id obtain 7 5 C ollege c redit h ours A dditional I nformation Additional I nformation
ADDITIONAL I NFORMATION A uthorized t o w ork i n t he U S f or a ny e mployer