June P iper-Brandon
*** * **** * *** C ir
Catonsville, M D 2 1228
Sam’s C lub, S evern -
Checkout S upervisor - October 2 017 - P resent
● Supervise a nd t rain c ashiers
● Assist w ith m ember s ervices
● Provide b ackup f or c ashiers
● Troubleshoot c ustomer s ervice i ssues
● Resolve c ustomer s ervice i ssues i n a t imely f ashion
● Perform r egular i nspections t o e nsure p ublic s afety a nd s ecurity Membership C oordinator J uly 2 017 - O ctober 2 017
● Develop a nd m aintain C ustomer R elationship M anagement database u sing S alesforce
● Contact b usiness m embers t o o ffer m emberships a s a n employee b enefit
● Hold m embership d rives f or e mployees t o p urchase S am’s C lub Memberships
● Attend n ew e mployee o rientation f or 4 W almart s tores a nd h ost membership d rives a t 4 W almart s tores
● Contact a rea b usinesses a nd o ffer S am’s C lub m emberships t o help t hem s ave m oney
● Develop n ew m ethods o f i ncreasing m embership b ase a nd increase v isibility w ithin t he c ommunity.
● Use S alesforce s oftware a nd M Track t o t rack a nd m aintain customer d atabase
Customer S ervice - N ovember 2 016 - J une 2 017
● Provide e xcellent c ustomer s ervice t o m embers
● Assist m embers w ith p urchases
● Upsell m embership a nd c redit c ard s ervices
● Received a wards f or m ost m embership u pgrades
● Received a wards f or m ost c redit c ard a pplications
● Received a ward f or s peed a nd a ccuracy a s c ashier
● Received # 1 C ashier a ward
Remax, B altimore R ealtor/Associate B roker July 2 016 - P resent
Century 2 1, C olumbia R ealtor/Associate B roker March 2 011 - J uly 2 016 a nd J une 2 005-April 2 007
● Assist b uyers a nd s ellers p urchase a nd s ell h omes
● Prepare a ccurate a nd t imely c ontract p aperwork f or c lients
● Conduct i nspection o f p roperties t o b e l isted, r ecommend repairs a nd i mprovements t o o wner t o e nsure b est p ossible sales s cenario
● Maintain C ustomer R elationship M anagement w ith c urrent, past a nd p rospective c lients
● Procure a nd f ollow u p o n s ales l eads i n a t imely f ashion SKILLS
Microsoft O ffice
Public S peaking
Excellent c ommunication
skills, g rammar & s pelling
Editorial S kills
Negotiation s kills
Supervisory E xperience
Quick B ooks
Employee o f M onth - F or
speed a nd a ccuracy
#1 C ashier
Quality S ervice A ward F or
providing e xemplary s ervice
to c lients.
Ruby S ales A ward F or s ales
Diamond S ales A ward F or
sales e xcellence.
Centurion S ales A ward F or
sales e xcellence.
● Attend p roperty i nspection, c oordinate a nd m onitor r equired repairs t o b uyer’s s atisfaction
● Negotiate a nd c lose r esidential, i nvestment a nd c ommercial r eal estate s ales
● Military R elocation P rofessional s ervices t o a ctive d uty m ilitary
● Prepare m arketing a nd s ales l iterature f or h omes l isted f or s ale
● Prepare a dvertising c opy f or p ublication
● Assist a nd a dvise c lients o n m ortgage p roducts
● Assist a nd a dvise c lients o n h ome i nspection r esults
● Perform r egular i nspections o f v acant p roperties t o e nsure public s ecurity a nd s afety
● Research, p repare a nd e dit t wo b logs w ith t imely n ews, community e vents a nd l ocal b usinesses
● Analyze c losing d ocuments a nd a ttend c losing w ith c lients
● Obtain a nd a nalyze m arket d ata f or c ommunities s erved
● Network w ith o ther b usiness p rofessionals t o e xchange s ales opportunities.
J & J S ervices, C atonsville, M D - O wner/Consultant December 2 003 - P resent
● Manage r esidential i nvestment p roperty
● Perform p reventative m aintenance a nd r epairs
● Perform r egular i nspection o f p roperties t o e nsure s ecurity a nd public s afety
● Negotiate l eases, s creen t enants, p erforming b ackground c heck, credit c heck a nd r eferences
● Consult w ith r eal e state i nvestors o n r enovations, p roduce s cope of w ork, a nalyze e stimates f rom c ontractors, s upervise renovations
● Purchase p roperties i n n eed o f r enovation/restoration, p repare scope o f w ork, m aterials l ists, c onsult w ith t rades p eople, receive e stimates f rom t rades p eople a nd s upervise a nd a ssist i n the r enovation o f p roperty f or r ental a nd s ale. P erform b asic carpentry, p lumbing a nd l andscaping w ork.
