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Software Developer C

United States
October 25, 2017

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Marisa R . M a

Cell: 669-***-**** E -mail: *************@*****.*** G itHub: M arisaRjob University o f S outhern C alifornia M .S C omputer S cience 0 8/2015-06/2017 Henan U niversity B .S C omputer S cience 09/2009-07/2013 Work E xperience

OpenEdge P ayment Fremont, C A J uly 2 017 - C urrent Salesforce D eveloper I ntern

● Salesforce Data Management Tool (Java, SQL/SOQL/HSQLDB, Junit), this product is for Salesforce admins manage their sandbox accounts or specific permissions, import and export data from Salesforce system. I developed 5+ user interactive panels, and related back-end business control functionalities to exchange and manage data with HSQLDB. I also write Junit test cases and logging exceptions.


Congress S earch A ndroid A pp

• Java, J avaScript/AngularJS, H TML, C SS, M ySQL, A WS.

• This product was an Android App for users to search and bookmark congressman, view and collect information of legislators, bills, and committee members. Also have functionalities to filter list by their o wn p roperties, l ike s tates, h ouse, o r s enate.

• I designed all views and logics, developed 20+ front end pages and related back-end functions to store a ll t he d ata t o M ySQL.

Congress S earch W ebsite

• JavaScript, H TML5, C SS, B ootstrap, j Query, A ngularJS, A JAX.

• This p roduct w as a w ebsite f or u sers t o s earch a nd b ookmark c ongressman, v iew a nd c ollect information o f l egislators, b ills, a nd c ommittee m embers. A lso h ave f unctionalities t o f ilter l ist b y their o wn p roperties, l ike s tates, h ouse, o r s enate.

• I d esigned a nd d eveloped 2 0+ f rontend p ages u sing J avaScript, H TML5, C SS, B ootstrap, j Query, AngularJS, a lso u se J SON/AJAX c ommunicate w ith S unlight C ongress W eb A PIs. E-lockBox W ebsite

• JavaScript, H TML, C SS, P HP, M ySQL.

• This product was a website for LiveAdvantage Inc. to manage their official documents and related data o f t heir c ustomers, w ho a re y oung h omeless p eople.

• I developed 10+ front end pages using JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Also some SQL for back-end database. I also talking to the company negotiate about trade-offs between resources and functionalities, r isk a nalysis, a lso u se J IRA t racking a ll o f o ur t asks. Pokémon M anage W ebsite

• JavaScript, H TML, C SS, P HP, M ySQL.

• This p roduct w as a w ebsite f or P okémon a ccount m anagement, s earch a nd e dit P okémon p rofile.

• I designed all mockups, views, and functionalities on MVC model. I developed 7+ front end pages using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and used PHP Laravel framework to write back-end functions communicating w ith M ySQL d atabase, a lso l ogin s ecurity l ayer. Go-Moku g ame

• Python, G reedy a nd A lpha-Beta P runing A lgorithm

• This project was implementing the algorithm for Go-Moku game. I researched the Alpha-Beta Pruning a lgorithm a nd s tudied A I r elated c oncepts. I u sed P ython l anguage t o i mplement i t. Skills

Java P ython J avaScript A ngularJS B ootstrap j Query H TML5 C SS3 A JAX M ySQL P HP J Unit

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