Quinn D . E ckart
*** * *** * *** S treet
New Y ork, N Y
Who I a m
I a m a n i nnovative a nd e ffective D ata & O perations A nalyst w ith a f ocus o n d riving o perational improvements w ithin g rowth o riented o rganizations t hrough d ata-driven a nalysis. I h ave a p roven t rack record o f c reating c omplex o perational p rocesses, p erforming i n-depth b usiness a nalysis, a nd m anaging large d ata s ets w ith a v ariety o f t echnologies. Experience
Udacity B litz, M ountain V iew, C alifornia 2 016-2017 Operations A nalyst
● Launched a n i nternal s tartup w ithin U dacity t o c onnect U dacity A lumni t o f ully m anaged s oftware development p rojects a t b litz.com;
● Oversaw t he c ollection, m anagement a nd r eporting o f U dacity B litz b usiness d ata f or a ll p rojects, clients, p roject m anagers a nd e ngineers;
● Responsible f or t he a pproval a nd t racking o f a ll o utgoing p ayments t o e ngineers a nd p roject managers a nd f or d eveloping t he p rocesses s urrounding t hat w orkflow;
● Developed a nd r an t he p rogram m anagement s ystem t o t rack p roject t imeliness a nd s uccess a cross the U dacity B litz o rganization. C reated r eporting s ystems a nd p ayment s chedules t o i ncentivize Project M anagers a nd e ngineers t o m eet t he p roject's g oals;
● Created t he p roject s ubmission w orkflow w ith C RM i ntegration u sing G oogle a pps s cripts, JavaScript, w ebhooks a nd Z apier;
● Built b usiness d ashboards i n c hart.io u sing S QL q ueries o n a R edshift d atabase; Palantir E conomic S olutions, C algary 2 014-2016 Research A nalyst
● Economic m odel c onceptualization, c onstruction, i mplementation a nd c onfiguration i n S QL, E xcel and P alantir S oftware;
● Used P alantir f iscal r egime m odels t o c reate a n a nalysis e valuating t he e conomic a ttractiveness o f the 2 015 N ew Z ealand B id R ound. T he f ull r eport c an b e f ound a t: http://www.palantirsolutions.com/blog-research/white-papers-spe-abstracts/new-zealand-2015-bi d-round-analysis;
● Tested t he e conomic c onclusions r eached b y a cquisition & d ivestment a dvisors. A n e xample r eport can b e f ound a t: h ttp://bit.ly/2yyefFl;
● Provided t echnical s upport a nd s ubject m atter e xpertise t o c lients t hrough t he P alantir S upport desk;
● Data A nalyst N anodegree, U dacity – C urrently E nrolled
● Bachelor o f S cience, E conomics, U niversity o f V ictoria