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Leesville, LA, 71446
October 24, 2017

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R esume o f:

C herry L ynn P eeples-Hampton

**** * ****** * ***** S outh

Minneapolis, M N 5 5417




To g et h ands o n u p-to-date w ork e xperience a s a w orking m ember i n a n u rban r ecreation a nd educational s ystem. A lso t o w ork s uccessfully a t b eing a l eader, m anager, a nd t eam b uilder i n t he community. As w ell a s t o h elp i n o rganizing a nd r unning programs a nd b uilding s upervision skills.

Qua lification S ummary:

Perform c ompetently a s a n t eam b uilder b y b eing e ncouraging, s upervising, p romoting, organizing, a nd d eveloping t he v ision o f t he u rban p ark e xperience f or a ll s takeholders t o r eflect personal a chievement a nd g rowth.



University o f M innesota S t. C loud S tate U niversity K-12 A dministration 2 016 M aster’s D egree- C urriculum a nd I nstruction Director o f C ommunity E ducation 2 015 M ultidisciplinary S tudies Online D istance L earning 2 015 S eptember, 1 997-June, 1 999 June, 2 008 – A ugust, 2 016


Hope A cademy

2300 C hicago A venue S outh

Minneapolis, M N 5 5417


Provided e ducational a wareness d uring s chool h ours w ith s ome p ark/recreation a ctivities f or park g oers. P roviding a n e xtra h and a t t he a fter s chool e ducation s essions. To w ork w ith l earners w hile s ubstituting i n t he c lassrooms. T o w ork a s a n a dministrative manager t o a ssist f amilies w ith l earners K -12 g rade e nrollment. P rovide l eadership/management skills; d evelop/maintain c lassrooms i n t he a bsence o f t he a dministrator d uring s et/unset t imes. Kept a d aily s chedule o f d uties p erformed. S upervise l earning m aterials f or a ge a ppropriate learners. O rder s upplies, e quipment, a nd m aintain s uch o rders. F acilitate m eeting a nd p artnership with s takeholders. P rogram d evelopment s kills, I mplemented y outh p rograms w ith e xtended d ay, summer i ncluding r egistration, t ransportation, a nd d ata t racking a ccountability. F inancial tracking, o rdering m eals, a nd r ecord c oncerns f or r evamping t he p rogram, i f n eeded. Resume o f: C herry L ynn P eeples-Hampton c ontinued Park/Recreation I nternship: M inneapolis P ublic S chools Ramsey K -8 F owell M iddle S chool W ashburn H igh S chool Experiencing t he 2 1 C ompetencies i ntertwining o ut-of-classroom e xperience l earned a t t he classroom o f t he U niversity o f S t. T homas a nd t he U niversity o f M innesota a nd t o m onitoring programs i nitiatives, o ptimizing, t he l earning a tmosphere, s taff d evelopment, a nd p romoting a safe e nvironment.

● Administration- Develop a nd i mplement s ervices t o a dministratively s upport p rograms including d ata t racking/accountability.

● Act a s a l iaison b etween s takeholders t o p rovide r esources t o t he l earned c ommunity o f MPS P ark/Rec a nd C ommunity E ducation l eader.

● Assist P ark/Rec a nd C ommunity S chool C oordinator i n p rogram o peration a nd i n evaluating p rograms

● Use t echnology s kills t o o rganize a nd d eliver s chool p rograms a nd s ervices

● Observed, m aintained, i mplemented, a nd e valuated c urriculum f or p rograms R eflected growth o f p rograms t hrough c lient s urveys a nd b udgeting f inances f or c lasses.

P ark/Rec a nd C ommunity E ducational I nternships:

● Leadership: Organizing a nd r unning programs f or a dults, a dults 5 5+, a nd y outh. Reviewed u p t o d ate i nformation o n s chool c urriculum a nd i nstruction u sing b est p ractice to i mplement c hanges f or s takeholders. T o e ncouraged a nd s upport d evelopment o f Park/Rec a nd C ommunity E ducation i nstructional p rograms, e ffectively a nd e fficiently viewing e stablished s chedules, s afety p rocedures f or s upervision o f s tudents i s n on classroom a reas, o bserved l eader/volunteer p erformance i n m ock e valuations a nd compared t hem w ith a ctual e valuations. P articipated i n M PRB, M PLS c ommunity stakeholder’s b oard m eetings f or n ew p rogram i mplementations. Community a nd P ark/Rec A dministrative I nternship: Program A dministrative M anager

We W in I nstitute S t. P aul C ity S chool R AMSA C ool Y outh Minneapolis, M N S t. P aul, M N M inneapolis, M N M inneapolis, M N 2012 S ummer P rogram A ssistant P rincipal S chool A dministrator I ntern A fterschool I ntern Linda B enson ( 612) N ancy D ana B ondo N yemweye G eorge P owell 14 s taff-40 s tudents 2 5 s taff- 4 0 s tudents 1 0 s taff-60 s tudents 1 0 s taff – 4 0 s tudents

● Administration: A ssumed a l ead p osition w hen a dministrator i s o ff t he g rounds. Coordinated e xtended, s ummer, a nd w eekend l earning t utoring p rogram f or y outh K -12. Including r egistration, t ransportation, d ata c ollecting, l unch c ount, a ct a s a c ommunity liaison w ith s takeholders, p rovided e ducation f ormat f or g rade l evels. P rovide r emaining staff w ith e ducational s upport, s afety, a nd w ork e ffectively w ith c oordinators t o d eliver programs.

Resume o f: C herry L ynn P eeples-Hampton c ontinued Education

Minneapolis P ublic S chool D unwoody A cademy H igh S chool Minneapolis, M N M inneapolis, M N December, 1 988-June, 2 010 F ebruary, 2 007-June, 2 010 Harriet J ohnson ( 612-*-**-**** B enito M atias 6-12-981-**** Provided q uick r esponse t o l ast m inute v acancy i n a M inneapolis P ublic s chool b uilding t o provide r oom c overage f or g rades K -12. U nsupervised p osition t o c omplete c lass l essons, maintain d iscipline. W ork w ith y outh e ffectively. H aving k nowledge o f y outh d evelopment skills.

Organized t he c urriculum, c lass s chedules, c lass l essons, f ield t rips, o pen h ouse, p arent conferences, s cience p resentations, a nd p rovided l ast m inute c overage i n a w alk a round administrative c apacity w hen a dministrators w ere o ut o f t he b uilding. W ork w ith s takeholder i n becoming m entors, a dded d uties, l unchroom m onitor, r ecess d uties, p rovided t utoring o n t he weekends. R egulated d iscipline a ccording t o m ission a nd v ision. Associated E ducator

Minneapolis P ublic S chools H ope A cademy P rivate S chool R ight S tep A cademy Provide b uilding s ection c overage, m onitor c lassrooms, l unchroom, a nd p layground. S upply written r ecords f or t ask c ompleted. A ny d evelopmental s upport n eeded w ould b e l ast m inute coverage. B e i nvolved i n h elping t o c reate p ositive s chool e nvironment b y a cting a s a l iaison between a ll s takeholders a nd t he s chool. P rovide b ehavior s upport. M easure e ffectiveness b y t ask managing d uties p rovided. C ommunicate e ffectively, c omputer k nowledgeable, e stablishing a nd maintaining p ositive r elationships w ith s takeholders.

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