● Manage v endors f or m aintenance a nd i mprovements t o properties
● Prepare a nd p resent e ducational s eminars
● Prepare c urriculum a nd t each n on-credit p ersonal i nterest classes
Advance R ealty, G len B urnie B roker
April 2 007-March 2 011
● Supervise s ales a gents a nd o ffice s taff
● Prepare m arketing a nd s ales l iterature f or h omes l isted f or s ale
● Prepare a dvertising c opy f or p ublication
● Interview, h ire, t rain a nd s upervise s ales a gents i n r eal e state brokerage s etting
● Motivate s ales a gents a nd p rovide c ontinuing e ducation opportunities
● Conduct r egular i nspection o f b uilding t o e nsure p ublic s afety and s ecurity
● Continually s earch f or n ew t alent t o j oin b rokerage
● Schedule a nd m anage r egular m eetings
● Attend r egular f ranchise b rokerage m eetings
● Research, p repare a nd e dit b log a bout t imely n ews, c ommunity events a nd l ocal b usinesses
● Troubleshoot a nd r esolve c onflicts a nd i ssues f or s ales a gents and c lients
● Use Q uickBooks f or a ccounts p ayable, p ayroll a nd r eporting Nipissing T ownship M useum A ssistant C urator June 1 980-August 1 981
● Curated h istoric p roperty i n V illage o f N ipissing, O ntario
● Conducted t ours o f p roperty f or i ndividuals a nd g roups
● Organized f undraising e vents a s m andated b y P rovincial funding r equirements
● Researched a nd b ooked s pecial e xhibits
● Prepared m arketing m aterials f or p rint a nd r adio a dvertising
● Conducted r egular i nspections o f b uildings a nd g rounds t o ensure p roper m aintenance, p ublic s afety a nd s ecurity
● Received d onations o f a rtefacts f or d isplay
● Supervised m aintenance a nd t rades p eople
● Supervised h igh s chool v olunteers
● Attended r egular b oard o f d irector a nd t ownship c ouncil meetings
● Prepared r eports f or b oard o f d irector a nd t ownship c ouncil meetings
Live B altimore
● Member o f n on p rofit s ince 2 005
● Preparing c urriculum a nd p resenting c lasses a bout c hoosing a neighborhood a nd h ome b uying
● Promoting l iving a nd h ome o wnership i n B altimore C ity
● Volunteering a t p ublic e vents, s peaking t o g eneral p ublic, preparing m arketing m aterial f or e vents
● Providing e ducational m aterial a bout n eighborhoods i n Baltimore C ity a nd a bout h ome o wnership
● Receive i nstruction f rom C HAP w ith r egard t o h istoric properties a nd h istoric n eighborhoods.
Belair E dison N eighborhoods
● Present e ducational m aterial a s p art o f H UD a pproved h ousing counseling p rogram
● Promote l iving a nd h ome o wnership i n B altimore C ity
● Volunteer a t p ublic e vents, s peaking t o g eneral p ublic, preparing m arketing m aterial f or e vents
● Providing e ducational m aterial a bout h ome o wnership
● This i s a r equired p rogram f or a nyone w anting t o r eceive Maryland M ortgage P rogram f unds o r C ity o f B altimore g rants for p urchasing a h ome
● Presenting f inancial l iteracy t raining p rograms Boy S couts o f A merica T roop 3 40 a nd 9 27
● Sit o n p arent a dvisory C ommittee
● Interview b oys f or r ank a dvancements
● Give i nstruction t o b oys f or m erit b adges Baltimore H eritage Q uilters G uild
● Active m ember o f Q uilt G uild
● Make q uilts f or c haritable o rganizations
● Prepare a nd p resent i nstructional c lasses a bout q uilting
● Assist w ith f undraising f or g uild e vents
● Active p rojects i nclude q uilts f or V eterans a nd H ouse o f R uth. British A rchaeological E xpedition t o I raq
● Lived o n s ite i n B abneet V illage - a n a ctive a rchaeological excavation
● Prepared d rawn r ecord o f a ll a rtefacts r emoved f rom t he s ite
● Prepared d rawn r ecord o f a rchaeological s ite
● Assisted w ith t he e xcavation o f a s ite t hat h ad b een c ontinually inhabited s ince 5 000 B C
● Visited s urround a rchaeological e xcavations f or r esearch purposes
● Performed r estoration a ctivities o n s ome a rtefacts r emoved from t he d ig
● Packed a nd s hipped a rtefacts t o t he B aghdad M useum EDUCATION
Wilfrid L aurier U niversity, W aterloo, O N P ost G raduate D iploma B usiness Administration
June 1 997
Human R esource M anagement, F inancial A ccounting, M anagerial A ccounting, M arketing, S mall B usiness Management
University o f M anchester, M anchester, U K M .Phil. June 1 989
Archaeology a nd A ncient H istory
Studying t he s ocio-economic d evelopment o f t owns, a rchitecture, s tructural a nd b uilding t echniques a nd t he evolution o f c ulture a nd s ociety t hrough t he c enturies a round e conomics. Wilfrid L aurier U niversity, W aterloo, O N B .A. October 1 984
Religion a nd C ulture a nd C lassical S tudies, m inor F rench a nd S panish Studied r estoration a nd p reservation t echniques f or h istoric a rtefacts, s tudied r ecording t echniques f or archaeological a rtefacts, s tudied s cientific i llustration.